
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Orzala's eyes were stuck on the bear poppy brooch to the extent that Saisha's brain was compelled to think that she is about steal that. So she warned in a low voice, which broke the train of thoughts in the mind of Orzala.

Anonymous lady continued. "I know that you all are aiming to seal Solikha back in the cave but sorry to bother you all at my watch that cannot happen."

"Who sent you?", Saisha asked.

"Does that matter when I am here dig a grave for you", mockingly the lady replied.

The next second two sharp daggers were thrown at their head with the force sufficient to break through the skull.

They were standing in a straight alignment were Saisha and Sakda held the first place followed by Mekhala, Yathin. Orzala and Neihar behind them and all of them were backed up by Zesiro.

He seems lost as he is continuously sensing those auras from the lady which is disturbing his mind.

Everyone escaped the dagger whereas Orzala was pulled by Neihar to safe side but her hand got a scratch which went unnoticed.

Swirling the knife at the tip of the finger lady was casually standing until the odour of blood oozing out the veins of Orzala entered her nostrils triggering her olfactory nerves creating havoc in her brain.

She ordered her guards to kill all. Everyone was trying their best to kill guards.

Mekhala's daggers digging cutting their body into pieces with numerous physical injuries, Saisha's serpent rod smashing their heads open, Sakda's chains choking their neck, Yathin's spear piercing through their heart, Single arrow of the Zseiro simultaneously breaching the skull protection of guards to burst out their brains, Neihar's wooden thorny wooden sword peeling out the skins like a fruit called banana. So much at a single time.

Above all Orzala their little one was struggling with her poor skills to kill guards and was trying to hide. Noticing this Zesiro used his arrow to kill those guards.

But lady watching this lashed out in a wild manner to attack Orzala but was blocked by Neihar.

She was wild as if deprived of food for ages. Clearly her target was Orzala. Neihar could see her high pitched fangs which left him dumbfounded.

Zesiro noticed his brother being at risk and everyone else also tried to stop the lady with their weapons but all the attack went in vein. She created a shield to protect herself from the weapons.

Finally, she used her power to drag Neihar afar. All the powers were nullified against her strength. She was approaching Orzala with a smirk, saliva dripping down her fangs, tongue licking the dry lips, eyes craving for blood.

Contrary to that Orzala was frightened to death, she had no idea how to protect herself from the threat. Her were shut, sweat dripping down her forehead to neck, hands gripping hard on the sword.

The lady sniffed her smell and dig her fangs inside the crook of the neck sucking the blood in pleasure. She was quenching her thirst.

Orzala's grip tightened on the sword, increasing pain inside her body which was abruptly converted to some kind of gushing warmth in tern converting to flames of fire.

Now it was lady's turn to shout in pain. She backed off scared. Witnessing this other's stood dumfounded.

Lady yelled with pain and anger, "Who are you?!"

An unresolved questioned. Finding the lady weak everyone attacked her with their maximum strength but she was quick witted to escape from them.

Neihar rushed to Orzala with eyes filled with concern,

"Are you hurt? Let me see"

Her neck had a bite mark and he finally noticed her arm which was bleeding. He tore a piece of his napkins and tied it on her arm.

Amidst the chaos, for the first time Orzala was feeling something special. Instead of backing off she is feeling as if she could risk her life for this journey.

All were concerned who that lady was and were immersed in thoughts. A side of the Zesiro's brain was focused on lady, aura, stones and a small portion was concentrated on his little brother caring for a girl like a real man.

All of them were alarmed with a single word coming from the pillar behind.

"Asura" the shivering voice again spoke,

"The lady was a Asura!", It was Avisa observing all the scenes hiding behind a pillar.

"Here comes Avisa.. the holy coward", Sakda rolling his eyes spoke in a scorned voice.

"Asura! What are you saying? They have been wiped out a long ago", Saisha responded in disbelief.

Neihar replied supporting Avisa's view, "I also think that"

"Why would you think that?", Yathin questioned.

"Her fangs and the way she behaved like a hungry beast", Neihar answered being confident.

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