
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 31

Senro was incensed, as he watched Zedd and Sasha step off the carriage. He couldn't freaking believe that he was about to be placed on the sidelines and be denied from participating in the action. This was just too unbelievable to him, as he watched this bullshit unfold before him.

Right from the time when the carriage was delayed at the gate and he easily figured out the ambush threat, to when the carriage was plying the straight, narrow road of the entrance, Senro, in his mind, was already picturing all the horrible shit and pain, he was going to inflict on the poor bastards (the ambush unit), he would come across and have a chance to lay his hands on. He even vividly imagined the drastic change in the facial expression of the idiotic bastards, when they realized that the trio in the carriage, weren't at all what they seemed to be. When the bandits realized that they were a one way ticket away from a trip to meeting their ancestors.

He was even beginning to revel in that imagination, when he encountered the desolateness of the entrance to the town and the destruction of the stalls and shops. He wanted to inflict so much pain and damage on this bastards and then watch up close, the scared, tittering-on-the-edge, pleading expressions on the faces of his victims, before he sent them up to meet their maker. He was so enthusiastic about this, but now, now he was about to be benched, without him been able to enact all this punishment. He was about to be placed on the sidelines and benched for no good, god-damn reason, known to him. This was totally unfair!! I mean, if Zedd was even going to do this all on her own, that would have still been a bit acceptable and even understandable, as Zedd normally does her missions solo. But no, she wants to even bring along Sasha, while she expects him to stay in the carriage and wait for them, like an obedient puppy. So they both actually expect that he would just wait for them, while they go hog all the fun to themselves?

No, no, noooo!!!!! No, that was just some bullshit!!!!! He definitely wasn't going to allow this to happen. Never!!!!!!

Filled with infuriated annoyance and a sense of been unjustly and unfairly treated, Senro got up from the carriage seat and began to head towards the door. He wasn't going to let anyone tell him what to do, especially if such person was a bitch named Zedd.

Just as Senro's right leg was about leave the carriage and land on the dusty road, Zedd's hand moved like lighting and she softly pressed onto his chest and gently pushed him back into the carriage. This action caused Senro to uncontrollably lose his momentum and he was abruptly pushed to the other edge of the carriage, with his back softly banging onto the second door, which was also spoilt. Even though Zedd's push was light and gentle, so as to cause no bodily harm to Senro, but still Senro stood no chance against this push. He stood no chance against Zedd's monstrous strength.

"Kassim, get into the carriage now!" Zedd commanded, as she sternly eyed Kassim.

Kassim, who was awe-stricken by what he just witnessed and was confused, as to how a woman could possess such incredible strength, quickly regained his senses, due to Zedd's command and obediently got into the carriage, without any hesitation whatsoever.

After Zedd had shut the door and locked it up, she walked past the carriage and began sauntering on foot, along the narrow road, with an expressionless face.

Sasha followed closely behind Zedd. She didn't bother to ask Zedd what the plan was, where the hell they were heading to or why they had to leave the carriage behind. She just obediently strolled with Zedd. But one thing though did bother Sasha and after about a minute or two, of battling within her inner self to keep her curiosity in check, her curiosity got the better of her and she couldn't help, but inquire "Aunt Zedd, why did you choose to leave Senro behind? Surely there must be a reason right?"

A smirk appeared on Zedd's face. She then snickered softly and said "I noticed how enthusiastic and overly excited he was and so I decided to fuck with him by leaving him behind."

Sasha face-palmed and smiled, after listening to Zedd's reason. 'Aunt Zedd at times really takes her jokes with Senro, too far.' Sasha thought to herself. She kind of felt sorry for Senro, as she knew that he was really looking forward to this.

Sasha also noticed how excited Senro was and how he tried so hard to control this enthusiasm of his. It really was hard not to notice. He was even literally shaking and shivering at a particular point. Well, this wasn't the first time he behaved in this manner. Senro had always been unnecessarily hyperactive and enthusiastic, when it came to missions. When they both started out together as fighting partners, this enthusiasm of his had almost cost them their lives and the failure of certain missions, as he would just run off, without even thinking up a plan and launch himself at dangerous opponents. If not that she, Sasha, was cool-headed and she could quickly think on her feet, maybe they both would have been severely injured or even worse. Even though Senro had matured a lot, compared to those times and his fighting capabilities and self-control had improved considerably, but that unnecessary enthusiasm and hyper-activeness was still there, even though it had greatly reduced. It was what made Senro, well, Senro. So, Sasha was already used to this type of behavior from him.

"I, also, wanted him to protect Kassim, in case anything unexpected happens." Zedd said. She, then tilted her slim neck to face Sasha, by her side, before she continued. "Besides, three is a crowd. We, girls are more than enough for those bozos, don't you think so?"

"Sure. Whatever you say, Aunt Zedd."

After walking for close to two to three minutes, Zedd abruptly stopped her stroll and turned back to approximately measure the distance between where the carriage was parked and where she and Sasha were standing. She quickly calculated the math in her head and measured about two hundred and something meters in distance. She then turned to look at Sasha, who had also halted and asked "This place seems perfect, right?"

Sasha nodded her head in approval, even though she honestly didn't have a fucking clue about what Zedd meant.

Zedd, then stared at the broken down stalls and small shops, to her left and then to her right, before she took in a deep breath of air and shouted, with her arms in akimbo "Hey fellas, stop hiding and come out!!!!!! Let's have a little chat!!!!!!"