
Falling for me already?

Oh! Lara jumped from the sofa and immediately took Luke in her arms. When she came back to sit down, Alex sat beside her and hugged them both. Luke giggled as he was squeezed tight.

It was this scene that Sandra came home to from school. She remembered how her brother hugged her too when he comes home. Immediately she joined the family of three at the living room.

"How's school Sandy?" Her brother inquired.

"Boring as usual brother." She replied flatly while leaning her head at her new sister-in-law. Though she find Lara quiet, she is also warm and not pretentious. Also, her brother beams of happiness and that is what's important to her.

Alex's eyes glimmered seeing how his sister cuddled against Lara like a kitten looking for warmth.

"Young master, dinner is ready." The butler informed them to which Alex only nodded.

After dinner, he called both his and Lara's assistant at the study for a debriefing before he went up to his bedroom. Of course it was empty but how he wished he'll find her there too.

He just finished his shower when he heard a knock on his door.


Opening his door, he asked her. "Wifey want to sleep with me?" Which earned a slap on his shoulder and a cute glare from her.

"I came to ask permission if I can go back to my house tomorrow, I'll just need to pick up a few things." As she is going back to school on Monday, she wanted to get her old notes and review her past lessons this weekend. And also she needs her guitar and her music sheets.

"Do you need them now? I can come with you." He's not yet sleepy, besides he wanted to spend every minute with her.

"It's not rush though--" She tried to protest but he already got hold of her hand and dragged her inside the room.

It was only then that she realized his hair was still damp and he was still in a bathrobe. Alex disappeared in a second and was dressed casually when he reappeared. Taking her hand, he led her downstairs.

"We don't have to go now really." She knew he had a busy day, he must be tired. However he only gave her half a smile.

Ugh this man really just do whatever he wants doesn't he? Giving up she entered the passenger seat when he opened it for her. She watch him as he concentrate on driving.

She was totally caught off guard when he turned his face to her and casually ask, "Falling for me already?"

Lara blushed to the roots of her hair. "Tsk, how shameless Mr. Liu!"

He only chuckled at her response. Soon they arrived at her doorstep. Realization dawned on Lara that she still didn't find her keys!

But Alex casually took out a set and opened her front door.

"Why do you have them?" Her eyes narrowed. She clearly remembered he denied seeing it the first night they met!

"I have them since." He raised a brow.

"But you said you didn't!"

"No, I only shook my head when you look at me as you wearing looking for it." Oh! And he was smirking!

Lara bit her lower lip annoyed. He had planned everything all along!

"Don't bite that lip." Her eyes widened as he gaze at her lips darkly. He beckoned for her to get her things before he ends up biting that lip himself.

Lara turned the lights on and go up to her bedroom to pack what she came for.

Meanwhile, Alex looked around. The house is a family home. There were portraits in the living room, one is blown up and was hanged on the wall. It is a picture of a young Lara, on a boat with the sunset behind her.

She looked so serene, like a young princess watching the sun as it sets on the horizon, her brown hair higlighted against the pink and orange sky.

When Lara came back she found him looking at that portrait.

"Can't we take this back with us?" He wondered.

"No, you can't." She said firmly. He look at her face questioningly.

"My dad took that photo, and he framed and hanged it there himself." He didn't miss the sadness that passed her eyes. So, it has sentimental memories.

"Let's go." She tugged his sleeve. Alex took the guitar case from her hand and followed her out. When he had locked the door behind him, he inquired.

"Would you mind if I send someone here to clean regularly?"

"I can do that myself." She never grew up with maids, and she is wary of someone else touching her belongings. But when she look at him, the devil is sulking. Uh, what did she do?


Sorry if I keep changing my cover, I'm still experimenting

Cheers to the 3rd week yay!

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts