
Floating through the multiverse

What do you love? Why makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you...human? And...what would you sacrifice to achieve your goals? Embark on this journey alongside a fellow man , who might or might not become something else along the way towards greatness. And make no mistake , he will get there. Using whatever means necessary... . . First world - Game of thrones (current world) Second world - Avatar The Last Airbender Third world - Cyberpunk . . The power system will be a combination between Reverend insanity , Lord of the Mysteries and Soul of Negary. The first 12 chapters are spent in a hell similar to the hell from Custom Made Demon King , only more advanced as a society. “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

FangYuan1234 · Movies
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85 Chs

Progress and Math

Blackwater Bay, under the cloak of the night, was a vast expanse of water that stretched as far as the eye could see. The moon hung like a ghostly lantern in the sky, casting a silvery sheen across the gently rippling surface of the bay. The distant lights of the Red Keep and King's Landing flickered like stars along the coastline.

The bay itself was a deep, dark void, its depths concealing secrets and treacherous currents. The waves whispered softly, the sound a soothing lullaby that belied the dangers lurking beneath. The occasional glint of moonlight off the water's surface gave fleeting glimpses of its vastness, but for the most part, it was a world shrouded in shadows.

To the west, the silhouette of Dragonstone loomed on the horizon, a stark reminder of the Targaryen legacy.

A surreal sight unfolded over the tranquil waters of Blackwater Bay.

A disembodied soul, bathed in an ethereal purple glow, hovered serenely above the surface. It emanated an otherworldly sense of peace, an anomaly in the midst of the mortal realm's turmoil.

The soul seemed to be in a state of deep meditation, suspended between the realms of the living and the ethereal. Its form, though indistinct, radiated a gentle luminescence that played with the ripples of the bay's water. It was as if the very essence of the soul danced in harmony with the moonlight, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

The ethereal soul, its radiant purple form still hovering above Blackwater Bay, appeared to beckon with a ghostly hand. Within its translucent grip, it held a pulsating bundle of energy, a vibrant manifestation of otherworldly power.

As it brought the bundle closer, an unsettling transformation overcame the soul. Its serene countenance contorted into a manic expression, its eyes aglow with an intensity that defied mortal understanding. With a frenzied resolve, the spectral hand clenched tightly, and the pulsating energy within began to pulse erratically, as if struggling against its impending fate.

And then, with a startling burst of energy, the soul crushed the pulsating bundle within its incorporeal palm. A violent surge of power emanated from the act, sending ripples of mystical energy cascading outward, disturbing the stillness of the bay's waters.

In the wake of the soul's astonishing act, the tranquil waters of Blackwater Bay stirred with newfound vigor. A sudden and unnatural upheaval surged from the depths, as if the very essence of the bay itself had been ignited by the soul's actions.

Columns of water burst forth, rising like towering serpents of liquid, illuminated by the eerie, residual glow of the soul's energy. They spiraled and danced, their aquatic forms twisting in an otherworldly ballet that defied the laws of nature. Each crest sparkled with an ethereal radiance, casting shimmering reflections across the dark expanse of the bay.

But the grand spectacle of water serpents abruptly ceased, their shimmering forms collapsing inwards like deflating balloons. The once tumultuous waters of Blackwater Bay returned to their usual calm, as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever occurred.

The soul, hovering above the surface, bore an inscrutable expression on its ethereal face.





Negary Pov :


'I've been tricked, backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled.' I thought as I watched the mana I accumulated over the past week go down the drain with such a weak display.

To understand my dissatisfaction, I present to you...math.




A baby's soul is created , as far as I could see , during the nine months it spends in it's mother's womb.

Still , ,,assembly,, would be a more fitting description.

The mana produced by the mother's soul somehow purifies the surrounding soul energy , cleansing it of most of its remaining memories and tiny fragments of personality , and then , over a period of a few months, a new , weak soul is created.

Mana seems to be different from soul energy in a way I can't yet understand.

But mana can not be used for improving my soul foundation from what I can see.

Still , maybe it can be used for refinement, but as of yet , I have made no progress in that avenue.


Still , because I am a scientist at heart , I decided to make an unit of measurement for the mana I generated.

If a normal human soul can generate enough mana to purify 1/10 of a soul in about 9 months , then logic dictates that it should be able to purify 1 soul worth of soul energy in 90 months.


And so , I present to you...the Mana soul , or MS for short.

It is equivalent to the mana produced by a 1man soul over a duration of 90 months.

The mana needed to purify one whole soul from nothing but surrounding energy (intent is needed as well but that's another story).


Now , my current soul is a 500 man soul , which means I generate an amount of mana 500 times greater than a normal man , making me able to produce a Mana Soul (MS) in about(90x30/500) 5 days or so.


Yeah , you heard me right.

Since I reached King's landing a week ago, the most populated city on the continent (I think) , well , it wasn't all that hard to find me some souls , be it from old people with one foot in the grave , the sick , the injured , the homeless yada yada yada.

It was an all you can eat buffet, and I had my fill.

Literally, I couldn't absorb any more souls without feeling a bit bloated.

The soul refinement I endured during my stay in hell had finally reached its limits.

Now I needed to find alternative ways to refine it , but that's for later.

Now....more math!

Remember the exercises I did back in Winterfell by moving pieces of paper?



To lift a standard A4 paper sheet, you would need an extremely small amount of force. The weight of an A4 paper sheet is typically around 5 grams (0.005 kilograms). To calculate the force required to lift it, you can use Newton's second law of motion:


F = m x g



- (F) is the force in Newtons (N),

- (m) is the mass in kilograms (kg), and

- (g) is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.81 meters per second squared (m/s²) on the surface of the Earth.(it may be a different in this world idk)

So, in this case:

F = 0.005 kg x 9.81 m/s^2 approx 0.0489 N

Rounding to practical terms, I would need approximately 0.05 Newtons of force to lift an A4 paper sheet. This is an extremely small force, as A4 paper sheets are quite lightweight.


