
First Blood.(HOTD/Few others.)

William Collins was what every soldire feared. He worked for anyone and evry country. As long as they had the cash he was in. After 50 years of non stop slaughter he retired at the ripe age of 75, by attacking the most secure base in the world, Fort Knox. Killing hundreds of soldires before dying not of injuries, but a heart attack. But death was not down with Willaim, not yet.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Assasination and William's Rage.

After William jumped from the building he quickly ran down the building faster than the human eye could see. When he reached the bottom he kept running through the city invisible to the nearest blood bank which was easy as long as Jazz did not become defective.

She led him the fastest way to the blood bank which he fazed through to get to the blood. As he was mong the blood vials, bags he only wanted to freshest blood.

"Jazz, what is the freshest blood."

"Just pick whatever."

"No, the older it gets the worse it tastes."

She rolled her metaphorical eyes.

"So now you're an expert on blood?"

"No, but I can assume."


After that small argument, she hacked into the database of bank to help him steal several gallons worth of blood. He was not heartless enough to steal it all, but he could care less if a few people died from lack of blood. He had to eat after all.

Instead of storing the blood in his armors spacial collapse storage he just put it in the spacial ring which was a measly 50 cubic meters while his armor could store 500 cubic meters. It had to contain the missiles, cannons, bombs, ammunition, and all of his special guns from his time.

He was quite happy those came with him as a few of them were his own inventions, but what made him the happiest was that his drugs and serums all came with him. With those, he could raise a superhuman from a beggar easily.

He grabbed a blood bag and bit into it ripping off a part of it and drinking the contents. If any sane people saw him they would faint, or puke as it was a ghastly sight. Even Jazz found it a little gross.

"Willaim, what is it like to drink blood. It barely took you any time to adjust and now you are chugging blood like it is a a fucking high class wine."

He thought about it and explained.

"It's like blood become something normal for me to drink. There is zero hesitation in me about it so I don't think about it. Plus it tastes good and lets me recover my qi stores faster. Now track me that money bag."

"On it."

He was already leaving the bank while she looked everywhere for that Ambassador. After less than 10 seconds she found him at a safe house where all around were guards with guns and melee weapons.

After she learned Saeko's aura and the guards around her she could now identify each one and from what she saw it would either be easy or hard. There were many level 3 and even 3 level 5s. No one was higher than that, but this may be a impossible for the current Willaim without his armor.

Willaim thought about it and if the pay was worth the risk.

'Several foundation establishments, some core formation, and three Nascent soul realm equivalent fighters. Jazz, run a simulation and find my chances if I play it smart and use my tech."

'On it Willaim, it may be a bit hard.'

She ran her processing power to the max and used the current Willaim and all the weapons he could use at his disposal to calculate his odds of completing the job without danger. She used Saeko's guard as a standpoint to compare level 5s and the rest with Saeko and ran several simulations that Willaim looked at with interest.

The more simulations she ran resulted in Willaim potentially dying in horrifying ways. However, those were when Willaim did not use any of his city-leveling weapons. If he did use those it would not be hard at all, but it would ruin his prospects for future jobs.

So she used his bunker destroying weapons and his chances were still very high of succeeding even more so with how many of his weapons he had access to. If he tried to go sword only his chances dropped, but not by too much.

What made him smile was the chance of him dying was 43% so he was going to take the risk. He began to run toward the safe house while Jazz thought about what to say try to get him to not do it.

This was not his previous world where he was undefeatable as now there were people who could injure and kill him. Even death could not remove his lust for war and battle which worried her.

"Willaim, can you not do this? The last time you attacked a base that resulted in your death. Of course, you were teetering on deaths' door, but now you could wait and cultivate to the peak of your realm."

When she finished her words he was already 100 meters away from the stronghold with all the martial artists intending to attack it and slaughter everyone there. He pulled out a massive rifle from his armor storage that looked like a Sniper the size of a tank cannon.

He crouched and aimed his rifle down and his next words sounds just like the Willaim she knew and loved.

"Jazz, you know me better than anyone. No one else had access to my mind like you do. I only feel alive close to the threat of death."

Those words were just like her beloved William, however after she saw how he died in his past life they did not comfort her instead they worried her.

"That is exactly my fear Willaim, in your last life you fought and fought all your life until you and I died. In this life, you are going back right down that route. I don't want to watch you die a second time."

He sighed and loaded the massive rifle with a large magazine from his storage. This rifle was one of the wonders he built along with his armor. What made it so terrifying was that it combined the idea behind a rail gun and a laser into one.

The rifle fired a special round of Depleted Uranium supercharged like a laser gun while fired like a rail gun. It was not even one of his most terrifying inventions. He had some even worse like the back cannons he was going to be using.

