
As It Seems…

Lucifer stepped into a large dining hall that was as ominous as one might've expected.

The walls were painted a deep red color not much different from that of blood.

The floors were a deep black stone, darker and more exquisite than even granite.

A chandelier made of human bone hung in the air above the long table that was slowly filling up with food.

Though it was deliriously unappetizing looking.

Demon meat tends to lack that 'A-5' level of appeal…

Fruit from the qlipoth trees are the only kind of vegetation that grow in hell, so they're typically served with Lucifer's every meal.

"It's not often that you decide to sit down and eat a meal… I wonder what sort of occasion could have brought this about."

Lucifer glanced at one of the three women sitting at the table already.

She was pure white, like a snowflake, but nothing about her felt cold.