
Flow of time

When Dheer signed the "one-year marriage contract" he didn't know that it would be the regret of his life...If he had known he would have made it a lifetime contract. But a dream stopped him from making more mistakes. Dreams are now guiding him to make the right decisions. Will he be able to change the flow of time with the help of those dreams? "Stop staring Dheer. You're gonna bore a hole on her face" Elisa growled. "I can't... She's looking too beautiful today and attracting all that unwanted attention from unwanted people" Dheer frowned. "It's her friend Dheer, and they are just having a chat there" "How can she smile that way towards other men. It's unacceptable. She's never shown that smile towards me except for those in my dreams" Dheer grumbled. "Yes, and those dreams are your future and you know it. You just have to win her heart for that future to happen" "You bet. I'll make sure that each and every one of my dreams about us being together will come true. I'll change the flow of time and make sure that my first dream will never come true" he was determined to never lose her.

Dwarika · General
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99 Chs

Is he handsome?

"I don't know if it counts as knowing him, but I've met him a few times. He once came to our college to meet my mentor and that's when she introduced him to me, as I was there as her assistant at that moment. After that, I've seen him a few more times and we did talk to each other about random stuff but that's it. We are just acquaintances. Nothing more"

Dheer sulked hearing her answer. In his mind, he could already see them chatting happily on one of the hospital benches. He shook his imagination away and shot another question "Is he handsome?"

She was baffled by this sudden question but still answered him "Of course he's handsome. Just look at Dr. Shah. Good looks run in their genes. And not only handsome he has got a really charming personality. I mean there's something about him that captivate people around him. At that time whenever he visited all the female students, nurses and even doctors would buzz around my mentor's cabin. They always said that they were jealous of me" she laughed at she recall that.

Dheer cursed himself for asking this question. 'Was all the events today not enough for you that you had to ask this question Dheer. Oh God! I really need to take lessons from Elisa' he sighed inwardly. Not wanting to continue to torment himself further, he Cleared his throat and said "let's call it a day Anaya. I'm exhausted today. I didn't know that working in the hospital can be this tiring."

"Yes, it's tiring but satisfying to be able to help others in times of their need. You should rest now. Good Night Dheer.' She stood up and began to walk towards her room.

As if remembering something, Dheer suddenly said "Anaya, I won't stop you from investigating the matter with us but be careful. They might be dangerous. Also, I've hired some bodyguards around you so don't get scared of you notice them. I'll send you their details, have a look at it so that you know who to ask for help in case of emergency."

Anaya nodded. She knew that it was dangerous and after what happened back then there was no way that she would take any risks when it comes to her safety. So she didn't refuse him. She smiled at him and said "Thank you. You should rest now. We have a case to solve so you better rest so you can give your hundred percent"

"Good night Anaya" he said as he got up and head towards his room.

Time flew, and soon it was a day before mama Oberoi's birthday.

The investigation progressed and soon they got some leads and gather pieces of evidence against the suspects. They were sure by now that Dr. Veer was indeed involved but lack substantial evidence to support their accusations. The only relief was that he was the only doctor who appeared to be involved in this case and other doctors we're clean. However, there were some nurses and ward boys who were involved in it.

All in all the case was progressing remarkably and they just need some time and more evidence before they can reach the mastermind and bring out the whole truth and put them behind the bars. Dheer and Anaya worked together the entire time and now the distance between them seemed to be decreasing.

Everything was going great but as his mother's birthday was approaching, Dheer was getting more nervous because of the deadline of his divorce approaching. Although everything was going according to the plan and Anshika had taken their bait, but they still couldn't find her so-called brother. So they decided to just unmask Anshika for now and deal with this brother of hers as he makes a move.

Dheer had taken a day off today to put their plan at the action. Today they will unmask Anshika and show Anaya that her true face so that she would give their marriage a chance and won't divorce him.

*****Dheer's apartment*****

Dheer was parading back and forth the entire living room area, anxiety, and worry lines evident on his face.

"Stop it Dheer. I m getting dizzy watching you marching here." Elisa said annoyed.

"Stop fussing bro. It'll work out. It's all going according to plan. Just relax and wait for them to make a move. You just get ready and bring Anaya to rendezvous after she comes from the hospital." Arav tried to calm him down.

Just then his phone ringed and the screen flickered showing that it was his mom who's calling....