
Fleeing From Fate

Seth Berner is a boy hated by the gods, they cursed him and tried their best to stop him from growing. After he dies, he learns of a system. After swearing at the servant of a god, he saves himself from another horrible life, and is reborn as a baby prince in a different world. Follow Seth as he learns of his past and grows stronger (or steadily descends into madness). All with the ultimate goal of being the only one able to control his fate. I am new to writing novels so please tell me what I can improve, I will be in your care.

H3LL0_W0RLD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Magic Body Formation

Seth practiced the new technique for a full week before figuring out how to flow the magic specifically into his capillaries and spread through his skin. With Seth's tiny body and massive magic pool, it was rather easy to finish replacing half of his skin once he figured out how. Seth completed the skin part in just a day, though it was harder than the blood and took almost ten times the amount of magic power. Seth could feel the massive strength he had gained so far and he felt that nothing could pierce through his skin, even if something could it would regenerate in literally no time at all. Turning his body into magic power would have allowed Seth to strengthen any part of it at will and regenerate any broken part instantly with magic. Seth's half magic blood and skin had gained these properties as well, albeit weakened.

Seth felt satisfied with his progress so far so he took a break from using it before moving on to replacing his muscles. He was walking to class with Jack and Spencer. They walked in total silence, none of them was very good at interpersonal communication. They hadn't made any more big ruckuses and nothing had exploded in the past week. Their practice with enchanting things had gone well and they could already enchant things in just a few minutes. The other boys had noticed that Seth hadn't been enchanting things for a week, but they knew that he was just practicing something else.

Seeing that Jack and Spencer had gotten quite good at enchanting things, Seth told them about the magic body formation technique. Jack and Spencer listened attentively. Hearing about the technique, they both decided to try it. Jack's body was weak, it was just barely in the Peak Mortal tier when strengthened with magic. Thus, he decided to replace his entire body with pure magic power. Spencer, however, was an all-rounder like Seth and decided to follow in his footsteps.

Jack did quite well, much better than Seth, in fact. He finished replacing all of his blood in under an hour. Spencer also did much better than Seth, replacing half of his blood in the same amount of time as Jack. Seeing how good his friends were doing, Seth felt a little saddened. They were doing it so much better than him. The boys didn't want to ruin their momentum, so they continued on to the skin portion. They hurt Seth's ego even more as they powered through that on their first try, finishing it before class ended.

Seth's burning passion was doused by his friends accomplishments. He decided to take a longer break than he had originally decided upon. He started to practice enchanting things with all sorts of different elementals. Seth even enchanted a few things with a mix of elementals and pure magic, increasing all aspects of them and giving them new powers. Seth spent two more days wallowing about until he heard that both Jack and Spencer were close to replacing their muscles fully and halfway respectively.

Seth's passion was ignited once more by that spark and he practiced the technique for ten more days without stopping, finally replacing half of his muscles with magic power. Seth felt that he could take a small break, then he was told that his friends had replaced their bones and were almost done replacing their organs. They were almost done with the whole technique. His friends were just so much better at the technique than him, it was almost no competition. Seth realized that it would take him a long time to complete the technique if he didn't ask for help.

Seth sucked it up and gave in, asking Jack and Spencer for their help once they finished the technique. The two made fun of him for a few minutes before agreeing. They completed the technique three days later and helped Seth. With his friends' help, Seth replaced his bones in just a day.

Seth felt that he could complete the technique in just one more day, he was wrong. Spencer and Jack helped him all they could, but even though he could replace his organs with magic, his entire body was wracked with pain if he tried to replace his organs quickly. It took Seth another four days to complete the technique, he was far behind his friends. Seth could feel his body's strength had increased by multiple times. He felt that he could beat Augie without shoving a ton of elementals into his body to strengthen it. And his new techniques would probably continue to help speed up his growth. Seth wanted to see his new stats, so he pulled up his status, only to be shocked by how much more he had grown than he thought.


Seth Berner

Peak Mortal

(ascended strength soul)

total: 903,807,288

Units [1,000]

Intelligence [359]

Body Strength [10,019] 10*(500 + 501)

Vitality [1,500] 1.5*(499 + 501)

Soul Strength [772,738]

Luck [7]

Magic [501]

Magic Regeneration [497]



note: stats will now show additions and multipliers to make understating easier


Units [1,000]

Intelligence Growth [50]

Body Strength Growth [100] 2*(50)

Vitality Growth [100] 2*(50)

Soul Strength Growth [50]

Magic Growth [100] 2*(50)

Magic Regeneration Growth [100] 2*(50)


Seth noticed that his Growth Speeds had changed for some reason. Something was affecting them. Seth was happy that he could increase his growth speeds by himself rather than having to increase them with treasures. He felt that if he could find more ways to increase his Growth Speeds without using treasures then he could get stronger even faster than before. He asked the system what was affecting his Growth Speeds, hoping to see what was going on.


note: as the host is using two complementary techniques that boost growth speed, the growth speed has doubled.


