
Flower boys

Miyoko007 · Music & Bands
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in classroom....

Teacher:okay, i am giving you all a assignment, but this time u will do it in groups, so whoever you want in your group chose them. and one more thing u will submit assignment tomorrow. class dismiss

so than teacher collect his things and walks out leaving students talking...

y/m:ahhh another assignment...(you goan annoyingly and lean down to your table)

Jungkook: but this time it's a group assignment and you will be in our group.(he wiggle his eyebrows while tapping the table.he was sitting beside you while others two behind you)

[ Name:jeon jungkook

personality:handsome, famous in collage, always annoys you.

Friends: you,taehyung,jimin.

Crush: you ]

taehyung: y/n..

y/n: yahh..how manny times i have to tell u, dont shake my head like this, it give me headache?(you glare at him who was sitting just behind you while giggling)

taehyung: sorry, i was saying where we will do the assignment?

[Name: kim taehyung

personality: handsome, funny, like to annoys y/n and shake her head.

friends: jimin ,jungkook and you

crush: you]

jimin: in my house.( three of them look at him who is sitting beside taehyung)

[ Name: park jimin

personality:cute, handsome, flirty, like to flirt with you.

feiends: you ,jungkook and taehyung

crush: you]

jungkook: no if we will go to your house you grandma will tease you y/n is your girlfriend

jimin: so? ( three of them look at him weirdly while he just smirks)

jungkook: how about my house?

taehyung: no , your brother will tease u she is your girlfriend.

y/n: what with me?

jimin: because you are the only girl in our group.

y/n: geez....( u roll your eyes from him)

taehyung: how ab.....

jimin and jungkook: dont ever think.( they glare at him)

jungkook: last time your that cruel neighbour run her dog behind us.

taehyung: i know...yesterday her daughter proposed me but i rejected her because she is only 16 years old . how could i say yes to her? but her mom instead of scolding her she run her dog behind me and that dog didnt even left me in my room thank to her daughter who took that dog with her...(he sigh)

jimin: i think her daughter was really in love with you

jungkook: yeahh hahaha( jungkook and jimin start laughing at taehyungs story)

y/n: both of you shut up, will you guys stop your that dog primeval. and we will do the assignment at my house,

jungkook jimin and taehyung: yes boss!!


y/n: i am home.( you take off your shoes and walik in) hm? where are you gyus going?

y/n's mom: to your grandpa's house.

y/n:oh, but sorry mom i cant come i have assignment to complete.

y/n's mom: i didnt say you're coming with us.( she says jokingly making u look at her in disbelif)

y/n: well mom my friends are coming for group assignment.

y/n's mom: friends? u mean those little boys?

y/n:u think they are little?(your mom start laughing)

y/n's mom: do u like one of them?(she wiggle her eyebrows)

y/n: mommm

y/n's mom: hahahaha ok ok we are going take care and dont mess my kitchen okay


so than your parents left to your grandpa's house.


so you are in kitchen and suddenly bell rings so you run to the door and open it

y/n: you all came ...come in come in

they walk in and sit on sofa

y/n:any drinks?

jungkook: cold drinks please...

so u nod and bring four glass of cold drinks

y/n: okay let's start now

jimin: what are we starting hmmm..(he smirks making you look at him weirdly)

y/n: yahh cant you think something else other than this? stupid..

jimin: hahaha i was joking, lets start the assignment...

so time skip after 1 hour. suddenly bell rings.

y/n:who can it be?

taehyung: how can i know ? we are in the same place.

y/n: aishh who is asking u.

so u walk to the door and open it.

y/n: what are you doing here????

jin: hello my lady..

[Name: kim seokjin

personality: world wide handsome, he always behave like he is your husband.

He is your neighbour ]

you looked at him annoyingly

jin: well i found out you're alone here with-hm? three boys??! (he said looking three of them who where drinking cold drinks)

jimin. taehyng and jungkook: hello...( they smile nervously, jin cross his arms and sit on the sofa looking three of them and making them nervou as hell)

y/n call her mom.

y/n:mom why this jin is here???( you scold your mom on the call)

y/n's mom: honey your dad called him i didnt so scold your dad not me.

y/n: what? hello mom mom aish she cut the call ?? ahhh now he wont let us do our assignment.


jin: hey you, who are you? (he said looking at taehyung)

taehyung: i am a good boy (jin frowns)

jin: good boy? is that your name?

taehyung: no i am taehyung and i am a good boy.(jin nod looking at him weirdly then he looks at jimin)

jimin: i am jimin

jin: so what...hahahhaha (he start laughing making four of them look at him weirdly)

jungkook: y/n who is this mental man?? (he whispers while looking at laughing jin weirdly)

y/n: my neughbour.

jimin: he also has dogs??? ( you look at him)

y/n: nooo he dosn't but dont mess with him he can bite your little friends)

..( u said making three of them look at u in shock . u look their faces and start laughing) hahhaha i was joking.

jungkook: thanks god it was a joke..(he sighs)

y/n: okay jin, now go dont disturb us we need to finish our assignment.

jin: i can help

y/n: no need

so jin shrugs his shoulder then walks to kitchen while all of them and than he start to search something to eat.

Time skip's hours later..

y/n: finally we finished it!(you lay down on floor while close your eyes)

three of them sigh while massaging their neck.so jk start poking your leg

jungkook: y/n i am so hungry go make some noodles.

y/n: yaa stop poking my leg , i am going.

you sigh and stand up lazily and walk to kitchen but you saw..

y/n: what??? you ate thr noodles???

jin: ehehe yeahh

y/n:oh god, these were for me, you stupid.

jin: yaa dont say stupid, i am your soon to be husbend .

y/n:shut up. (you grip your hair annoyingly and walk out while stomping your feet)

jimin: what happen?

y/n:i am going market .(you said and took your bag)

taehyung: why??

y/n:that man ate all the noodles.

jungkook: what?! he ate all the noodles??! aishh i know that man came here just to est.(he start blabbering while looking at the kitchen door)

so after you gone, jin walks out while rubbing his stomach, he stops when he see three of them glaring at him.

jin: what?? i know i am handsome you dont need to look at me like that....yaaa what are you looking down hm?? u pervert!!(he said while hiding his private and looking at jubgkook who was looking there)

jungkook: i am not a pervert!! and i wasn't looking there, there's a noodle on your pajama.

jin look down and remove the noodle that was on his pajama and eat it

taehyung: ekk he ate it

jin:so what? did u want to eat?....and you dont clingy to my y/n.

jimin: your y/n?? (he said and stand up along with taehyung and jungkook)

jungkook: since when??

jin: why do you care? (he sits on sofa like a king while looking at them) well i am her soon to be husband.

jungkook,jimin and taehyung: you're what??

jin:you heard right i am her soon to be husband hahahaha.

three of them look at each other and nod then look at him before they jump on him like lion.

jin:uh?yaaa!! ...oh so you wanna fight hm? okay then take this!!

jimin: ahhhhh! my ear!! (he yelled in pain as jin bite his ear)

jungkook:yaaaa! leave it! its hurting !! you old man! (he said while trying to remove his hand from his underwear)

jin: old man!!! you spoiled kid!!(jin leaves jimin's ear but grip him from his legs)

taehyung: ahh y/n ,where are you? come fast. (he was hiding behind sofa but not so far when jin grip his hair...)


jin: no one can hide from me!!!!!! ahhhhh!!!

jungkook:leave my underwear you pervert old man!!!(jin yell in pain as jungkook pulled jin's hair)

jin:leave my world wide hair!!!

jungkook: first leave my underwear!!

jimin: leave me u mental old man!!

taehyung: leave my hairs please ahhhh!!

moment later you walk in but stop when saw them.

y/n: i am ho.....what the !!!!

you drop your begs when you see the scene, jin was pulling taehyubg's hair, and griping jimin from his things and pulling jungkook's underwear while jungkook was pulling jin's hair and jimin was pinching jin's leg and taehyung was trying to remove jin's hand from his hair

jin: leave my hair first!!!

jungkook: leave my underwear!!!

taehyung: my hair ahhh

jin: you stop pinching you stupid kid!!

y/n: stop i all of you!!!!

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