
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Asura, a clan of the wild beasts. They resemble humans in physical features but a tall, well-built body of a trained warrior is inherited to them by the grace of nature. Females are beautiful just as that of the anonymous lady.

They strictly follow the rule of survival of the fittest. They fight for every basic needs, clothing to choosing the mate, even to breath. It is a combat were either you kill or get killed.

You might think that happens in every other clan. Right but they at least consider their family or loved ones. These creatures don't have a least sense of attachment. They believe the one who detaches himself from any other worldly feeling will rise above all.

So they don't even spare their own child. They fight till the very end till the only one among them is left.

They do have some rules to fight their own child. An age limit of sixteen and child himself has to call them for the battle by offering their blood.

Asuras have high sense of smell when it comes to their own blood. It triggers their olfactory nerve which leads straight to the brain releasing flood of dopamine causing them to crave for the taste of their blood.

As per their weakness, no normal weapons affect their strong built. Only the flares of fire can kill them.

With so much strength they could have ruled the world but unfortunately they offended someone they should have never messed with and their whole clan ended up being wiped out.

Sakda explained briefly.

Everyone's doubtful gaze was constantly focused on him making him feel awkward.

"Don't stare with doubt. It is linked to my profession so I almost know about every creature on this land"

"Who destroyed them?", Mekhala questioned.

"That is not important now. Focusing on that anonymous lady is important", Sakda shrugged away the question as if he was hiding something.

"I feel something suspicious, I will find it soon", Mekhala locked those thoughts in her brain.

"As far as I know Asura do not possess the power to control magic. Am I guessing it right", Yathin doubted.

"You are indeed right but I felt a strange aura radiating from her body. It was similar to the one I experienced in the cave of Wakuba. I also encountered this inside the cave of Nathair", Zesiro expressed.

Avisa exclaimed, "Blood stone. It is the aura that only Blood stone can emit. The essence of evil"

"Are you trying to fool around. If yes it is not funny", Sakda yelled.

"I think he is right. I have crossed my path with Demon Lord himself. His has a strong aura of Blood stone around him and any person with a basic knowledge can detect his evil aura from afar. This anonymous lady was also emitting such aura", Mekhala supported Avisa.

"I agree". Everyone nodded to her words.

It was concluded that anonymous lady was a Asura with the powers of Blood stone. Hence connected to Demon King Kalhar.

Another conspiracy lying underneath was the way she attacked Orzala.

"Why did she target her out of all or it was just that she found Orzala vulnerable?", many thoughts were hunting protectors.

Orzala herself was in a dilemma. Though her ears were focused on the discussion her mind was wandering elsewhere. Her thoughts were aligned back when Saisha started interrogating Orzala.

"Do you have any kind of connection to Asura?"

Sakda intervened, "You'r father is a Dragon warrior and you as his daughter also hold the power of fire. Yes. That makes sense"

"What do you mean?", Mekhala asked with curiosity.

Pointing at Orzala's sword, "I did not want to praise my ancestors so I did not disclose it earlier. The sword in her hand is the weapon that destroyed the whole Asura without leaving a single trait of their existence. It was personally designed by my father. The person offended by Asura was the Great king of Alaka, Adara".

"How? Adara?!", everyone exclaimed.

"Okay. Let me clear this. My father was a wizard, a sorcerer with immense knowledge of magic. He could use his wisdom to connect the weapons to the soul of the warriors. But creating such powerful weapons came with an added risk. It would deplete his life span.

King Adara was someone my father admired for his kind nature. When he came with such request he could not deny. He created one weapon which was connected to his soul of fire. This was used to destroy Asura clan".

"Weapons connected to soul?!"

"Yes. All your weapons are made by my father. I noticed them at the cave of Wakuba. That's what lead me to where I am today."

Orzala's was unable to figure the things out fell unconscious in the middle of the conversation. Neihar's eyes were focused on Orzala when she was about to fall and he was quick enough to hold her in his arms.

Conspiracy! I am weak with words but trying to improvise. hope the readers enjoy a little bit.

If not I will try to improve. So cheer me up.

Thank you.

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