
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Training Goku

Chapter 8 - Training Goku




Haru then condensed his ki his original power level of [1,503,132,692,612] turned into [1,503,132,692,612,000]

He maintained it for hours and he didn't even feel tired 'huh? I haven't tried this before in Ultra Instinct. Maybe it's because doing Ultra Instinct made my mind and ki incredibly calm that I might be able to maintain this form forever if I don't run out of ki. I guess this can be my main state if I want to just like how Goku and Gohan did it in their super saiyan form.'

In a minute or two he heard Goku wake up and call him while scratching his eyes "Niichan? I'm hungry."

Goku made Haru's mood better again and dissipated his god ki state "Alright. I haven't cooked for a long time so I don't know how it will taste but I was quite a good cook a thousand years ago."

Goku looked at Haru who made the statement that he hasn't cooked for a thousand years and asked "What did you eat then if you haven't cooked for a thousand years?"

Haru chuckled and replied "I haven't eaten for a thousand years."

"Eh?!?! Then how are you still alive?!" Goku asked in surprise and confusion

"Remember the wish I made from the dragon? That included not needing to eat."

Goku then understood and replied as he wondered if he also did not need to eat "I see… I don't think I would be able to bear not being able to eat even if I didn't need to eat."

Haru patted Goku in the head and lectured "That's you, Goku. Every person is different."

Goku just nodded as if he understood

"So? What would you like to eat?" Haru asked cheerfully as he imagined cooking again. It was one of his hobbies in his previous life beside work


Haru just laughed and replied "Alright."

"Oh wait a second." Haru stopped from his way to the chicken and used ki in his palm in a circular form with the middle empty, he tried to see if he could change the temperature in the middle layer of the ki.

"What are you doing? Niichan?" Goku asked in curiosity as he looked at Haru

"Making a makeshift oven that cooks instantly."

Goku just nodded in understanding as he tried to understand but he couldn't

Haru then stopped and saw that it does work if he inserts ki into the food and directs it to the temperature that he needs. "Alright. It works. I'll cook you food so sit down on the table.

Goku nodded and went to the table happily like a kid looking forward to the meal Haru is cooking.

Haru brought out a 1 kg of steak and seasoned it with butter, pepper, and salt he found in the pantry. Simple recipe but delicious if done correctly.

Haru then used his ki to make the meat float on top of his hand and let his ki shroud the meat. After that he inserted his ki into the meat and fine tuned the temperature for inside to be cooked at 135 degrees Fahrenheit inside and about 400 degrees fahrenheit outside to make it a good crust outside and juicy on the inside and instantly cooked the meat into a perfect medium rare.

Haru brought out a plate using his ki and placed the cooked meat on top of the plate.

Goku looked at Haru in amazement but his attention was on the meat and said as he drooled, "That looks delicious. Niichan…"

Haru just chuckled and served it on the table in front of Goku

"Alright. Eat up!"

"Thanks! Niichan!" Goku said before he tried to devour the meat but Haru interrupted and bonked him in the head "Ouch! What was that for?! Niichan!" Goku complained as tears was flowing down his eyes

Haru then looked at Goku and said with his usual smile. "What do you say before you eat?"

Goku then realized and replied "I'm sorry… Itadakimasu…"

(A/N: itadakimasu literally means 'I am going to receive the lives of animals and plants for my own life. According to some site I found.'"

"Good" Haru let Goku eat the meat.

Goku bit the meat on the side and said "Delicious! This is really delicious, Niichan!"

Haru laughed and replied "Of course it's delicious. I cooked it myself. I don't like eating unpalatable food myself so why would I think others want to eat such things."

Goku just nodded and continued to devour the meat

Haru looked at Goku and knew 1 kg was probably not enough so he cooked 4 more kg. And he'll see how it goes. He cooked a T-bone steak, egg fried rice, tomahawk and a wagyu he found in the pantry surprisingly.

Goku devoured them all and said "Gochisousamadeshita"

(A:N it means 'thank you for the meal' also according to some site I found)

Haru then stood up and looked at Goku who was satisfied with the food and said "Alright. Now that you're done eating. It's time for training!"

Goku then replied excitedly "It's here. I've been waiting for this."

