
Fishing the Myriad Heavens

Tired of the schemes and strifes of city life, Bei Feng finally returned to his hometown in the countryside. While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence; My gaze upon the Southern mountain rests; Rearing a few chickens and ducks, I shall lead a simple and leisurely life! However, who would have thought that fate would play a huge joke on Bei Feng? All kinds of magical items and beings of the Myriad Worlds could actually be fished out of the Ancient Well in his yard! Even a chicken reeled out of the well ended up chasing Bei Feng all over the yard and beating him black and blue... speechless and aggrieved, he asked the Heavens: if, that day, I’d fished out a dragon instead of a chicken, what would’ve happened to me?!

Dao Is Unfathomable · Urban
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641 Chs

Being Fed A Bag Of Dog Feed

Editor: Kurisu

Bei Feng continued to walk at a leisurely pace, no longer bothering about the group of people behind him. Of course, he was not the type of person to fold his hands and watch while someone was dying. Otherwise, with his usual speed, how would these people be able to keep up with him?

His only issue was that he did not feel like engaging in conversation with those people. His character had always been rather quiet, and now that he had experienced more things, he had instead become even more cold. He didn't open his mouth often, and gave others an image of being cool and aloof.

The trek carried on at a constant pace until two in the afternoon. Bei Feng turned around and looked at the state of the group behind him speechlessly. Pursing his lips lightly, he proceeded to sit down beneath the shade of a large tree.

"Huu, hu!"