"Jazz, I promised you that I would not die. I never intend to die again. I will reach the ultimate of this life through my path. This is who I am, Willaim Collins, and will never change. Plus, I still intend to find make you a human body or something."

Her mind went blank from what he was insinuating, but it actually made her happy he still thought of her.

"Oh well, have fun Willlaim."

He smiled and got scary focused while he took a deep breath.

The whites of his eyes became pitch-black while his red pupils glowed bright red like blood. The level 5 martial artist who he was aiming at noticed the killing intent from a mile away and he drew his Jian sword as fast as he could.

The rifle glowed an ominous red and black, while his qi rushed to the bullet coating it in blood-red qi. William pulled the trigger causing the glowing DU bullet to fly faster than the speed of sounds and the guard activated as many of his skills as he could.

His instincts after being alive for 300 years told him that bullet would kill him if he dodged. His sword and body were covered in lighting and he activated all his techniques.

Strengthening, haste, and defense skills as he slashed the bullet with his sword, however, Willaim sneered when he saw that. The bullet exploded like a mini-nuke with red, black, and blue colors.

The explosion receded and revealed the guard with all the skin from the right side of his body gone and his sword cracked. Even his eye and right side of his face were gone, but he was still standing.

(All characters will now speak Mandarin.)


Williams did not freeze like a fool and changed the rifles mode automatic and began to fire it like a common machine gun. Behind his back 5 cannons erupted and the back of the armor opened to reveal many missiles.

The cannons fired a massive black ray of light at the guards, incnnararing hundreds and 20 missles from hi back were fired. They were the size of a gernade, but far stronger than that.

The weaker guards right out exploded into blood and gore but the rank 4 and the 5s all tried to fight back and attack the missiles. Mistake number 2, these were not missiles from the early 2000s but from the year 2068 developed by the proud engineers of Uncle Sam. Which Willaim made a habit of stealing from when he wanted to go weapon shopping.

Each one was going at the near Mach 10 so only the grade 5s could react at all. The bow-wielding one fired to rapid-fire his bow like a machine gun shooting the missiles from the air, but the explosions were similar to an LGM-30 Minuteman missile.

Each explosion killed the weaker guards and shook the arrays and bomb bunker the Ambassador was at. All the cameras were already down as Jazz turned those off, but under the ferocious bombing, all the guards minus two of the level 5s were dead.

The one that died was the one who lost half his face while the other two had terrible burns and their organs were shaken from the garage. Their clothes were ripped and they could barely stand.

The one with the bow even had a large steel rod going through his gut, but it was nonfatal for someone of his level which in this case was far from a good thing. He held the wound and looked where the attack came from.

He saw a large silhouette come from the smoke and saw a large black armor that did not look like armor from any of the secret clans he knew and expected it was a secret government project to deal with them.

Willaim walked up to them with his sword drawn looking at the two guards. It seemed that Nascent Soul realm was going to be the limit he could kill with his Technology as a Dao Soul realm cultivator was much more terrifying than these guys.

The one with the bow ignored his wound and gaze at his dead brother and glared at Willaim.


His enraged yells made blood leak from his wound, but he ingored. it. His brother stood up using his halberd to stand and was ready to fight back. Howeve the next words of Willaim made their rage increse.

Willaim being the ever-intelligent manipulator spoke in Japanese and threw the smoke at someone else.

"The Otgawa clan has no longer a nead for your Clan's help. Just die a gods death for the glory of the clan."

The two guards roared in rage at that name.

The less injured one grabbed his damaged halbered and ignored the blood from his damaged legs.


Willaim slashed his head off and looked at the other one.

"We usually don't let people live, but you need to send a message that the Otgawa clan no longer needs your alliance. For now, you can feed me."

His mouth guard opened up revealing his razor-sharp fangs and he rushed at the Chinese martial artists and bit him on the shoulder drinking his blood. However, he was not foolish enough to let his guard down and he grabbed his arms and broke them.


No matter how much he screamed he felt his power he worked so hard for nearly 300 years leaving him. How his blood left his body into the strange Otgawa assassin. If he thought carefully about it the Otgawa technology was not that good, also they did not drink blood either.

Sadly losing his power and nearly becoming a husk was too distracting, but Willaim stopped when he passed out. The unfortunate prey now looked like a anarexic starved person, but alive. He will live and give Willaim's message.

William's fangs were covered in blood and this guy's blood was many tiers better tasting than the first one he drank from.

He felt the power rush through his body and he immediately sat down in a meditative state turning the prana dense blood into qi which he circulated many times purifying it. This was one of the good things of Divine Grade techniques, they could use other energies nearly perfectly.

Which meant it only took him a few minutes to convert the prana to qi which he used to refine his muscles once again. He had too much power in his body right now that he felt close to exploding if he did not use it.

