
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 32

There was no response or reply to Zedd's statements. Everywhere was still as eerily quiet and desolate, as before, with the only noise been the gentle howling of the wind, which caused the dust on the ground to rise above and dance, with the wind.

After almost a minute of waiting for a response, Zedd involuntarily clicked her tongue, before she took in another deep breath and shouted on top of her voice again, "You don't have to be shy, I won't bite!! Or could it be that you fellas are afraid of a fragile lady and a teenage girl?!! Could it be that you great men are simply just chickens and scared little pussies?!! If not, then come on out and let's have a heart to heart conversation!! I am dying to meet you all!!"

But, even after all that taunting though, there was still no response. After Zedd had waited futilely for another minute or so, she silently turned around and began slowly walking back to the carriage. But before she took her thirteenth step, she stopped abruptly and a very malicious grin emerged on her ebony, beautiful face. Why did such a smile appear? Because, footsteps could be heard, coming from in-between two, broken down stalls, stationed about more than three hundred meters or so away, from Zedd's and Sasha's location. Eight men then walked out from in-between this stalls and they made their way to the ladies position.

At first, this men had confused and uneasy expressions on each of their faces, as they couldn't comprehend how they were found out. They had been observing the situation from where they were hiding, via the binoculars and apart from Grant's and Skipp's momentary embarrassment, there was no other anomaly. Everything was proceeding as expected. So how did this ebony woman come to know that there were men hiding in the shadows? There shouldn't have been a single clue that there was an ambush in effect, but yet this woman was confidently calling them out, with no hint of fear or fright been indicated in her voice or in her expression. It was even like she knew they were bandits, but she didn't give a fuck.

This thoughts ran through the minds of every single man, as they silently walked, but as they got closer and closer to their destination, this uneasy and cautious thoughts escaped from their senses. Their common sense and their reasoning went to bed and lewd and obscene thoughts filled their minds, as they became bewitched and entranced by the beauty and curvaceousness of Zedd, after they saw her up close. As they got closer, each and every one of this eight men had very lewd expressions on their faces and the ones with low self-control began to develop an erection.

Shortly after the eight men halted more than two meters away from the duo's position, Grant and Skipp appeared. They both were panting like dogs in heat. They were completely out of breath, due to them running nonstop all the way from the gate, with all the strength and speed their legs could muster. After they both got a hold of themselves, they silently walked past Zedd and Sasha and joined up with their fellow comrades in front.

"So, lady, what is it you want to chat about? What is this heart to heart conversation that you want to engage in, with us?" Jay, been so bold, stepped forward and playfully said. His eyes were, however, all over Zedd's body and he had to take in deep gulps of saliva to calm himself down.

"Since you guys are all here now, we might as well begin." Zedd said, with a sweet smile, as she folded her arms on her chest. "Why don't we all play a game?"

"A game???"

"What do you mean??"

The men were confused as to why this ebony woman would just decide to declare a gaming suggestion, in this kind of situation that she was in. Doesn't she know what was going on? Doesn't she know what they were about to do to her? Or did she believe that she could escape from this situation, by outsmarting them or what?

Although they felt a bit uneasy, but they were still curious as to what this woman was about to say. Besides, why were they even feeling uneasy in the first place? They still controlled the situation and they had their two main targets surrounded. Why should they even feel uneasy and cautious against two females? What could the both of them even do? Nothing unexpected was going to happen, right?

When this calm thoughts ran though each of their minds, the little uneasiness they felt vanished and they eyed Zedd and Sasha with the look a predator would give off, when it had captured its prey. The look of bliss. The look of obscene and perverted bliss.

"So, what game are we playing then?" A guy from among the ten men playfully said.

"Yeah. What sort of game is it?" Another guy said.

"It's a very simple game really. I and my niece will begin the process of butchering and killing you all and the last man, who survives among the ten of you wins and will receive a, uhmm, very special reward." Zedd playfully said, with her sweet smile still intact.


The ten men threw their heads back and burst into loud, booming laughter for close to a minute. Some of the men laughed so hard, that drops of tears were visible on their faces. They just continued laughing nonstop.

"What a hilarious joke!!!!"

"I just can't stop laughing!!!!!"

"Damn lady, you just cracked a very good one!!!!"

"What a funny woman!!! Not only are you a feast for the eyes, but you are also very funny as well!!!!! What an unusual combination!!!!"

"I swear man, this is the funniest joke l have ever heard in my entire life!!! This woman has just made my day!!!!"

"Wait, so how are this two ladies going to kill us?!! With their tiny fists?!!!"

"No, no, no, maybe she expects that she will blow kisses at us and then we will all fall down and die!!!!!!!"

As the other men were still incessantly laughing, Jay moved to a touching distance of Zedd and placed his hand on her shoulder and playfully said, "Lady, you should really pursue a career in comedy. But before you entertain us some more with your hilarious jokes, why don't you and your niece come with us to a secluded location and entertain us in a more sexual way?"

"Sure, why not?" Zedd said, with her sweet smile morphing into a hideous grin. "But, there is no need to go anywhere else. Why don't I entertain you fellas' right here, right now? Starting with you!!"

Immediately Zedd made that statement, she suddenly latched onto Jay's right forearm, as his right hand was placed on her shoulder, with both of her dainty hands and she forcefully and powerfully tugged at it twice, with the second sequence a lot more powerful than the first, before she immediately sprang backwards thrice, to create some distance away. Sasha, also followed Zedd's lead and sprung back as well.


A shrill, bloodcurdling scream rang deafeningly and caused the men, who were laughing loudly to pause their laughter to focus on and find out the source of this ungodly scream. When the men eyes sighted the source of this scream, in less than a second, their merry faces instantly turned ashen and they were filled great incredulity, nauseousness, and unquantifiable dread. One guy couldn't control his tummy and he immediately vomited right there on the spot. What they witnessed was quite gory and frightening. It made their scalps tingle.