Seth nodded, the body reinforcement and magic body formation techniques were very good. He sneaked a peek at the book he had learned them from. That book was his saving grace. The cover of the book was worn leather, it had no words on it. The book gave Seth a different feeling than any of the other books from his library. He felt as if the book itself was alive, it seemed to be speaking to him. Seth knew that the book really wasn't alive, so he chalked everything up to his imagination.

Suddenly, the book was swept off of the table. It was Jack. Jack threw another book off the table instead, it was a book from Seth's library. Seth picked up the book, it was an encyclopedia of all of the plants and animals in the world. The encyclopedia was over a foot thick and it was almost as big as Seth himself. The encyclopedia depicted various animals and creatures, it showed their taxonomy, anatomy, and ecology. Every known thing about every animal was listed. Seth flipped through the book with interest before looking up at Jack.

"So... Why did you bring this to me?" Jack didn't say a word, instead, he flipped through the pages for almost a full minute before he found what he was looking for. He flipped the book around and showed Seth the page. There was an image of a dragon, there were tens of species listed next to it.

"All of the animals in this book are real, that means that dragons in stories and fairytales exist." Jack finally spoke, his words didn't surprise Seth all that much. Seth had already assumed there would be dragons, undead, and vampires around, it was a fantasy world after all. Many of the animals that he had seen while flipping through the book were also fantasy creatures. Seth just looked quizzically at Jack, who had seemingly wasted his time.

Seeing Seth's expression, Jack sighed and skimmed the pages of the book once again. He finally stopped once he found what he was looking for. He was looking at a picture of a ball of light, beneath it was a single word, "Angel". Seth stood up in shock. He looked Jack in the eyes before snatching the book away and reading through everything listed about them. There wasn't much information. The book had no listed species, no anatomy, and all that was said is that they live in divine kingdoms and do not requires nutrients or rest.

Seth looked through the book for another few hours, hoping to find anything else that could help him. Jack eventually left him to his devices. Seth found nothing more about immortal beings, even after reaching the end. It seemed that only angels were ever recorded in the encyclopedia, no gods or higher beings. Seth skipped through the book's pages one last time, before landing on a page with a picture of a man. There were a few species listed, they were all halflings. What Seth was most interested in though, was a certain section of anatomy, it was listed as "weaknesses".

Most of the weaknesses Seth had already known and were pretty obvious. There were a few, however, that Seth had never heard of before. There were acupoints listed out with a diagram, there were magic veins that were true to their name. Humans had many more weak points than Seth had thought, most of the new ones being important for magic to flow through the body. Seth looked at all of the weaknesses on the body and his body seemed to shimmer for a moment. He moved around his flesh and magic, making his weaknesses become pure magic power.

Seth sighed out heavily, before picking the leather-bound book from the floor. He set the book on top of the now-closed encyclopedia and went outside for the first time in hours. The bright sunlight glared down at him from above, warming his skin and causing him to sneeze. Seth looked around, hoping to find Jack or Spencer walking around. He didn't. Seth walked around the castle for a few minutes, not seeing a single soul. Seth felt it was quite odd that nobody was outside on a nice, sunny weekend. He walked to his classroom to check whether he was wrong about the date. The classroom was empty.

Seth's heart palpitated, he tensed up. Seth sped around the castle, looking for any living thing. He found nothing. Seth ran laps around the castle without finding anything. He felt he heard a scream coming from outside of the castle, so he jumped over the walls and shoved all the nearby elementals into his limbs. He sprinted through the plains outside for nearly a minute, he was so far away from the castle that it was just a dot in the distance.

Seth still didn't see anything. He looked around at his surroundings for a few moments, still not seeing anything. Seth sighed, exasperated, before running back to the castle. The castle was still empty and Seth was alone. He Just went back to his room and leafed through the book with the magic techniques. He found some interesting ones but he wasn't in the mood to practice magic. It was a weekend, he should be having fun rather than doing classwork.

Seth took out a storybook from his inventory and began to read. The book was about a young orphan that found a magic sword. He used the magic sword to become an honorable knight that protected the people of his country. When a new, corrupt king came to power, he was framed and banished from the country. He lived outside of the country, secretly protecting it from monsters. He grew stronger as he used the magic sword, he slowly became one of the strongest people on the continent.

The man stayed outside of the country for 30 years, secretly killing all of the strong monsters that came and protecting all the travelers that passed by. He was 60 by then, but he still looked like a young man. He finally went back to his country when the corrupt king died, only to be recognized by his old friends. His friends held no grudges, they knew he was framed. He and his friends fought in the dark, getting rid of the dirt on his name. They brought the situation to light. The corrupt king was an envoy sent by vampires to take over the country, they got rid of him because he was too strong. He fought the vampires and killed them all, bringing an era of peace to the nation. The man was crowned the next king and he led the nation well.

Seth closed the book and walked outside, only to see a massive group of laughing children walking around the castle grounds.