

Claire had filled two full length wardrobes with food sufficient for two weeks. It consisted of sandwiches, roasted fish and potato soup. If by any chance she is away, the children are to open these cabinets and serve themselves. This is indeed different from their daily feast of stews, rice or bread rolls, but it will serve in a pinch. The cabinets are equipped with stasis charm. The food will taste exactly like when it was put in the cupboard. 

Credence took two soup cups, giving it to Mina and Abby. Then, he got one for himself, and a sandwich for Dolce. Dolce slowly crawled out from underneath the table, watching his brother carefully. He approached one step, another when credence did not move out to grab him. Yet, he remained careful, not approaching Credence too near. 

" I am not angry with you. Come and join us. " Credence said, after a while.