

BLURB: The rude and bossy Ava Munroe thought she had it all, but she never did. Wealth and riches couldn't afford her the one thing she secretly desired the most. Whereas, enthusiasic but broke Kane Waylen wanted more from life, having a lot to offer, but was limited. Through a rude encounter, fate causes their path to cross which sets both of them on a path to new discoveries. Exploring possibilities beyond their usual boundaries. Will this journey of discovery be to their good or to their detriment? Will the social class difference between them put them further apart or draw them closer?

Kaci_3540 · Urban
Not enough ratings
54 Chs



Kane was awestruck at the message he received. It was the last thing he ever expected. Reading the message caused him to be moved to tears. He fell on his knees and looked up. 

Folks who dined outside a restaurant closeby looked at him in perplexity, wondering what the matter was with him. They mumbled amongst themselves, throwing stares at him. 

"Gracias Dios. Gracias," he said, sniffing, wiping off the tear that rolled down his cheek.

Kane got back up on his feet, dusting off his knees. He turned, looking at the folks smiling. They had no idea what the reason for his sudden joy was. 

"I got it. I finally got the job!" he said to the onlookers. 

"Wow. Congratulations sweetheart," an elderly woman responded, smiling. 

"Thank you," Kane appreciated, smiling, and walked on a bit, jubilantly. The joy he felt made him feel like he was floating in the air. 

He beckoned a taxi that passed by him, and boarded it, heading home. This time, he couldn't wait to go let his mother in on the good news. 

Finally, his future seemed secured.

Not long after, Kane arrived home. After paying his transport fare, he hasted to the door and rang the doorbell. 

As the door unlocked, he saw that it was his mother who answered the door, just as he expected. 

"Hey mama," he smiled, hugging her. 

"Oh! Okay," she responded, smiling. She was a bit perplexed though.

She broke from his hug, furrowing her brow at him. "Are you okay honey? You seemed a little distraught before you left the house, even though you did your best to hide it." 

"I've never been better mom," Kane smiled. 

"Okay," Melanie nodded. "But what's with this, cloth? This isn't what you wore out."

"Well, yeah. It wasn't. But that's not important," Kane waved his hand shoving aside the question. 

"Mom," he sighed, "I got the job." 

"What? You did?" Melanie's eyes glowed with excitement. 

"Mm-hmm. I got it!" Kane affirmed. 

"Aww, congratulations honey. I know what this means to you," Melanie hugged her son tightly, as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Thanks mama," Kane smiled. "I best go get some rest. I have a big day tomorrow."

"Absolutely," Melanie smiled. "Good night."

"Good night mama," Kane kissed his mother on the forehead and headed to his room. 

Melanie smiled, watching her son walk up the stairs. She chuckled softly, and sat back down in the living room, watching TV.

Kane got into his pyjamas after he took a shower, and laid in his bed facing up. He smiled, overjoyed in his heart. He eagerly awaited the breaking of the next day so he could begin his new life.


Kane got ready the next morning, way earlier than the day of the interview, arriving Sky Gate Hotels forty minutes before the time slated for his arrival. 

Walking into the lobby, he met the receptionist he had previously met. 

"Good morning," he greeted, with a wide grin.

"Hello, good morning," she smiled also. "How may I help you?" 

"I'm here to meet Mr John, the Head of the HR Department." 

"What for, if I may ask?" the receptionist replied.

"Yeah, I uh- I was employed." 

"Oh, wow," she responded. "Can I see your letter of appointment?"

"Of course," Kane reached into his bag and brought it out, handing it to her. 

"I had it printed this morning," he added, smiling softly.

He noticed how the countenance of the receptionist changed as she went through the letter. 

With her head bent, she threw a disdainful glare at Kane, not lifting her head. Pursing her lips, she sighed, and handed the letter back to him. 

"Well, I guess you already know where to find him, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah. I do. Thanks," Kane replied furrowing his brow as he walked to the elevator. He wondered why she suddenly turned bitter toward him.

"Is she jealous?" he mumbled to himself, but shrugged it off. 

As he got into the elevator, he turned facing the entrance, he briefly saw the receptionist throwing the same hateful glare at him. He shook his head chuckling softly, when the elevator doors closed.

Kane made his way to the hall where he was interviewed, as directed in the letter. Getting there, the hall was empty. He sat down on a chair, leaning into the back rest, sighing. 

After a while, at exactly 8 am, the twin doors of the interview hall swung open and Mr John walked in, accompanied by the same folks who were with him during the interview.

"Good morning sir," Kane greeted, standing up respectfully. 

"You're early," Mr John replied coldly. Kane was worried at his coldness toward him, causing him to think he did something wrong. 

"Your orientation shall begin right away, and would last for two days. They'll be filling you in on your job description, letting you know everything there is for you to know with respect to the position you now hold in this establishment. 

Saying that, Mr John nodded at one of the men that accompanied him, and walked out of the hall. 

"Okay, fill out this paper work, and we'll begin," said one of the men as he stepped forward, handing Kane a file. 

Kane nodded appreciatively, receiving it, and sat down. While he filled it, his thoughts wondered off as he recalled Mr John's coldness towards him. But he knew why that was, and that only time would vindicate him.

"It's all filled out," Kane declared after a while. 

One of the inductors approached him, and received it. Going through it, they nodded satisfactorily with what he did. 

"Alright, now we begin," one of the inductors declared.

For four hours straight, Kane was taken through all that was programmed for the first day of the induction. 

It was tiring, and he was hungry, and he wondered within himself why there wasn't a break. He knew too well to not show that he was exhausted.

Mr John returned at the time they were rounding up, observing all that was done. As they ended the day's session of induction and Mr John approached the door, and he gasped in surprise. 

"Ma'am!" he said, walking backwards, giving way.

Ava elegantly walked in, looking round the hall, and arriving at the front of the hall. 

"What brings you here, ma'am?" Mr John enquired,.

Ava kept mute for a bit. She then fixed her gaze on Kane, looking at him intimidatingly.

Kane gulped, looking away. His reaction made her smirk. 

"I came to let the new employee know that he'll resume work tomorrow."

"What?" Mr John said, stunned at what he heard. 

Kane was also stunned, wondering why Ava would make such a decision, as against what he was told earlier.