
Don't confuse yourself

Lara studied the old man before him. She can't explain how she feels, nervous maybe? But why does she feel a throb in her heart?

He was wearing a gray suit with a black shirt and a gray striped tie. On his arm a baton, making him look more formidable.

"This is your first time appearing in public with Crystal, I see." He said knowingly.

Lara gathered up her senses. Crystal? Grandfather Yu? Is this her family?

But before she could even react, she heard the man beside her say,

"Don't confuse yourself, Grandfather. This is Lara." Alex had been introducing her as Lara all night. As if they hadn't agreed on her as pretending to be his wife. At the mansion as well, everyone address her by her real name. This confused her a lot. What is her role then?

The old man squinted his eyes at Alex.

"A word, Alex." He beckoned Alex to follow him outside.

"This might not be the proper place, Grandfather. How about I come over at your residence tomorrow?" Alex suggested.

"Very well. I'll expect you in the morning." He turned his back at them. But before he could walk away, he added, "Bring her with you."

Lara followed the old man with her gaze. He joined an elderly woman seated at a table, whose eyes were on her. Her heart throb again. Do I know these people? But no matter how she racked her brains, she can't recall having met the old couple.

They wrapped up the night shortly and they traveled in silence back home. Alex is contemplating whether to bring Lara with him to the Yu residence. Though he is quite sure about Lara's relationship to the Yu family, he still wants to protect her from the possible harm that this might inflict.

If Lara is really their granddaughter as Crystal is, why was she banished from the family along with her mother? Surely that confidential file in the military holds the answer.

While Lara stares outside the window on their way. Realizing that she doesn't know the exact address to his home, and if she ever got lost, she wouldn't know how to find her way back!

As if reading her thoughts, the serious man beside her suddenly laughed. "That's because you always sleep when I take you home."

Does she? Her eyes widened in embarassment.

Alex took her hand and kissed the back of it. "No worries, wifey. I'll always take you back home."

She felt joy with his words. But along with it a heartache. Does it stands even when Crystal comes back? Even when he already told her why he married her, the fact is he is still married. And she feels uneasy meeting the old man earlier. Is it because she feels guilty living the life of his granddaughter?

Her head ached and she leaned on the headrest of her seat. Smiling tenderly at her, Alex pushed her head towards his shoulders.


As the distance isn't that far, Lara woke up from her nap when she felt their car stopped. They're home.

Alex accompanied her up to her bedroom door and kissed her goodnight.

"Sleep well wifey."

"Goodnight, Alex."

Feeling tired, she washed herself and took the space beside Luke at the bed. Her son felt her warmth in his sleep and cuddled closer to her. In return she hugged him.


"Sleep well, baby."

"I love you, mommy."

"I love you too, Luke"

3rd week 7/15

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts