
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Vegeta Fighting Cell

Chapter 14 - Vegeta Fighting Cell




Cell who was rolling on the ground before is now sitting in a meditative post as he absorbed the ki Haru has given him.

Haru, who was looking at Cell in amusement, saw the power level bar increasing little by little [Power Level: 365,534,123… 778,455,242… 985,512,754, 1,236,243,261… 2,346,734,534… 3,516,234,634… 6,734,372,819… 7,537,153,174…] and finally stopped at the end at [Power Level: 11,524,263,787]

Haru smirked at this development as he thought Cell would only be able to absorb 8-9 billion worth of battle power from his drop of blood.

Vegeta smirked as he saw Cell finally in his perfect form, he thought 'finally… some challenge for my current strength.' not knowing the full extent of the power of Cell

Android 18 who took care of the vomited Android 17 looked at Cell in vigilance as they didn't know if he might still absorb them.

Trunks just wore a frown on his face as he saw Cell getting stronger.

Cell stood up and laughed like a maniac as he gained what he thought was unimaginable strength and said "I don't know who you are, what your intentions are but I'm thankful to you for allowing me to achieve my full form!"

Haru nodded in satisfaction and replied "You're welcome."

"Well then… Come at me!" Cell smiled at his newfound strength as he looked at Vegeta, Trunks and Raditz.

Vegeta who was watching turned into super saiyan and rushed towards Cell as he laughed with arrogance "I'm gonna use you as a punching bag with my newfound strength."

Trunks just sighed at his father's arrogance and Raditz just undid his super saiyan transformation as he approached Haru "Haru-sensei… When did you come out? I never felt your presence when you came out."

Haru just laughed as he replied "My body went through a qualitative change so It's no wonder you couldn't sense my ki. Mortals can't sense god ki."

Raditz just nodded and replied as if he understood "I see…"

Now back to Vegeta and Cell

Vegeta as he flew stopped in mid air as he sensed a condensed ki blast with penetrating power to penetrate through Cell's stomach

Cell just smirked and replied to the attack with a condensed ki blast just like vegeta

Haru who was watching smiled in amusement "It seems like Cell didn't just absorb the power from the drop of blood I gave him but also some of my skills. It'll be quite challenging for you now to beat Cell even if you ascend your current super saiyan form."

Raditz looked at Haru in surprise "He absorbed your skills too? That will really be challenging."

Trunks just frowned in fear as he imagined Haru's power being in the possession of the current Cell

Haru just patted Trunks in the head and cheered him up "Don't worry too much. Although he absorbed some of my skills it's only related to ki control. Afterall, he's not me."

Trunks nodded as he slowly calmed himself down "Yes!"

Vegeta looked at Cell in surprise. "It looks like you can at least pose some challenge for me."

Cell with his newfound strength gave him the confidence of his perfect form in the canon and just became arrogant yet gentlemanly "Although you are strong, Vegeta. You are still far from being able to contend with my full power."

Vegeta just snorted refusing to believe Cell has that much power to contend against his current strength and rushed towards Cell and punched him in the stomach

"Guh!" Cell said in reaction as he felt Vegeta's punch collide with his stomach and Vegeta smirked at his reaction

Cell who was punched in the stomach was not sent flying as he could still bear Vegeta's punch laughed "You've indeed become strong, Vegeta. But not strong enough."

"What?" Vegeta was alarmed but Cell just inputted as much power in his fist as Vegeta's punch and punched him in the stomach

Vegeta felt Cell's punch in his stomach but allowed himself to be sent flying to reduce the damage in his body. Vegeta just ignored the pain and looked at Cell cautiously as he found Cell's strength to be similar to his own if not more.

Vegeta rushed towards Cell and delivered a chain of kicks and punches only for Cell to match his movements

Cell smirked as their fight was going on and mocked "It's useless, Vegeta. Your strength is far from being able to contend with my own."

Cell then suddenly appeared from his side to deliver a kick to his face.

Vegeta in pain didn't scream but remembered his training with Haru all of his attacks we're strong enough to cause him serious injuries but he just ignored the pain and attacked Haru so he'll do the same. Cell although has about the same power as Haru's attack as he trained him was much more critical in damage than Cell's attack.

Vegeta who was kicked in forehead used Cell's kicking power as a momentum to rotate his body and deliver a kick in Cell's face

Cell looked at Vegeta in surprise as he was sent flying but stopped "I underestimate you, Vegeta. I didn't know you could fight that way."

Vegeta just snorted in reply at Cell's comment and rushed towards Cell punching and kicking until Cell realized that Vegeta was just displaying the same movement as before.

But moments later Cell saw that Vegeta was smirking, he didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about it.

Vegeta suddenly gathered ki in his hands as he punched for his punches to change in direction mid air which caught Cell off guard

Cell just looked at Vegeta as if learning his movements despite being hit and also coming him after some time.

"What?" Vegeta said in surprise as he saw Cell copy him

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk… You're not the only one who could do that, Vegeta." Cell mocked as he fought Vegeta with 75% of his strength this time

As Cell attacked, Vegeta knows he is being pushed back so he backflipped and stopped in the air to recover some of his momentum

Cell looked at Vegeta and mocked "I'm surprised, I didn't know the prideful one, Vegeta would retreat."

Vegeta's forehead just formed a vein and started to gather a ki blast in his arms.

Cell just copied Vegeta knowing he would send his usual ki blast, the 'galick gun.'

"Galick… Hoooo!" Vegeta shouted as he sent his ki blast

Cell also sent his Galick Gun.

Haru who was watching laughed as he asked Raditz and Trunks "Do you guys feel stronger or something when you say out loud the name of your ki blasts?"

Raditz and Trunks' eyes just twitched and thought 'Can't you just let us do what we want?'

"Haaaaa!" Vegeta screamed as he put in more power towards his ki blast

Cell felt Vegeta's ki blast was getting stronger and just smirked and replied with the same "Haaaa!"

Cell and Vegeta's ki blasts were colliding and had the power to destroy earth if it was pointed towards it.

After some time, Vegeta's ki blast overpowered the ki blast battle which caused Vegeta to smirk and put in more ki towards his ki blast "Haaa!"

Cell, who lost in the battle, screamed in pain as he cursed "Damn you, Vegeta!"

More than half of Vegeta's ki was consumed in that ki blast battle, and he commented as he breathed heavily seeing Cell's body on the ground was cut in half with his lower body gone "Huff… huff… Damn bastard didn't even have that much strength and was that arrogant… huff… HAHAHHA… Next is you! Kakarot!"

As Vegeta was laughing he heard a voice that made him rethink his celebration, Cell's eyes opened as his lower body regenerated. "It seems like I underestimated you a bit, Vegeta."

Cell unleashed his full power as he stood up. Vegeta felt this and had a grim expression on his face as his ki was depleted by more than half within that exchange. Vegeta just formed another ki blast within his palms intending to release another ki blast

Cell disappeared from his location and appeared beside him as he felt a punch penetrate his stomach. "That's enough playing around. You're too weak."

Vegeta couldn't believe what just happened and coughed blood as he felt his body getting weaker. "That's impossible…"

Cell took back his arm that went through Vegeta's stomach.

Vegeta slowly fell down as he was hovering in the sky

Trunks who was watching from afar screamed angrily as his eyes turned red "Father!"

Trunks turned into false super saiyan 2 and rushed towards Cell who was grinning and punched him in the face catching him off guard.

(A/N: Since Trunks power is about 119,361,213. And false super saiyan 2 is about x80. His power rose to 9,548,897,040]

Cell screamed "Ahhhh!" As he was sent flying from Trunks' punch. Cell didn't think Trunks could possess that kind of strength.

Haru who watching just looked at Trunks in amusement and said as Raditz was shocked at the current Trunks' power. "It seems like anger is really one of the strongest triggers of power for saiyans."

Haru just snapped his fingers, healed and teleported Vegeta to their current location

Haru teased Vegeta as he gained consciousness "How was it, Vegeta? Did you like the feeling of dying?"

Vegeta just snorted at Haru's teasing knowing how he was and stood up "Thanks."

Haru feigned shock and hid behind Raditz and said as he asked Raditz "Vegeta just thanked me. That's an impostor right?"

Raditz who was in shock at how Haru just teleported and healed Vegeta beside them just thought as he gave up 'I shouldn't be shocked anymore. Let's just take Haru-sensei as an eccentric god.'

Faced with Haru's teasing just earned a vein in Vegeta's forehead so he just decided to ignore Haru and smile at his son's current strength.




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks!)