
Flowers and Petals (STOPPED)

Flowers and Petals is a vampire book that can teach a lesson in a sense, to love yourself and mostly be yourself. It's a story about three women, two of them being a vampire and one being a human. The human thinks being in love was a bunch of nonsense and was hard on herself. Life can be beautiful. Sometimes. (This book has now been stopped. It didn't go the way I actually wanted it to.)

DarkWater120 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 - She Was The Danger Zone

Maria's POV

I widened my eyes, feeling their gulps and hearing them feed on me, causing my back to arch as I began to try and escape this frenzy, somehow, but it was no use. Moving gave me pain, so I kept still or at least tried to stay still. Sienna was the first to pull away, to caress my cheek with her cold hand. She then leaned forward, placing her lips against mine to cover up the pain that was rushing through my body as Lucia was still feeding. Surely, this was bad, right?

I kissed Sienna back, before the pain just got worse. I was going to faint...

"Lucia, you are killing our mate!" Sienna hissed at Lucia, realising that something was indeed wrong. I felt Lucia release me, pulling away as she hissed at Sienna back, spraying a bit of my blood as she did so. I crawled away from Lucia, wrapping my arms around Sienna for protection.

But, she gently put me to the side as she suddenly pounced at Lucia, sinking her fangs into her. I looked away, shutting my eyes before Sienna softly touched my arm, silently telling me that whatever she did to Lucia, was done.

"Come with me, flower. Let's get away from the danger zone." she told me, referring to Lucia. Damn, she really named her that...

"I feel like I'm drained of energy." I told her, causing her to immediately pick me up and carried me out of the room, going into my room where she laid me down on my bed, sighing deeply to herself. "I wanted to claim you today, flower."

"You still can..."

"No. She almost took a fucking chunk out of you." she cut me off, shaking her head as a no. I then started to pass out due to the blood loss, watching a blurry Sienna bite into her wrist and placed it against my lips, hoping that I would take it. I didn't know what she was doing, but maybe she wanted to stop me from passing out...

"Good, flower. This will heal you. You'll only have a nasty bruise on your neck now, when you wake up. If you wake up, of course..."