
My Gift

'That was--that was-!'

Aaaaah! She can't even form an adjective about it! She was cuddled, hugged, kissed and slapped in the butt in one morning!

Her face is so red when she faved herself in the mirror inside her bathroom. Thankfully Luke wasn't in the room anymore when she came. She is embarassed like that she can't even face her own son!

She didn't dare come down for breakfast and instead took her time bathing. As she had guessed, Alex already had gone to work when she came down.

Not before long, her assistant called her. Carrying Luke with her, the assistant Lilly took them to a room.

A music room!

"Mr. Liu had it renovated the day before you came back, and was completed early this morning Miss Lara." Lilly informed her.

Her brows knotted in confusion but she didn't say anything and only nodded in response. Lilly called her Lara, so the servants knew she isn't Crystal? Where is the pretending-to-be-his-wife in this aspect? How about tonight during the charity dinner?

Will she be Lara or the wife?

But if she'll be herself then wouldn't it confuse everyone knowing it's Crystal Yu he married?

Then she saw her music sheets, notes and guitar neatly placed in a corner of the room. Her heart warmed immediately. He gave this room for her. It can't be Crystal's.

At the middle of the room is a grand piano, it's white paint glistening as the sun rays entered the glass walls which gives a beautiful view of the garden.

It's perfect! There's also a glass shelf which contained a violin. She came closer to look at it and gasped!

The Lady Blunt!

It was made by Antonio Stradivari in 1721 and last seen at an auction that was sold at 15.9 million US Dollars!

Alex can't have been the bidder back then, was he? If he wasn't then he had to offer a much higher price to get hold of this!

Her phone beeped and she saw a message from the devil himself. "Did you like my gift?"

But she don't know what to reply. Is it the room? The piano or the violin? It can't be the violin right? Maybe it's only showcased here as this is the music room.

Lilly's phone rang and she excused herself to take the call. When she came back, she quietly told her as she was still in awe at the violin in the glass shelf.

"Mr. Liu would like to know if you like the violin Miss Lara."

Her eyes widened. It is the violin!

She the typed her reply, "Isn't this too much?"

Her phone rang with the incoming call and she answered it with a swipe on her phone, while Luke's nanny tactically came and fetch her son.


"You didn't like it?" His voice accusing.

"It's not that and you know it. Alex this is--"

"My gift to you." He cut her words as she was meaning to say it's too expensive. "There's another violin in the room if you are scared to play with it yet. But 'The Lady Blunt' is already yours."

He can't give her a ring yet, much more his name but soon he can. Right now, what is an old violin to him? Even it it's a million dollars it doesn't matter. As long as he can give it to her freely.

"So, will you accept it?" He paused.

"Thank you." She whispered on the phone.

"Mmn." Then he hung up.

5/15 for the 3rd week!

BRB I need an Alex Liu in my life! Hahaha

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts