
Not from the same cloth

Alex parked his car outside the Yu residence the next morning. He did not wait for Lara to awaken. After much thought the previous night, he decided that he should distance Lara from the Yus. After all, they didn't acknowledge her and Alana for 24 years. He has a bad feeling about it, therefore without even having breakfast, he had left his home.

He pressed the door bell and shortly a maid has appeared and allowed him inside. Elder Yu was surprised to see him so early.

"Join us for breakfast." The old man said but he declined, as he doesn't want to stay long. It is Saturday and he wanted to spend it with Lara and Luke.

Leon Yu thinned his lips but said nothing turning himself towards the study and Alex followed behind.

"It seems you have never treated this family as yours, Alexander." Leon Yu addresses him by his full name. Oh, he pissed the old man this early. However, Alex doesn't care.

"I do respect you as my grandfather's friend. But you and I know, your granddaughter and I have never been husband and wife in the real meaning of it." He said coldly. This angered the man.

"You bedded her and now you say such things!" Leon's voice was louder than it was, but still controlled. A veteran of the military, the man sure can control his emotions.

"You know I didn't. Crystal came over by herself at my home. She slept beside me when I was dead drunk. As a man wouldn't you know that it's impossible to have sex that way? And even if we did, I shouldn't be responsible for her as it was her own choice. I merely saved 8 dignity but I owe her nothing!" He spat.

Continuing, he said, "My lawyers are working on the dissolution of our marriage. The papers will be sent here early next week."

"Ha! You think it will be that easy?" The man said sarcastically.

"I think you are forgetting which family you have married your granddaughter into." Alex smirked.

Leon Yu's eyes narrowed, however the young man is right. He cannot fight him head on. He also owed Alex's grandfather. When Alana ditched her engagement with Andrew, it was the Elder Liu who helped cover the scandal. Otherwise, how could they even stay in the same city?

"Mr. Yu, I think it is best we cut ties. Your daughter shamed my father 25 years ago. Your granddaughter seems to have taken after her own mother. Our families are just never meant to be related." He hit the bulls eye. As Leon Yu's eyes widened in surprise. This man knows what happened before?! Did Andrew and his father betrayed him by letting out their family's secret?

Alex turned to leave, but the man stopped him.

"But that girl with you, isn't she her mother's daughter too?" Ha! This man's funny. He insulted Alana and Crystal in front of me, but has the same face by his side.

"She isn't your granddaughter so I must say she isn't cut from the same cloth." Though he knows Lara is half a Yu, she grew up innocent, uncaring of the world. Even the Alana that raised her let go of the life that revolves on material things, and instead had loved unconditionally. Charles Lee must have been a great man. He may not had been able to give them all, but he gave them all he has.

And Alex knew , no matter how much fortune he has, if he dared to hurt Lara, or failed to protect her, then he is unworthy of her. Just like the man who fathered Luke.

I was out partying last night, so to make it short, I'm cramming to write chapters right now. 'I've been so happy that I've written three chapters in one seating.

However, it will be released altogether, so I need to write 5 more for this 3rd week.

Here goes, 8/15

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts