
Day Before Departure From River Village

Standing among the disciples from the scorching sun sect, Sofie did not know what to do and just looked at the other people from the river village. There was only three other people, counting herself out. They were two boys and one girl, Sofie did not know any of them and decided to look for her parents in the crowd instead.

Sofie's eyes quickly locked onto the figure of her mom and dad starring at her from the crowd, even with so many people present, it was easy to spot them. Maybe it was because she felt the worried, excited and proud look her parents gave her.

Shifting away from her parents, Sofie instead focused onto the elderly man testing the other young people like herself in river village.


Time slowly passed, and the sky started growing dark.

Sofie already felt exhausted from standing still doing nothing after a few minutes. In the end a kind senior sister saw her situation and helped her out. The senior sister brought out a chair without Sofie realizing and let her sit down while the testing finished.

Sofie looked tiredly towards the old man testing the last person in the river village. After everyone in river village was tested, Sofie was surprised that the only girls from the village that could cultivate were her and a girl who got tested before her. There were eleven people in the village who could cultivate, meaning nine of them were boys with only two girls.

"Okay, we are done for today. Those of you who are able to cultivate needs to return here tomorrow at noon and be ready to leave, you can go back for now." The elderly man who finished examining the last villager stood up and said in a loud voice, while looking towards the children standing besides the disciples from the scorching sun sect.

Hearing the elderly man's words, Sofie felt energy return to her body as she jumped out of the chair and sped towards the place her parents were standing. Leaving behind a group of shocked disciples from the scorching sun sect. They really had no idea why the little girl would run away so quickly. Did they really look that scary to her?

Sofie, who had no idea about senior disciples' feelings she hurt earlier by running away, reunited with her parents.

"Haha! You really made your dad proud Sofie! To think that both my daughters had talent and could become cultivators, it is really fantastic." Sofie's dad was not stingy with praise as he soon started ruffling the little girls' hair, messing it up in the process.

"What do you think you are doing to your daughter, old man. Look at how messed up her hair is now!" A feminine sounding, but angry voice came out from behind Sofie's dad and he started panicking slightly. Turning around, Sofie's dad saw the origin of the voice, his wife.

"Ah, mom!" Seeing her mom, Sofie showed a brilliant smile, as she jumped out of her dads grasp and ran over to give her a hug.

Sofie's mom did not shy back and welcomed her cute little angle with a bright smile and open arms, while not forgetting to kick the old man in a place it hurt, making him collapse onto the ground. Luckily, Sofie did not see the tragic fate of her dad...

"Ahhh, I'm in heaven~" Sofie's mom gave out a weird comment with a blissful smile on her lips, as she continued hugging her cute little angle. Sadly, the blissful smile soon disappeared when she remembered her cute little angle was going to leave tomorrow.

"Sofie~ we should go back home and get your things ready, we also need to get some food made, it is already late, and you must be hungry." Having changed from a blissful to a solemn look, Sofie's mom started dragging her away from the center of the village, towards the outskirts where their house was at.

Sofie looked back and saw the pitiful state her dad was in and could not help herself from speaking up, trying to make her mom stop. "Ah, mom wait a moment, something happened to da- "

"No need to waste time on him, he a strong grown up man, he can get home by himself!" Sofie's mom ignored her request and carried her towards the location of their home, while a certain old man looked disbelieving at his wife abandoning him.


Getting carried all the way back home, Sofie turned towards her mother, who started going towards the kitchen of the house after putting her down on the ground.

"I will prepare some food, you can just relax until then." Sofie turned around and looked at her mom disappearing into the kitchen, not forgetting her duty as a parent, she told Sofie to relax while she made food for her.

Sofie knew her mom wanted to make a great dinner, as it was her last day home before leaving for the sect tomorrow, so she decided to go to her favorite room and wait for her mom to have finished the food.

Sofie and her parents were living quite well, as their eldest daughter, Sofie's big sister was a talented and strong cultivator, who did not forget her parents and cute little sister. Sending money back to them from time to time, there was even a time where she came back home and helped rebuild their house.

Fantasizing about becoming a strong cultivator. Sofie imagined herself flying around the world, exploring every beautiful location, eating the most exquisite delicacy in the world, ev-


Hearing her stomach, Sofie felt her cheeks warming up slightly. She quickly looked around herself and only let out a sigh of relief when she found out she was the only one nearby.

She had not eaten for a long time now and it was already late, so it was normal for the stomach to start protesting! Sofie nodded to herself, as she was convinced about what she said was correct.

Refocusing her vision, she looked towards the door in front of her and saw that she had arrived at her favorite room. Not waiting for even a second longer, she opened the door a jumped inside the room. Soon the unbearable fluffiness engulfed her, as she opened her eyes and looked at the stuffed animal and pillows surrounding her.

This room was a gift that her big sister gave to her when she became eight years old. Along with this room, her big sister even filled it with fluffy pillows and cute stuffed animals. For Sofie, this was one of the reasons she admired her big sister.

Maybe, she could also fill up an entire room with stuffed animals and fluffy pillows if she became a cultivator?

Time passed, and Sofie slowly lost herself in a world of fluffiness.

"Sofie~ food is ready." Hearing her mom, Sofie slowly looked at the fluffy stuffed bunny in her embrace with reluctance. Knowing she had to leave behind her fluffy heaven, Sofie started to feel a tinge of sadness, but quickly ignored it, as she made her way to the dinner room.

Still feeling a little sad, Sofie entered the dinner room and looked at the feast her mom had made.


Seeing the sight in front of her, Sofie's stomach started protesting. She quickly obeyed and made her way to the table.

"You can just start eating now, I made this dinner for you after all~" Listening to her mom, Sofie forgot that her dad was still missing and soon started eating together with her mom.

Soon after Sofie and her mom started eating, a sad figure sneaked its way into the room and sat at the table besides Sofie's mom.

"How come I was left behind? What did I ever do wrong? I just wanted to keep my cute daughter company and wha- " murmuring to himself, the sad figure, Sofie's dad. Complained in silence, as he watched his wife and daughter happily eating.

"Did you say something D~E~A~R?" Sofie's mom looked towards her husband with a bright smile, as the person in question started shivering all over.

Thanks for reading :D

PurpleSpringcreators' thoughts