
Fire and Ice (GOT)

Game of thrones with bending Rhaegar Targaryen won the rebellion with his fire bending and became the king of the seven kingdoms after the mad king's death But winter is coming and with it comes the long night, now it is up to Aegon Targaryen the crown prince, son of Rhaegar and Lyanna stark,the song of Ice and Fire,the prince who was promised to prepare the seven kingdoms for the long night and bring dawn I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon check it our if you want to support me https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · TV
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Chapter 38 King's landing

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


King's landing

Val pov

Val followed Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys with their retinue as they took a tour of the city

This tour is for the crown prince to get familiar with the city, according to what she heard the White wolf stayed in the northern region of the seven kingdoms for the last ten years away from the capital

Val is still shocked by the huge castle they call winterfell,the home of the Starks and home to the godswoods and the giant Weirdwood tree,the Starks and their direwolves still give her a pause every time she sees them,beyond the wall the direwolves are symbol of power,they hunt anything they want from small rabbits to the largest mammoths, even the strongest wargs know not to mess with them and those foolish enough to try all became prey to the direwolves,these giant wolves truly rule the lands beyond the wall,and it seems that not even the white walkers can change that,the freefolk found all types of animals among the dead but no direwolves,never direwolves

But the Starks all have their own direwolves as companions,and aside for the pups who are still growing the stark direwolves are even a head taller than the direwolves she has seen beyond the wall,and ghost Aegon Targaryen's direwolf is like the old gods taken living form,it wasn't the huge fire breathing dragons she has seen that made her believe in the white wolf but his direwolf instead,half of the freefolk already think of the white wolf as their saviour and the champion of the old gods

And it's not like the white wolf has disappointed them,he killed white walkers who they thought were invincible untill he arrived and then he took the freefolk south of the wall to safety away from the others

But while she was still trying to adjust to Winterfell's tall strong walls,the moat,the stone buildings,the glass gardens,the hot springs,the godswood crawling with direwolves and wolves etc,Val thought that winterfell is a safe haven built by the old gods themselves

But then Val came south with the white wolf while ygritte and Tormund stayed at the wall waiting for the freefolk,she came south and saw King's landing

More than five hundred thousand people live here in this city,that's more than five times the entire freefolk camp and this is just one city,and there are four other great cities in the seven kingdoms

This alone completely shattered what she knew about the kneelers,then she saw the giant castle the Red keep where the king lives,the Iron Throne,the giant mass of swords made into a giant throne just for the king to sit in and rule,according to the tales she heard it was made from more than a thousand swords taken from Aegon the conqueror's enemies and forged with dragonfire,she would have scoffed at this if she hadn't seen the three dragons in skagos,seeing this Val finally understood what Mance meant when he talked about House Targaryen,like their dragons the Targaryens answered to neither men nor gods

Touring through this city Val saw how much these Southerners live differently from the freefolk,she has seen the finest fabrics on the street of silk,the sharpest steal on Street of steel,she prayed in godswoods under the hill of dragonpit in inner city,one three Weirdwood trees in the capital,other two being the giant one in red keep and the other in the godswoods in the outer city

Dragonpit,one of the last few reminders that the targaryens had dragons,at least that's what people of the seven kingdoms think,even without the dragons such large amount of lands under dragonpit is left unused in the expensive and luxurious inner city,this shows how much authority the Targaryen's hold even without their gigantic fire breathing beasts

She passed through fleebottom,the mostly empty land where various different buildings were being built,this part of the city is where the poor used to live before the king moved them and destoryed that entire section because the sewers and drains were not proper here,so they destoryed the buildings dug up the lands and remade the sewer system,now the poor part of the people live in the outer city,but the king didn't just throw these people out of the city but instead king with Princess Rhaenys built the outer city so the people from fleebottom and the farmers who came to new farmlands can live there

Val was able to see the construction of the newer buildings in fleebottom,she saw earth benders build the foundation and the basic structure of the buildings then other types of benders came in with the builders and workers to help build and complete the construction, freefolk never had the luxury for this, everyone of the benders beyond the wall are taught how to fight instead of wasting time on other things,only the waters benders have time to learn healing because that's a necessity

While the freefolk still always have a small part of Benders that are focused on things other than battle but not like this here where they can just focus on their trade instead of battle

Aside from the city she is also amazed by the people,there are all types of people here from all over the world from places she never even heard about,as the retinue moved through the city people would form a crowd on the sides of the streets just to see their prince and princess,she can feel the love and admiration of these people towards their prince and princess

She has seen this before with the white wolf in the north,when they went through wintertown towards Winterfell there too people came in crowds just to see the White wolf,as they traveled the city she heard the chants of the crowd

May the gods bless Prince Aegon the white wolf,long live the white wolf

May the gods bless Princess Rhaenys the good,long live the good princess

The people knew it was the prince and princess travelling because there were two riders among the retinue who are here just to carry the personal banners of the prince and the princess

Prince Aegon's banner is just like the stark sigil but instead of grey his direwolf is white with blood red eyes and princess's banner is just like the Targaryen banner but her three headed dragon is blue on the black background instead of red

Val looks to these people gathered around them in amazement,these people like rest of the seven kingdoms don't even know about the dragons,and for these people it made no difference that ghost has white fur and red eyes,they won't even care if ghost had three heads and rainbow coloured fur,for these people are not here because of the power princess and Prince possess or that their royal status,no they are here because of all the things Aegon and Rhaenys did for them

The people's love for them is to be expected,while Rhaenys made farmlands Aegon provided the seeds,while Rhaenys started funding projects Aegon provided half the gold etc,while most of the people among the crowd are here for Rhaenys as she is one who they know but they also support Aegon

Every establishment like orphanages etc the Princess funded,on the both sides of the gates of these establishments the personal banners of the princess and the prince are hung,Rhaenys's blue dragon to the left and Aegon's direwolf to the right

As the retinue entered the outer city she saw a lot more buildings bearing these banners and the crowd also grew larger,after the people from fleebottom moved out the inner city has become more of area for the trade,business and luxury

It took a few days for the prince and princess to complete the tour of the city,as they went and visited the places rather than just pass by them,for the last few days the retinue constantly traveled back and forth from the red keep to the different parts of the city

Val finally came back to her chambers and just jumped right into her bed, even though she is beyond tired she actually enjoyed the tour and now has a better understanding of the people who live south of the wall