
Finding Ray

A thrilling and an adventurous story of a young girl called Rachael who is desperate to find and protect her baby brother Ray from the dark forces and wants to get back to her world to unite with her parents. She is held hostage at a strange place by a stranger who is enchanted by her and has held her captive. While she is confused on whether to trust or not to trust the stranger, and plans her escape journey she encounters dangers all along the way. As she fights the various emotions she goes through will Rachael succeed in saving her brother and unite with her parents ? Will she fall in love with the stranger or grow to hate him? Will she succeed in escaping from his growing advances or will she surrender to him ? Read to know why the dark forces are behind her brother who she dotes on. Who helps her in her journey to save Ray? What superpowers does Ray? Why are there many people out there to help out? Indulge yourself in thrilling and an adventurous journey of Rachael. **Slow burner and chapters mostly released as per authors convenience. Disclaimer: 1) Book cover provided by WebNovel 2) Completely original story out of my own imagination Authors note : If you liked the story so far, do let me know by giving your best reviews, vote with power stone for encouragement, share the story with your friends and last but not the least, please don’t forget to add the book to your library. This will not only help keep me motivated but your little help will enable the book to reach a larger audience. Thank you in advance :) Please do hop on to read my other works. - The Dream ! of a different genre. It’s a slow paced book . Don’t forget to check out and let me know if you liked it. Just launched - Sequel to Finding Ray with a complete new concept. Novel Name : Future Progression Happy Reading !

Amateur_Author · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

- Replenished

When I finally wake up again , I feel energetic. I feel refreshed. I no longer feel any pain. I believe it's that powder which was added to the soup. I am curious to see what's that powder and plan to stock it up. But for now I brush that thought aside.

I plan to snoop around a little bit but before that I'll need to make sure that man is not around. I slowly get up and tip toe to the room which must have been a kitchen. My feet is bare and I can feel the dampness of the floor. I try to adjust my sight and voila the room is no longer like I saw it the last time. It's empty with bare wall no shelves. I am still not able to fathom what's happening!

I slowly get back to the room where I had been sleeping all this while and quickly look around. I notice something on the wall which seems like a window, before I look around for the door. My first plan is to get to know my immediate surroundings. Everything seems extremely strange and there may be dangers lurking around and in every step I may take. I finally manage to budge the window open. And I see dense forest outside with weird looking trees. I find it creepy and immediately close the window with all the energy I have and let out a sigh!

I touch my head to make sure that my brain is not playing any tricks. I need to get back my balance before I plan my next set of action.

My brother and I were brought up in an environment where we were required to hide our gifted powers, never to show anything in public unless there was a life threatening situation. And it's been a while I have used any of the powers so I was not sure if I ready to use it now.

While my brother had a rare gift which only me , my parents knew on the planet earth which had been a home to us since the last 14 years. It was a well kept secret, including my brother who was born with this power was unaware of it. This was done to keep him safe from the dark forces.

In fact we had escaped from our home planet as people in my planet were hunting down for my brother for his powers. And we had taken refuge on planet earth. My poor baby brother , he is not aware of his powers until it will unveil itself when he turns 16. He is still vulnerable at this moment and this thought alone was enough to bring me jitters.

Did they find us? What was the purpose behind the attack in the restaurant? There were normal people in the restaurant that day from what I recall. Or was anyone disguised? Or had someone had found out we were residing on earth?

And why did I not use my powers to protect my brother? It was a life threatening situation. Why did I not use my marshal arts and fight the thugs ? With so many thoughts going around in my brain, I could feel my energy draining out. Sigh !

I got back to my cot, sat on it , in a squatting position and quickly drew few energy symbols on my crown chakra and started meditating, planning later to try communicate with my family telepathically. Once I am out of meditative stage I slowly sent healing energy to all my 7 chakras starting from my crown chakra to root chakra, checking any breakage in my aura while doing so. I could sense energy blockage around my throat chakra and a small hole in the aura near my neck. I quickly say a short prayer and request my guardian angel to initiate the soothing energy into my chakras.

My whole goal now is to find Ray and unite back with my family. The days will be tough and I need to make myself strong and have to come up with alternate plans just in case any of my plans fail.

I feel hungry again but can't find anything to eat and all I can do is wait for that man to come and give me food!