
Flower of Olta

She was noble and graceful He was weak and alone She took him under her wings He grew up to destroy her world Her love for him turned into hatred In this era of mages and swordmasters they were enemies. He longs for her heart But she can never forgive him ps: the cover photo is not mine, i found it on printerest

wanttoget_rich · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2


The boy's first memory began on the streets.

He was abandoned beside an old building.

And the first one to pity him was a dog.

The dog who lost her puppies instinctively treated him like her child. That is how Kian survived till two years old.

After that, the dog was beaten badly by a street thug and died.

Kian knew the dog died as many beggars die on the street everyday, but he didn't understand what he was feeling. He couldn't understand the emotion called sadness. So he dragged the dog beside the old building and snuggled beside her, as her body was still warm.

After a few days he started to beg for food. Some people gave him food but most people looked at Kian, who looked like a street rat in disgust.

But one day, a passing mage saw him

or his talent

The mage brought Kian to his house and promised that Kian would never go hungry again. But in turn Kian must help him on his magic experiments. For the two years old Kian that was the best he could wish for, he didn't even hear the second half of the mage's speech. The only thing he knew was that he won't be hungry anymore.

The mage told him to clean himself. But Kian didn't know how to, so he just rubbed the dirt he could see on himself and the mage didn't bother to explain to him as it was okay as long as Kian didn't smell.

The first warm meal he had was amazing.

He ate real food for the first time.

He was full for the first time.

He was happy.

But the experiments hurts. Kian even fainted a few times, but he didn't hate the mage, he didn't care about the pain as he was slowly getting used to it. He was content as long as he ate till he was full.

Then after six months, Kian retaliated for the first time. The mage wanted to dissect Kian. And Kian's instinctive reaction was to refuse but that angered the almost crazy mage.

it was easy to adapt from rags to riches, but it was hard to go to rags again. Kian started to starve and it was especially hard as he got used to eat warm meal till he was full. But he did not give up, Kian didn't know why but he just refused to be dissected.

Finally when Kian turned four the mage lost his patience and forcefully brought him on the experiment table.

Kian hated the mage

Kian understood this was the last day he would live. But god seems to want Kian to live (author: that's me lol)

The imperial court discovered that the mage was doing human experiments and took him away probably to execute the mage.

They didn't care about Kian as he looks ready to die.

Kian became free.

But for what?

He returned to the street. begged for food, got beaten by other beggars, lived with no purpose waiting for the day he could finally die. But Kian had some questions.

why was he born?

whom was he born from?

He saw children happily running around begging their parents for toys. They would cry if their parents didn't fulfill their wish.

when was the last time Kian cried? he didn't know

did he ever wish for toys? he didn't dare to

did he do something wrong? if so what exactly?

did he not deserve what others deserve? he didn't know.


Kian turned four

he lost hope.

he stopped begging.

there's no point anymore.

he just curled up and waited for death.

"do you.....want some food?"

Kian's first reaction was wariness, he stared at the girl waiting for her next word.

what does she want from him?