When the qi touched his muscles it almost instantly made him break through from the 3rd stage all the way to the 10th stage in a few minutes and it got rid of all impurities in his muscles.

He still had too much in his body and he sent half of what he had to his sword which devoured it with glee. He kept enough before his max limit and now he just needed to make sure he was absolutely ready for his tribulation which would happen for the first time when he broke through to the Foundation Establihsment realm.

He felt his muscles were back to their full glory which made him happy he was no longer skinny. He stood up and walked toward the huge metal door with many arrays and nearly slashed it off the hinges and walked into the still-standing mansion. Seems this place was built to withstand a nuclear bomb.

"Tsk, I should have used a nuke."

Jazz sighed.

"It would level this entire city and more after that."

As he walked through the messed-up mission even if it was still standing most people inside were already dead. He walked toward the bunker deep underground. The close he got the more arrays there were.

His sword cut through them fed on the prana in them to recover quite nicely. Willaim began to whistle a happy toon like the one he sang when he was driving to Fort Knox. It unnerved Jazz as that was the only time he whistled this toon.

"Please don't sing that toon, you sang it before you died."

"Oh sorry, I wrote it to mean death. It is not for me though."

He pointed at the bunker door which he slashed through easily and walked right in. What he saw made him clench his sword and teeth too hard his fangs nearly snapped. He saw a fat, old Chinese man raping a little girl no older than 10 who was crying and screaming.

The Ambassador gazed at the door and saw the shaking armored man and he shrieked like the disgrace he was. He was a pedophile and the fear of death made him take his stress out on his slaves.

Willaim's eyes turned totally black and a massive blood aura rushed at the waste of flesh. He got off the girl who passed out the moment Willaim's aura touched her but went over her. It rushed right at his target of assassination.

Willaim had some taboos about who he would kill and hurt and those were children. This bastard deserved a fate worse than death which Willaim had a perfect one. As the closer, Willaim got to him made Kong Fan shake.

Willaim pulled out a green syringe from his storage which was a drug he developed for torture that activated every nerve at pain so intense that made death loo like a mercy. Before the man could beg Willaims stabbed the syringe into the man's neck.


His screams of pure agony were music to William's ears, but he was not done. He pulled out many drugs and injected every single one into the bastard. One of them would keep him from dying of shock, one increase the max level of pain he could feel, one made him feel like ants were eating him from within.

Every terrible drug that Willaim had made in his life was used to cause as much suffering as he could. William grabbed the fat bastard and impaled him on the wall through his shoulders.

No one could cure him and he would live in more agony than any human in the history of the human race had ever felt. He could not cream as his lungs filled with blood, but even then the drugs healed him and did it over again.

His skin melted off, his penis rotated away and all manner of terrible torture. Willaim looked at the young girls and notice only one of them was alive. The one Willaim saved as the others were long dead.

He was no hero and never claimed to be, but no matter how many times he saw this still did not made him feel sick to the core.

He took picked up the little girl and covered her up with a blanket and decided to take her with him. It was the least he could do and he called Ernesto the employer.

"Is it done?"

"Why did you not tell me that the bastard was a child rapist?"

Ernesto sighed.

"You see why I wanted him dead. He stole pretty young girls and raped them to death. He tried the same with my brother's daughter luckily her guards were powerful martial artists. So is he dead?"

Willaim sent a live video of what was happening to Kong Fan and seeing that horrible piece of meat heal over and over only to be destroyed again. He nearly puked, as it was obvious that whoever did that hated the bastard as much as he did.

"Well done, I sent the money to the bank account your hacker sent me. If you want to have more hits on such people I have plenty just as bad."

Willaim sighed and agreed.

"I will keep in touch, send me any more scum like this guy. As long as the pay is still good."

"That is obvious."

He hung up leaving Willaim and Jazz looking at the writhing mass of flesh still being tortured.

He managed to force 2 words that were ignored.


"You are already dead. Just wait 24 hours, but no one can save you now."

William placed a bomb next to the fat guy that would go off if someone disturbed it or the 24 hours were up. Of course, Willaim looted everything including crates full of Prana stones, weapons, ammo, and special herbs.

He once again teleported back to his house in Japan not knowing that his actions here would cause a major war between one of the Triad Families and the Otgawa clan even if that was his plan.

Including getting Unbrella's and Gentek to speed up thier plans and their respective trials.

If you expected sunshine and rainbows you were wrong. This is a dark world and novel and it will only get worse from here on. On the bright side, I have an idea for the Black Light virus Break out soon and Racoon City. (I had to move around some events in the timeline for it to work.(

Should I add Lady Demastricu to the harem? IS this a joke? Maybe, it is up to you guys.

Also, enjoy a huge chapter. These are rare, but from time to time I can't stop writing and this happens.

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