
Fleeing From Fate

Seth Berner is a boy hated by the gods, they cursed him and tried their best to stop him from growing. After he dies, he learns of a system. After swearing at the servant of a god, he saves himself from another horrible life, and is reborn as a baby prince in a different world. Follow Seth as he learns of his past and grows stronger (or steadily descends into madness). All with the ultimate goal of being the only one able to control his fate. I am new to writing novels so please tell me what I can improve, I will be in your care.

H3LL0_W0RLD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Cult of Peace?

The headmaster laughed crazily for a few seconds before calming down. He looked at Seth for a moment before ushering the trio out the door. He told them not to speak a word of this to anyone lest the consequences be immense. The friends looked at each other and nodded before leaving the headmaster in the library. They walked back out of the maze in total silence, they had memorized the way easily. Only when they left the hall and found themselves in the open castle did they speak.

"That was pretty weird, hope that doesn't end up involving us in the future." After Jack spoke, the other two boys looked at him weirdly, not much unlike how Seth first did.

"Hey! What did I do?"

"Dude, that was obvious foreshadowing, we are totally going to be involved in that creepy shit now." Spencer sighed, he hadn't been much of a superstitious person in his past life, but he really wanted to knock on wood right now.

"Hey, guys. What class are you three supposed to be in right now? I'll help take you there!" A guard walked over to them from nowhere and interrupted their conversation. The boys stopped talking and told the guard their class. The guard walked them over to the building and let them inside, his eyes flashing with an odd light. The trio didn't notice the man's eyes and they thanked him for helping them.

When the man left, the boys felt as if something was wrong, they couldn't quite pinpoint what it was but they felt it. The guard, who had just left cackled to himself as he called out to the sky. Tens of shadows appeared in the empty castle, swiftly moving towards the hall. Seth heard some scuttling outside, but he assumed it was just bugs. Seth disregarded the noise and turned to infuse elementals into random objects. Seth was very practiced in this regard, as he had a lot of practice when fighting Augie.

Jack and Spencer watched Seth infuse a few objects before trying it themselves. They were practicing this because they had read about it in a magic book that Seth had found in his library. The book had a step-by-step process on how to do it, it called it enchantment, but the way Seth did it was completely unlike what the book showed. In their eyes, Seth directly shoved a few elements into the objects before wrapping them up in a ton of magic power.

The book was rather different, however, the process was much more refined. First, you would find a few elementals. Then, you would inject some magic power into them to feed them. A single elemental would multiply once for every average Higher Mortal magic pool. It would take days to get enough elementals, even for Peak Mortals. With the elementals ready, you would then infuse pure magic into the object to prime it. Then, you would slowly bring each elemental into the object, one by one, surrounding each one with some magic power. After putting each elemental into the object, you would seal it with more magic power.

When Seth had first read the book, he was happy that other people could also infuse elementals into things. But his excitement died down when he realized how painful the process was. He knew that the reason he could do it so easily was because of his All Affinities Mastery Skill, but he didn't think it would be that hard for people without it. Seth thought back to his body infusion or enchantment, that would be impossible for people without the affinities. That was when Seth realized, other people had specific elemental affinities, which would allow them to use the specific elements as well as he could.

Seth looked at Jack, who had very few elementals floating in him, he was an enigma. Jack had no elemental affinity, none at all. Seth could see all elementals, even ones that hadn't been discovered yet. Luckily, Spencer had many elementals floating around in his body, but Seth had no idea what they were. When Seth first met Spencer, his elementals were green, then they changed to orange, then to blue, and now they were a deep purple. Spencer was yet another enigma. Seth gave up on the two, they just had a different kind of magic power than anybody else.

Seth thought of something though, he thought that maybe using pure magic in the place of elementals could work. Seth infused a tiny amount of pure magic into a small bell, he did it like the book showed but instead of using elementals, he used small balls of magic power. To Seth's surprise, the enchantment actually worked, on the first try too. Seth tested out the bell, to find that the pure magic enchantment was not only barely weaker than the elemental one but also much easier to control. Seth showed the bell to his friends, ringing it a few times.

The sound from the bell was clear and loud, even louder than the gong. The sound caused everyone to freeze for a few seconds before one of the weaker kid's ears started bleeding. Everyone looked at Seth, who had frozen in shock, it seemed that the enchantment had reinforced all aspects of the bell. Seth smirked unknowingly, he had created quite the weapon of mass destruction, hadn't he?

Outside, a few shadows fell to the ground, landing harshly on the cobblestone. They had fallen due to a loud ringing, it had frozen them in their tracks. Even in a certain hallway, a middle-aged man was covering his ears, protecting them from a piercing ring. All around the castle, and even further, people were clutching the ears in hopes to protect them from the bell's sonorous ring. The weaker students' ears began bleeding slightly, as the piercing sound was too strong for them to handle.

All of a sudden, the ringing stopped. Seth had stuck a finger inside the bell to stop it from ringing, but he knew he had already gotten into trouble. The teacher, who had frozen for a full second, looked directly at him. The teacher walked up to him and grabbed the bell from his hand, confiscating it for the rest of the class.

More rumors were spread about Seth and co, and not good ones either. There were even some people that were convinced that they had led an attack on the castle, using the bell to disarm the guards and teachers, while allowing shadowy figures to infiltrate the campus. Seth, Spencer, and Jack knew that they were in for a ride, once again. They kept on infusing pure magic into any and all objects they could find. They even enchanted the clothes on their backs, giving them defensive properties even greater than some weaker treasures.

The trio found themselves in a certain library the next day, face to face with a certain middle-aged man. The headmaster told them that he wanted to talk again. When they sat down in the library, he just stared them down, as if waiting for something to happen.

"Umm... If there's nothing for us to talk about, should we just go?" Seth broke the silence first, he seemed to be the only one able to. The headmaster didn't answer, he just looked directly at Seth. Seth shifted uncomfortably under the headmaster's gaze, before standing up and leaving the library. The headmaster didn't say a word, just allowing Seth to leave the room. Spencer and Jack looked around the room, avoiding looking at the headmaster. They sat there, in silence, for a few more moments before deciding to leave like Seth.

The headmaster said nothing, merely waiting for them to completely leave the hall. Once they were gone, the headmaster sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. He stood from his seat and picked a book from the shelf, going back to his seat to read it. The cover of the book was pink and sparkly, it was the diary of a young girl, a mage. The headmaster didn't bother closing the door, seemingly enthralled by the book.

Outside of the hall, in the castle, the shadows were watching Seth and his friends leave the hall. Seeing the expressions on their faces, they all breathed out sighs of relief they didn't know they had been holding. It seemed that the group hadn't chosen a side yet. They watched as the trio walked to their classroom and knocked on the door. The shadows still didn't dare come out, not after what had happened yesterday.

Seth picked up a small mirror, he enchanted it with pure magic. The mirror seemed to shine as it was enchanted, becoming much clearer and reflective. When Spencer looked at the mirror, he was amazed, it could reflect the motes of light that were elementals. Seth looked at the mirror, it still couldn't show anything to him with his blindness, he couldn't see reflections. Seth sighed, he knew his vision would come back one day, he was just hoping it wouldn't take this long.

Seth looked through the magic book, hoping to find something interesting. He chanced upon a chapter for body reinforcement. When Seth looked through it he knew he had found something special. This reinforcement was nothing like Seth's body enchantment, it was like something he had read in a novel. The reinforcement was not putting foreign magic into the limbs and calling it a day, it was permanently strengthening all parts of the body by washing them with magic.

Seth had to run his magic power from his magic pool into his veins and allow it to fill his veins. The book also had a later chapter about magic body formation. As his blood becomes more magical through consistent overuse of body reinforcement, it will increase his control over his magic and strengthen his body. It will also increase his affinities with all things magic, will give his body more power, and it will wash all parts of his body that require blood, which is everything. Eventually, all of Seth's blood will be replaced by his magic power, then he can move on to the next step. There were five steps or tiers. The first tier was blood replacement, then skin replacement, then muscle, bone, and organs. once all of the steps were completed, the body would be completely made of magic power.

Seth knew there would be problems with replacing his body with magic power, so he decided that the more intelligent move would be replacing half of everything with magic. He would gain many of the benefits of having a magic body, while also keeping the benefits of a mortal one. Seth even realized that his experience with doing both would allow him to create his own body if he ever needed to, from magic or cells. Seth felt that he would be secure with the knowledge to create a body from scratch, so he began to read about the art of magic body formation.

After reading the entire chapter multiple times, Seth felt he was ready to start. He slowly drew magic power from his magic pool and into his blood, His blood was already so strong that the trace of magic was instantly swept away through his bloodstream. The magic power that Seth used was minuscule and would not even be a drop in the ocean that was his magic pool. In fact, Seth felt that his magic pool was growing so fast that he could probably fully replace his entire body with magic power every day and it would be covered just by his magic pool's growth.

Seth drew more and more magic power into his blood, slowly but surely, it became more and more magical. Seth spent the entire class replacing blood with magic power, but by the end, his blood was half magic and his body was gaining more strength over time. He even felt a cool breeze wash over him every once in a while.