
return home

Jung Mina was reeling from all the facts she learned today. At first, she wanted to go up there, shake Kim Nanny till she spilled all the secrets in her belly, but now, she calmed down. In these twenty years, she has done nothing but look at the past. She has learned to look at a situation from the detached investigators point of view. 

After the second truth came out of the Nanny's ghost, she calmed down. She just methodically remembered all the words, skipping not a single word or tone. She may not have eidetic memory like Song papa, her memory is nearly as good. She had nothing but time, so, she honed her sensitivity to the max level in captivity. 

" She did not say where Song Chae Ron's daughter was ! Call her back ! Call her back ! " she screeched at Odin. 

" We can not. She's dead now. " Odin said, frowning at the place where Kim Nanny's ghost was. "