
I'm here too!

The next day they were back in the city and everything that followed was like a blur before Lara.

A nanny has been assigned for Luke whom she met upon their arrival. She was a middle aged woman and a registered nurse and Lara found out there had been a strict screening the day before for the position of Luke's nanny.

Assistant Cheng had also called her to inform her that her return to the Conservatory was already arranged and she shall attend her classes again next week. He also sent her the materials she needed along with her class schedule, professors, even the information about the driver and the car assigned solely for her!

She was also introduced to Luke's tutor, who had talked to her about her son's likes and dislikes and to assess what he knows so far. Fortunately Luke had been cooperative. One just had to introduce themselves as being sent by his daddy!

Lara watch her son's overjoyed face as soon as he saw Alex came home that evening for dinner. But she was so spent the whole day she almost didn't want to stand up from the sofa.

"Who made you so tired?" Seeing her slouching and unmoving his brows creased.

"You." Lara pouted.

"Huh? What did I do?"

Lara then proceed to complain about all the people she had to meet and talk to for the day, including an assigned personal stylist, designers, hair and makeup artist, assistant, driver and bodyguard. She was so exhausted and she can't even fathom why she need so many people.

Alex' lips thinned in annoyance and Lara shut her mouth up. Is she being ungrateful? But then can't she meet some of them tomorrow or another day? She is not as bouncy as Luke okay? She actually didn't feel like leaving the island earlier.

"You want me to fire Cheng then?" He asked.

"Cheng who?"

The assistant who was silently following his boss paled and sweated coldly. Beads of perspiration appeared in his forehead despite the centralized airconditioning of the mansion. He almost fainted when Alex turned his icy face at him.

Lara realizing that Alex meant it was Assistant Cheng he was talking about, watched both men before her. Ha! So it was the assistant's doing.


"You took my wife's time the whole day that she even forgot to call me?" His eyes narrowing at the buckling man before him.

"I was just following your orders--"

"Did I said that you have to have it all done in a day?" The man shook his head negatively.

But inside his head, the assistant was crying already, 'Boss, isn't this how effective you want me to be since my first day? How could you blame me just because she complained?'

"Go to her assistant right now and discuss how to handle things that concerns your Lady Boss. You are not to deal with it directly starting today, do you hear me?" He was, indeed waiting for her to call or send a message the whole day.

Even when he was busy with meetings he neglected having been on the island for two nights, he had checked his phone from time to time only to he disappointed. She didn't even call to ask if he'll be home for dinner.

He saw her pinched her temples and he went behind her immediately, massaging her temples gently.

"Hubby are you hungry?" She closed her eyes in appreciation of what he's doing.

"Not if you aren't."

Seeing his mom and his newfound daddy like this, Luke was initially happy. That was until he realized, he was forgotten. Last night, he fell asleep alone with Grandma Mei too!

The boy pursed his lips and seriously look at both them before he exclaimed,

"Daddy! Mom! I'm here too!"

3rd week (2/15)

Sorry Assistant Cheng (hehe)

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts