
Unexpected Arrival

After removing the underwear from his horns, Abaddon ended up sitting on the edge of the bed with Bash at his side.

"…S-Sorry you had to see that, son."

"Embarrassment is unbecoming of you, father. I understand that you and my mothers have quite the attachment to sexual intimacy. I am prepared to see and hear much worse."

Abaddon grimaced as he scratched his cheek.

Sex wasn't really an uncomfortable topic in his home.

It was a natural, healthy part of life for most biological species across the multiverse and he didn't shy away from the topic if his kids had questions.

Unless they were still actual kids that is.

Until his kids grew into their adult forms, he absolutely refused to engage in the conversation with them.

Anytime Courtney tried to ask him anything inappropriate, he had to distract her with coffee cake or ice cream.