
The dinner proposal

Vanita was in the middle of getting ready for bed when her phone rang, displaying Rimuel's name.

"Are you feeling better? Are the cramps gone? "

He was still worried about her. she smiled "Am OK the pain killers helped . Thanks for your help today and am sorry about what happened "she apologized

"Your health matters more "

She promised to return his clothes but he insisted on her keeping them.

"Next time I will make sure you have fun too "She promised him

Laying down she listened to him talk about how she had jumped from one side to another.

"You almost hurt my eardrums with your screams at the pirates' ship ride. You ate everything your eyes landed on "

She laughed so hard her tummy hurt again. "That ride was so scary. I was so scared that's why I screamed "

He reminded her of her every funny and weird action making her laugh more.

Realizing it was getting late he decided to let her rest.

"You had a long day that you got sick. You should rest "He remarked

"You too. I dragged you around so much to get you tired too "

"OK go to sleep. I will be hanging up now, sleep tight " but she stayed silent.

"Vani... " he called


"What's wrong. Did I say something wrong? "he asked

Vanita said "No... I thought you were going to say something else. But it's too early for it. guess I let my self down"

He knew what she wanted him to say but he thought it was quite early to say.

But she seemed too disappointed.

"Vani "he called her

"Hmm... "

"I love you "he whispered into the phone.

Silence lingered on the other side of the phone he thought she had dozed off.

After waiting like what felt like an eternity to him he heard her say "I love you too Rimuel. Some might call me crazy for saying it back so fast. But I do mean it "

"I know you do. Now go to sleep and rest "he urged her

Finally hanging up she covered her body and let her body rest. Running around in the park had made her body more tired making it weak for the attack it received .

He thought it was funny how they had progressed so fast. It was just yesterday when he decided to date her. But now he was boldly saying he loved her.

Did he even know what the word meant? The only love he got was fatherly love from his Dad and his uncles, but that was the geniue love he received since they cared.

But this kind of love. He didn't want to lose it or damage it. It brought up emotions that he always wanted to feel. It had become a drug that he had became addicted to without knowing when it started. Maybe it started when he laid eyes on her or when she smiled at him. He just didn't know but it still felt thrilling just to have them.

She was like a barrier that seemed to block away all his pain and worry. Giving him peace and bringing light to his dark world. It made him want her more since he wanted to feel normal .

"We are not going to accept your case, sir. Am sorry but you should leave " Mr. Rian exclaimed

"Do you know who you are offending?" one of the men shouted.

The one in the seat gestured him to stop and stood up.

"You should just have done your job. But since you failed to offer your services to me, you just entered my book of enemies "Mr. Green said

He moved to the door and gave one look to the lawyer who had just refused his case. Then left the room.

"Sir wasn't that dangerous to just refuse him. you might get into trouble "Mr. Rian's secretary warned.

"I don't deal with gangsters. That one seems to harbor very bad intentions " he said back.

Mr. Rian's law firm had received the case month ago. He had reviewed the details and immediately said no when he saw the client's background. The guy seemed to have done something bad in the past. But the bastard still wanted to take legal action against the victim again by claiming his wealth. He claimed it was his making him the legal owner.

But when he looked further, he found out Mr. Green was the thief in the end.

Such people pissed him off so much.

He wanted to have a clean life and a good reputation.

His early life days were destroyed by gangsters. His father who lead one had made his youth days so horrible. His mom suffered every day to care for him. His father appeared once in a while. But when he did it he always brought trouble with him. He was either hiding from his enemies or had an injury making his mom cry.

He always wished his father would disappear. Even when he was stabbed to death by another gang leader he never shed any tear but felt a little lighter that his mother's burden had been lifted.

But his mom was already tired from all the suffering she died soon after his father's death leaving him alone. He moved on and made his life better with the help of the orphanage that had sheltered him.

After he met Vanita's mom his life became even better. Linate showed him a new world giving him more chances to create his world. He loved her so much. When Vanita came into the world he had vowed to protect both the women in his life with everything he had so that they won't suffer as his mother did.

"Boss what are we going to do. This guy seems too hard to crack. But his the best in the field "his right-hand man said

Marcus was pissed "I will make him beg for my case. Now just get me his background "

"Yes sir" the other answered

He wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of his revenge, not even the best lawyer.

Thomas Cullz had done it twice when he ruined his business and putting him behind bars. He wasn't going to bend again for anyone. He wanted to take everything from Thomas and ruin him just like he did to him.

His son had grown up pretty fast, Marcus thought. The businesses they owned had prospered. He was going to destroy everything they had achieved.

Rimuel made sure he spent most of his days with Vanita. Who enjoyed his company. Coming back in the evenings exhausted but happy.

The following days she decided to help her Dad with work so he rarely saw her.

"He is ever calling you after an hour. Is he protective? "Her father asked

"Dad his just checking on me"

"Hmm... OK " her dad answered

She always offered to be his secretary during her school vacation so she could be with him. But since she got a boyfriend she never settled.

"Does he treat you well? "He asked

Vanita answered "He does Dad. Don't worry "

"Maybe I do a background check on him. Just to be sure "

"No Dad. That's invading his privacy. And besides, I already met his father they are pretty cool" Vanita assured

Felling surprised about the revelation he asked "You what? so he already showed you to his family. But you didn't introduce him to us"

"I didn't think it mattered. Since you guys seemed OK with it "she said

"Bring him to dinner when you have time. I need to see this boy driving my girl nuts"

"OK Dad I will "she sent him a text

"My Dad wants to see you. When can you meet him? "

Rimuel was discussing something with his Dad when the text came in. Reading it his senses shut down.

"Her father wants to see me," he said

everybody in the room looked at him with surprise.

"Whose father? " his uncle asked

"It's about time. You can't date my daughter that long and I don't want to see you " his father continued "You should have done that first before showing off to us and dragging her here more than once "

Meeting his father's gaze he asked "What should I say? "

"Say you will meet him " his Dad answered

Feeling doubtful he paused. But heard his father say " If you don't go that means you don't love her enough to show yourself to her parents "

Thinking about what his Dad said he sent her a reply

Vanita received a text and checked the contents "OK just tell me when and I will be there" he sounded confident she thought. He must like her to want to see her parents. She smiled and informed her Dad.

"Tomorrow then, tell him to come for dinner," Mr. Rian said

Vanita sent him the answer.

"Dad says come home for dinner tomorrow "As his eyes met with the text he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"You should prepare a speech for your future father-in-law " his Dad joked

Giving him a fake smile he rushed to his room to prepare.

"Son tomorrow's dinner is still far. come back we finish these documents " Rimuel's dad yelled at him but to no avail. His son still didn't turn back.