Following me so far?


Very good.

And remember that I used to do this using only the generated mana equivalent to a 1man soul.

Doesn't sound too impressive, no?

Well , now , by using the mana my badass 500 man soul generated Each second , I could float about 2.5 kilos of mass....indefinitely.

Still not all that impressive, but we are getting there....

I realized early on that I can ,,supercharge,, my intent with mana , making the results more pronounced.

What I did not realize until I managed to gather a significant amount of mana , is that more mana was indeed adding more ,,oomph,, , but I got diminishing returns.

'It can't be that bad...'

That's what I used to think, you know?

So , to understand exactly how bad it was I designed a small experiment , by gathering all the mana I produced over a few days , reaching an amount almost equal to 1MS.

Then , during the night , I left Leaf to take care of my body while I flew over the Blackwater Bay to test my mettle.

By using EVEN MORE MATH , I calculated that if the growth of my powers would be liniar , I would be able , for a single second, to lift about 1000 cubic tons of mass.

Yeah , you heard that right too.

To put things into perspective, an adult blue whale , the biggest animal on earth weights about 200 tons.

'It will be awesome' I thought to myself.

I reached a few miles away from the shore , took an unnecessary deep breath and channelled all the mana I gathered into 𝗼𝗻𝗲. 𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗿. 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲.

Making the water rise.

And rise it did , and I found my mind less strained than usual , allowing me to manipulate the water I was floating around a little bit.

But compared to the maybe 50 cubic tones I was hoping for....I merely got 2.

Barely enough to fill a small pool.

It was still good , eclipsing any other feat of power I have achieved, save for maybe molding Mr. Fuckface's soul into a spear , but that's besides the point.

The important thing was that I was leaking mana like a damn faucet for some reason. Most of it was expelled in the surroundings, doing nothing but shaking my surroundings a bit.

It wasn't the mana that was faulty though , it was me.

The way I controlled it , to be exact. Hmm...

I was expecting that relying solely on desire and willpower wasn't how most mages did things, but I did not expect my approach to be this wrong.

Still...it didn't really matter , no?

I was still alive , so I could learn.

I could train.

I could be better.

'I didn't fail' I thought to myself 'I learned'

'And I already have a few ideas on how to improve...'

And with these positive thoughts spurring me on , I started flying back towards the Red Keep.

Dawn was fast approaching, unfortunately, and I had some things to do with my flesh golem.

'But first.... let's go whisper some ,,divine truth,, to some priests...'





Melisandre pov :


As the crimson light of dawn filtered through the temple's stained glass windows, I knelt in fervent devotion before the fiery heart of R'hllor, my lord and savior. The flames danced to the rhythm of my prayers, their fervor matching the passion in my heart. I felt the warmth of His presence envelop me, a comforting embrace that reinforced my faith.

But as I finished my morning ritual and rose from my knees, I sensed a subtle disturbance in the very energy of the world around me. It was like a ripple, a disturbance emanating from something greater.

My eyes narrowed in contemplation as I pondered the source of this anomaly.

Who or what could have caused such a disturbance? The powers of R'hllor are not to be trifled with, and His influence is known to reach far and wide. Could it be a manifestation of His divine will? Or perhaps something more sinister, a force challenging the dominion of the Red God?

I knew that I must remain vigilant, for the Lord of Light's plans are mysterious and intricate, and His followers must be ever watchful for signs and portents. Whatever had caused this disturbance, I was certain that it held significance in the grand tapestry of His divine design.

Melisandre's thoughts drifted back to that night, two months ago, when her sacred chamber had been alight with crimson candles, and her prayers to the Lord of Light had filled the room with fervent devotion. It was a memory she revisited often, for it marked a moment when her unwavering faith had encountered an enigmatic message.

In her chamber, the crimson light of candles had flickered, casting dancing shadows across the room as she knelt in deep communion with R'hllor. Her faith had been a beacon of unwavering certainty, her path clear and illuminated by the flames of prophecy. It was a night like any other, with her devotion steadfast and unwavering.

And then, in the midst of her sacred ritual, it had happened—an interruption in her connection with her Lord. The sensation had been jarring, akin to a sudden gust of wind extinguishing her candles. Her eyes, once glowing with fervent faith, had shifted to a deep red as she listened to the voice within.

"Things have changed," the voice had whispered, adopting the ethereal quality of a young woman. It had been a message that had left Melisandre intrigued, rather than fearful. Her faith remained as unyielding as ever, and her loyalty to R'hllor unwavering.

The memory of that night was etched into her mind, not as a source of doubt, but as a puzzle to be solved. Her curiosity burned as fiercely as her devotion, for she was certain that her Lord had a purpose for sending that message. She yearned for guidance, for a revelation that would illuminate the meaning behind those enigmatic words. Until then, her faith would stand resolute, her heart burdened only by the desire to comprehend the changes that her Lord had foreseen...






""Because hardships strengthen resolve, the strong-minded will not be lured by worldly affairs.


Today I step on grass; later I shall step on mountains and rivers!"


From today, I will walk on the path of supremacy!


Sweep the earth and laugh at the world.


Tread the green mountains; step on the blue seas; bind the blue dragon; assault the sky!

Bath in difficulties and sharpen the demonic soul;


Lift the flag and sing in triumph; defy heaven, defy fate, defy the universe!"





Stat sheet changes :


Soul base : 30->500

Further soul refinement needed

No changes in skills because he focused solely on absorbing souls ,

but he has some of the most skilled souls waiting to be ripped apart for skills .


His bodily strength also did not increase because no mana was supplied for it .