
Fire and Ice (GOT)

Game of thrones with bending Rhaegar Targaryen won the rebellion with his fire bending and became the king of the seven kingdoms after the mad king's death But winter is coming and with it comes the long night, now it is up to Aegon Targaryen the crown prince, son of Rhaegar and Lyanna stark,the song of Ice and Fire,the prince who was promised to prepare the seven kingdoms for the long night and bring dawn I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon check it our if you want to support me https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · TV
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Chapter 39 Ros

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


King's landing

Margaery Tyrell pov

She and Willas are enjoying wine with Tyrion as the he invited them to his chambers for a drink,tyrion took out a cask of Arbor gold for them

"The crown it seems is going to need a new master of coin,and the crown prince is going to recommend the tyrell heir for the position"tyrion said looking at willas

If that happens than her brother will become the new master of coin for sure,willas certainly has the experience and skills for it,and aside for dealing with the taxes and gold for the crown there is very little political influence that comes with the position,so the king and the crown won't think too much about it and agree with Aegon's recommendation

"Lord tyrion you talk as if the trial is already over,lord Baelish demanded trial by combat maybe the gods might be on his side proving his innocence,I heard that Syrio Forel,the former first sword of Braavos,a water dancing master has agreed to be the champion for lord Baelish" she said

Even though she knows that there is no way that the White wolf would lose,he has killed far too many masters that at this point only fools would think there is chance that the crown prince would lose, but her grandmother taught her never to show her wits around others let them underestimate you to their death

Tyrion smirked,"we all know Littlefinger is going to be executed let's not insult each other like we don't know the obvious, anyway let's get down to business,what can House Tyrell offer for a position on the small council?" he asked

"But you just said that prince Aegon wants willas to be the new master of coin,if the crown itself is offering the position to us why should our House provide anything in return"She asked obviously confused

"Yes in a way you can say that the crown wants willas to be the new master of coin,but what you don't realise lady Margaery is that we might be the players of the game but right now Targaryens own the board,right now a perfect king sits on the iron throne who has given nothing but peace and prosperity to the realm for the last fifteen years,beloved by most and hated by very few,five of the nine regions firmly support the crown,do you know how many people who witnessed the trial had vested interests that required Littlefinger to stay as the master of coin,but they all cut their losses and no dared to say a word because that would mean going against the crown,and that is something they can't afford to do at any cost,so that's why the position on the small council for House Tyrell comes at a price"tyrion explained with a smile

"And you my friend are here on behalf of the crown prince,so just tell me what does prince Aegon wants?" Willas directly asked

"Long summers are followed by even longer winters,and this summer has lasted for quite a while and is still not over,while the north has become self-sufficient at least in summers but that is not the case during winters,so prince Aegon expects the reach to send shipments of food to north to prepare for the coming winter that's all"tyrion replied

That's all,the white wolf just wants food, against a position on the small council this a very good deal for them,reach always has food to spare

Willas nodded,"it is a reasonable request since will all know how much the crown prince cares for his homeland,tell prince Aegon that the reach and House Tyrell are are happy to able to help the north during the winter" her brother answered diplomatically

Val pov

Val followed Princess Rhaenys and her cousin Arianne to the prince Aegon's solar,Arianne often shares the princess's bed, even among the freefolk Val has seen men being with other men and women too being together with other women,this not by any means a surprise for her but they are cousins,but they are also Targaryens this is not bad and something that is encouraged here

Val is sure that something is even going on between Rhaenys and Aegon,she has seen way Rhaenys look at her half brother, Rhaenys's eyes filled with lust and something else far deeper that she can't recognise

Val can't help but think about how she got in this mess


"You left the other two back at the wall but you bring this one back here and put her in my lap, what am I supposed to do with a freefolk princess egg?"Rhaenys asked her brother

Aegon told Val to dress like a kneeler and blend in and learn the ways of these southerners,and now he asked his sister to make val a lady in waiting for the princess

"Even though there are just a little more than hundred thousand freefolk crossing the wall,with barely a strip of land when compared to the rest of the seven kingdoms but half of the freefolk are their fighting host with wargs,benders,warriors etc,such as large force should be represented to the crown,and Val here happens to be a princess by our standards,just show her in the ways of diplomacy and politics of our people so the freefolk can understand how the seven kingdoms operate"Aegon answered


Val entered Aegon's solar behind the princess and her cousin,then inside she saw a young woman barely 25 nameday old kissed by fire with bright blue eyes standing there while Aegon sat at his table

Arianne went to the woman and caressed her chin with her fingers,"is this a gift for us Prince Aegon,I am sorry I didn't get you anything"the dornish woman said with a grin

Aegon got up and came in front of the table,"This is Ros,she has been working under Littlefinger for a quiet a while now,he taught Ros about his establishments and she knows his network of spies working in brothels all across the seven kingdoms,Rhae you told me that your uncle Oberyn is not doing well as the master of Whispers,Ros here can help with that"

Arianne scoffed,"Her master is under trial for stealing from the crown,how is Rhaenys suppose to trust this Ros here"

Aegon eyes turned blood red,Val once again felt like a prey in front a huge direwolf, everyone else in the room also felt the change expect Rhaenys,while everyone else looked afraid and on the edge Rhaenys looks aroused instead

"I just destoryed her master in front of everyone, now he is waiting in the dungeons for his death,what would I do with her if she betrays our trust,Ros is smarter than that isn't that right Ros" he asked to which the red haired women quickly nodded