
First doesn’t mean last

It is said that first love is never forgotten, no matter what. Is it true? Chen Mei An, a young woman around 26 years old, came back from England to China with a child, to the country in which she was born. Will she be able to move on from the man who had helped her through her hardest time? Whom she was tied with from her childhood although she had forgotten? A place filled with memories she can never forget... Xiao Lei, spoilt boy from a young age. A renounced playboy in his city. A young man in his 23’s that had became a successful rich man. Ever since he lost his father, he changed. From sleeping with women and changing girlfriends like clothes to being cold with almost everyone. Will he be able to find true love? [Editing chapters at the moment for readers to understand and like the story better :3 ] {This is my first book, so read until the most recent chapters. The writing gets better with time! Thanks in advance.} [Credit to artist for the cover. Edit is by me.]

Moonyani · Teen
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32 Chs

Engagement Party

"Looks like we meet again." said a male's voice coming from Mei and Xue's back.

Mei recognized that voice. It was that of the CEO of the XIAO Z enterprise.

She turned to look at him and turned back settling Xue in her car. She ignored him completely and sat in her car driving to her house.

"How dare she!" Xiao Lie shouted as she drove away. "Every girl dreams that I remember them but this woman just ignored me!"

"Sir... Not ALL women are-" his assistant felt chills as he was going to speak so he shut up. He knew his boss could fire him for the slightest mistake. He was very narcissistic and bossy. Yet flirty with girls all over the world.

"Anyway, why did you come here?" Zhang, his assistant asked.

"My mom asked me to visit my grandma's grave." Lei yawned and put flowers on a grave that where was engraved his grandmother's name and walked out.

-At the Xiao hoise-

Lei came back from the graveyard and entered his house. His mother rushed to him and held both of his shoulders slightly.

"My son, you're back!" She said with a bright smile.

Lei nodded and walked towards his grandpa.

"Grandpa, how are you?"

"I'm good, child." The old man sitting on the sofa replied.

Xiao Gong might have been old but his hair was still black, only slight grey hair was visible. He had little wrinkles but that's it. With one glance anyone can say he is a very healthy person.

Lei's mother, Xiao Hua greeted her teeth as she saw her son ignoring him and taking casually with his grandfather.

'I'm his mother! How can he be so cold towards me!? Everything I'm doing is for his good!'

Xiao Hua is the wife of Xiao Zhian, the late president of the XIAO Z industry. He gave the president position to Lei three years ago. He passed away in a fire incident one year ago.

He had the chance to see his son's achievements and was very proud of him.

Lei who watched Zhian die became cold to his mother who didn't save him and ran for her own life. Lei was stuck outside and his grandfather didn't let him go inside.

Zhian could have been saved if his mother pulled off the light that fell on him. She was a coward, and Lei didn't want a cowardly like mother.

"Son, you-"

"Grandpa, I've found a girl to be your grand daughter-in-law." Lei cut off his mother with a grin as he was talking to his grandfather.

"Who might that be? Don't tell me it's one of those girls you meet at the bar," the old man chuckled.

"Actually..." Lei got closer to the man's ear and whispered. "She already has a son BUT no husband."

"I DON'T SUPPORT THIS!" Xiao Gong yelled as he grabbed the glass of wine in his right hand tightly. "Are there any lack of women in the world?! Why that type of girl, of all people!? She might just be after your money or just a sl*t!"

"Grandpa! Listen to me. She doesn't even want to be with me, I need your support to chase after her. Please, please, please." He pleaded with cute eyes.

"When you meet her you will understand how amazing my choice is!" Lei said proudly.

"As long as she's good, I guess," he signed and rolled his eyes.

-At an engagement party-

Daiyu prepared an engaged party since she will get married to Rui's best friend, Chao Xiang soon. They have loved each other ever since they have met.

Love at first sight? No, more like they were enemies but still fell in love. They were childhood sweethearts as well. But because of Daiyu's parents dying, she became a spoilt child thanks to the Chen couple (Rui's parents). This is what surprised everyone who got to know about it. They always fought but now love?! It was a shocking news!

Mei bought Xue and Li Tian* with her.

Li Tian is her brother that she didn't meet after she was six years old.

When she went aboard where Feng Hai lived, she met him by accident. Tian recognized her immediately, but he wasn't sure. Hence, he got closer to her as a friend and got to know more about her. After that, he explained to her why he left the country to come to England. Mei didn't misunderstand him and bought him back to China. She was glad she had at least one family member left apart from her in-laws and Xue.

(*Tian means heaven in chinese.)

Li Mei An wore a white dress with pink gems in covering her waist. They were diamond shaped. It was light yet beautiful. The end of the dress was decorated with golden-coloured silk. Her hair was down and she had a diamond hairpin on the left side tied to her hair. She also wore a ruby bracelet and necklace.

Chen Xue wore a white suit for a child of 5 years old. Although he was 4, his height was taller than usual kids.

Li Tian wore a white suit that suited his blonde hair well. He looked like an angel himself. And his gorgeous sister made them look like a perfect family. Others could gave misunderstand them to be a couple that wore matching clothes.

After Mei entered, her in-laws came as well.

Chen Zi wore a black dress that suited her dark hair and blue sapphire-like eyes.

Chen Fei wore a blue suit that suited his grey hair uniquely.

Although they were over 40 years old, they still looked young.

After some time, the other guests entered the party as well. There was a lot of food, desserts and drinks on the five huge tables. Music was being played and couples were dancing all together.

Suddenly, the lights went off and it became all dark.

"Oh my!"

"What's going on?"

Chen Zi and Chen Fei walked towards the stage and a spotlight turned on pointing them.

Zi took the mike in her hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to the engagement of my god daughter, Daiyu and her fiancee, Chao Xiang. Please come to the stage, my children." The old woman said with a bright smile.

Everyone clapped their hands as the young couple walked on the stage.

Meanwhile, Mei walked towards them to hand over the rings for the engagement.

She was looking down as the rings as she walked. She bumped into something. It wasn't a wall, it was too soft for that. Yet it's hard.

"I know you want me but there's no need to jump, darling."

'What the f*ck!?' She looked up in a disgusted way.

"Oh it's you again." She said as she looked towards him and walked away fast.

"Wait! Are you ignoring me again?!" He turned back to look at the female walking away from him. He sighed and rubbed hair fast.

"Hahah, serves you right." A kid's voice laughed.

Mei went on the stage and gave the rings to her in-laws. As she was about to walk away, Zi grabbed her hand.

"Where do you are going?" She frowned.

"M-mom... You know how it makes me feel like." Mei said with a painful voice and a sad-looking face.

"Alright, alright. Go on the terrace and take some air." Zi patted her cheek and let go of her hand.

Mei went to the terrace and took out her phone. She looked at the lock screen wallpaper. It was Rui's picture. Her eyes filled up with tears. She wiped them before they fell and sighed.

"Why so sad?"