
Floating through the multiverse

What do you love? Why makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you...human? And...what would you sacrifice to achieve your goals? Embark on this journey alongside a fellow man , who might or might not become something else along the way towards greatness. And make no mistake , he will get there. Using whatever means necessary... . . First world - Game of thrones (current world) Second world - Avatar The Last Airbender Third world - Cyberpunk . . The power system will be a combination between Reverend insanity , Lord of the Mysteries and Soul of Negary. The first 12 chapters are spent in a hell similar to the hell from Custom Made Demon King , only more advanced as a society. “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

FangYuan1234 · Movies
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85 Chs

Reverend Insanity

As I watched the demon with the corner of my eye , I couldn't help but remember my arguably short life.

My family was the epitome of middle class.

My parents were caring .

I wasn't bullied at school or anything like that.

I wasn't too dumb or exceedingly smart .

I didn't look bad nor was I very handsome .

I had some friends .

I even had a dog (Damn , I already miss you Leo)

Overall, I was a very ordinary kid. But that's neither here nor there .

No no no , my REAL life started when I realized I didn't HAVE to be that way.

That I could be whatever I wanted .

That true greatness is EARNED, not given, and it can only be earned through sweat and blood and tears .

I used to like anime and through that I started reading manga and then manhua and then novels.

You know , the weeb staircase.

And then I found it.

A gem unlike any other .

A masterpiece beyond my wildest dreams...

It shattered the shackles that were already encroaching my mind...

It allowed me to understand...

That wealth is merely a hoarding addiction .

That the attention we seek shall fade all the same.

What men and women ? It's merely primal desires .

Reputation? It's merely bullshit people spew about you , carrying the stench of depravity.

I saw an ordinary man challenge talent , tradition , luck and even fate itself with only perseverance, wit and ruthlessness as his weapons.

I saw a man climbing out of the ordinary abyss with nothing but hard work and dedication .

I saw him fight with all his being for what he wanted , and I realized....

....What am I compared to that? I have no purpose, no will , no strength.

Why can't I be like that ?

And the answer was simple. I could. But I had to be prepared to pay the price.

That was the day I was born anew.

The day I realized that my time is limited .

The day I decided to chase my dreams.

Through countless hours I have strengthened my will .

I learned as much as I physically could.

I trained to exhaustion .

I read all the books on self improvement I could find .

I learned to understand and manipulate people.

I learned how think like a winner and how to learn from loss. How to retain information and how to fight a war (thank you Sun Tzu you rap god you)

Sure , I burned out countless times and I relapsed into my bad habits way more than I thought I would. I failed again...and again...and again.

But that's ok .

I understood long ago that the only difference between winners and losers...is that winners get back up.

Fast forward a few years and I'm in med school, wanting to learn how the human body works to maybe help develop some synthetic organs or some such.

Then I go to bed one night and poof , Avada Kadavra, I'm in hell. I only remember going to sleep...

Quite the surreal experience, huh?

It's all right though. I made up my mind long ago that while I may be killed some day , by nature or by fellow men , I shall never be defeated .

***Whoosh* *Crack*

Umm , why is the demon angrily snapping his whip?

"Why are you grinning, human?"

Oh , Ohhhh. Was I grinning?

Well I guess I was.

This whole thing is just setting in you know.

I'm in a fictional place , sooo if I make a few ,,logical,, leaps (since logic has long been dead it seems ) , maybe....just maybe other fictional places may be real too.

That's quite an interesting and scary thought isn't it? Sooo much new stuff to learn.

***Whoosh* *Crack*

Ouch , that hurt. What an angry demon . Why can't I have my deranged laugh in peace? I'm even moving the rocks all the time. Speaking of which, these are fucking heavy .

I don't have a watch but It must have been more than an hour since the red dude spawned. My muscles are very very sore and it's getting worse.

It's only a matter of time until I collapse from exhaustion...maybe. If my soul body theory is correct, than I can't really ,,collapse,, physically in this place. I bet I can't even sleep or fall unconscious. Wouldn't be much of a punishment if I can sleep for most of the time , no?

Anyway, more tests are needed. Do I regenerate or will I just take damage until I'm nothing but a pile of goo on the ground ?

***Whoosh* *Crack

Fuck , I'm getting slower . I'm gonna get another whip sooner rather than later. Pain tolerance training for the win , wooo. Maybe I can learn to enjoy it?

Would that be a sin?

Does sinning here add to my punishment?

So many questions I need answers to. And I only have Mr demon to ask.

For some reason I am all alone with my warden.

In the middle of nowhere...

There is no living being I can see or hear around us. Except for a few demons appearing and disappearing randomly like they are endermen (are we sure this is not a Minecraft Isekai) .

And no , the gigantic bugs don't count.

Those are abominations and I won't even look at them as they fly around. But maybe they can be tamed? They must have more complex brains than those on earth....

No no , no flying bug mounts , bad idea bad.

***Whoosh* *Crack*

Fuuuuuuuuuuu, it stings like hell (hehe) but why do I feel more revigorated?


Ooh .


Awesome , 10/10 would visit again if I was a masochist. Cool torture ideea . Work till exhaustion and then get whipped to regain energy following even more work. The perfect cycle. I bow before you great architects of hell.

Truly fabulous.


Only later would I find out just how wrong I was...