Haru looked at Goku and decided that increasing his raw power was best for now. So he'll change gravity solely for Goku "For starters, you lack raw power. Tell Mr. Popo to train you in martial arts when you get back because I'll only help you increase your power. You're not ready for my martial arts training yet."

"Yes!" Goku replied

Haru nodded in satisfaction at Goku's humility to listen to others and used his ki to change the gravity around Goku. If he could use it to change temperature he could also do it this way.

Goku suddenly felt that he was being pressed down and asked Haru in difficulty "Why is it so heavy all of the sudden?"

Haru then replied "I made the gravity twice for you or more heavy in your terms, you're pretty stupid."

Goku then complained "You're so bad, Haru-niichan! I'm not stupid."

"Yes, yes. You're a genius." Haru then praised but thought 'but only in martial arts.'

Goku just scratched his head "hehe…"

"Make sure not to leave the mansion or you'll suffer from x20 gravity you'll die if you do. Just train your martial arts by punching or kicking, physical training if you want but just don't leave the mansion. You'll stay like this for 5 hours each day for a month besides eating and sleeping"

"Yes!" Goku nodded to show affirmation

Haru just meditated on the side as he again condensed his energy on the side to get used to god ki state. He still couldn't control his power much in that state so he adjusted it in his image dimension.

After a month of stabilizing his god ki into his base form and training Goku. Goku went from 120 something power level to 210 power level.

Haru nodded as he looked at Goku who got used to x2 gravity and said "Now that you're used to x2 gravity it's time to go to the next step of our training"

"Really? Are you gonna train me now? Haru-niichan!" Goku said excitedly with shining eyes

"Not quite. Now is x4 gravity. Good luck!" Haru said as he smiled at Goku

But Goku just found it scary and felt the gravity became heavier and brought Goku on his knees "More heavier? Can't we just get on with the real training already?" Goku asked as he struggled to stand up

"Not yet. If you can stand on the white space comfortably, I'll spar with you." Haru replied

"Really? You better not go back on your words, Haru-niichan!"

"Of course, I won't" Haru just replied and came back to meditation, he already stabilized his god ki to his base state now his base state is [1,503,132,692,612,000]

'Next is to increase my power level at this state'

In a month Haru increase his power level [1,652,634,392,112,050] and Goku got used to x4 gravity and his power level 340, Goku was happy for awhile but Haru increased his gravity to x6 so he became depressed again but continued training

In another 3 months Haru increase his power level to [2,327,612,962,611,260] and Goku got used to x10 gravity

"Niichan! When will you fight with me? I can already step into the white space without difficulty!" Goku said as he jumped up and down, punching and kicking fast to show Haru he was already used to it

Haru looked at Goku and saw that his battle power was at [2,461] and thought 'I made Goku too strong for the first series Piccolo. I pity him…'

Haru hovered into the white space and looked at Goku "Alright since you want it so much. Come at me."

Goku cheered "Yay!!" Then jumped away from Haru and went into a fighting stance.

"Try your best!" Haru cheered Goku on as he tried to dash towards him

"Ha!" Goku punched Haru in the stomach but Haru just dodged to the right, Goku just tried to punch and kick Haru but Haru just kept dodged. Goku noticed that his feet was touch the ground he tried to make him lose balanced by sweeping him from below but Haru just backflipped

"Don't keep dodging! Niichan! Attack me too!" Goku complained

"Alright." Haru replied as he laughed lightly

He dashed forward and appeared in front of Goku, Goku was surprised as he didn't see him moving but he suddenly appeared in front of him. A flicking hand appeared in front of him and heard a voice "Try not to die Goku."

Haru flicked Goku in the head that sent him flying a hundred meters away. Goku who was being sent flying groaned in pain "Guahhhh! Ahhhh!"

Goku struggled to stand up and held his forehead and felt a bump on his forehead with tears on his eyes "That really hurts! Niichan…"

Haru just laughed "hahaha… You told me to attack and I did."

"I did, but… but…" Goku tried to reason but couldn't make a comeback.

Haru just laughed at Goku reaction and said "Alright. I'll stop bullying you… I'll hold back my strength, but I can't do anything if you can't hit me. Okay?"

Goku just nodded as he teared up a bit




(A/N: Leave Power Stones if you like the story. Thank you!)