
Finding Ray

A thrilling and an adventurous story of a young girl called Rachael who is desperate to find and protect her baby brother Ray from the dark forces and wants to get back to her world to unite with her parents. She is held hostage at a strange place by a stranger who is enchanted by her and has held her captive. While she is confused on whether to trust or not to trust the stranger, and plans her escape journey she encounters dangers all along the way. As she fights the various emotions she goes through will Rachael succeed in saving her brother and unite with her parents ? Will she fall in love with the stranger or grow to hate him? Will she succeed in escaping from his growing advances or will she surrender to him ? Read to know why the dark forces are behind her brother who she dotes on. Who helps her in her journey to save Ray? What superpowers does Ray? Why are there many people out there to help out? Indulge yourself in thrilling and an adventurous journey of Rachael. **Slow burner and chapters mostly released as per authors convenience. Disclaimer: 1) Book cover provided by WebNovel 2) Completely original story out of my own imagination Authors note : If you liked the story so far, do let me know by giving your best reviews, vote with power stone for encouragement, share the story with your friends and last but not the least, please don’t forget to add the book to your library. This will not only help keep me motivated but your little help will enable the book to reach a larger audience. Thank you in advance :) Please do hop on to read my other works. - The Dream ! of a different genre. It’s a slow paced book . Don’t forget to check out and let me know if you liked it. Just launched - Sequel to Finding Ray with a complete new concept. Novel Name : Future Progression Happy Reading !

Amateur_Author · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

- Where am I ?

Oh ! It felt like ages that I slept ! What is this sensation I am feeling ? I slowly try to open my eyes. It takes me a while to get used to the darkness with very little light coming from sun rays from the three holes in the roof. What is this pungent smell and where is it coming from? Oh the dirty blanket. I just push it away from me.

Where am I ? Where is my little brother Ray?

I softly call out to my brother hoping he is around and can hear me. I don't get a response.

Tears well up in my eyes. I had promised my parents to take care of my little brother. I can feel a shooting pain in my temples and heat radiating from my body. I try to whack my brain for the last memory and I just can't recall what happened. The last thing I can remember is me and my brother having his favourite dessert at a restaurant in the fantasy park and some men barging in with loaded rifles.

Oh god ! Where is my brother? Did someone find out? Did they kill him? Where is my brother? As tears continue to flow down and I try to control my sobs , my body can no longer hold the stress and I fall back unconscious.

I can hear someone humming a tune but don't seem to understand the language and I slowly open my eyes. My body is no longer burning but I still have pain in my body. I can see silhouette of a man in the adjacent room which is well lit. But is face is turned towards the wall of the room which looks like a kitchen.

He turns back and I am stunned beyond belief. Who is he ? I have never seen someone so stunning and with such angelic beauty. But why is is wearing shabby clothes. I am completely confused and looking for some answers. Guess he realised that I was awake. He gives me a grin turns back and continues simmering some kind of a soup which is oozing out a beautiful aroma and my hunger pangs kicks in with my stomach letting out a big growl which is clearly heard outside.

While I continue to stare at his back, he pours the soup into a soup bowl, pulls out a tiny little bottle from the shelf, opens it puts a tiny bit of grey powder from the bottle into the soup, stirs it. Closes the bottle lid and puts it back on the shelf. He then carries the soup bowl and starts walking towards where I am.

He then pulls a tiny wooden stool close to where my cot is and places the green soup on it. He also pulls something which looks like a chair but only has three legs , and sits on it.

He then tries to tell me something which I don't understand. I just stare at him with a confused look. He then uses sign language and gestures me to eat. I don't know where I am ? why am I here ? who is this person in front of me ? I don't know if in my current state if I can refuse what's been provided.

I take the soup bowl with hesitation but I am extremely hungry and low in energy. What worse can happen, I may die ? But if I am alive after eating this stuff , I will need a plan to escape from here to find my brother.

I put the soup slowly into my mouth and I am stunned. Beautiful flavours which I have never tasted in my life start exploding in my mouth. I feel like in heaven. Or is it that I have been starving and my brain is playing tricks on me.

While trains of thoughts pass through me and I am trying to believe this man may be good or his he trying to gain something out of me and I may need to be careful , my eyes feel droopy and I loose conscious.