
The In-between

You lazily looked over to where the voice had came from and saw what you had been searching for-- Gabriel. Even from where he was, sitting in a car about a hundred yards away, you saw him clearly. His hair was messy and the clothes that hung off his malnutrition vessel were wrinkled, but his eyes were what caught your attention. Red and raw and puffy, like he'd been crying recently. "(Y/n), I'm sorry," he said in a sad voice. You didn't reply, just stared at him with blank eyes. "(Y/n)," he repeated, but you still stayed silent. "Say something, cupcake," he said, getting up and coming closer to the car. You shut the door and kept your eyes locked on his, mumbling nonsensical words. He reached through the open window to touch your cheek. "Baby, forgive me. I was being irrational and--" You took his hand away and rolled up the window, cutting him off. "It's not real, (Y/n), it's just a hallucination," you whispered to yourself. Gabriel was pounding on the door in confusion, but you started the car and pulled away into the dirt road.

You saw John and Bobby pass you, try to flag you down, but you ignored them best you could. The radio was on, but you flipped it off in a hurry. Normally, the silence would have made you itch, but now... Now it was the only thing keeping you from biting the bullet. It was ringing and so loud in your ears, it almost hurt. A flap of wings interrupted you halfway to the hospital and you screamed, "Leave me alone, Lucifer! I'm getting rid of you, no matter what it takes!" A hand lightly touched your shoulder and you pulled as close to the steering wheel as possible. "(Y/n), you're going to hurt yourself, stop!" pleaded Gabriel. You felt warm tears come down your face and Lucifer's giggle was close by. "Oh, this is really the last straw, isn't it? What a trick!" he snickered. You slammed on the brake and "Gabriel" went flying into the front seat, right through Lucifer. Lucifer disappeared.

He grabbed you by the face and turned you to look into his eyes. The eyes you wanted so badly to be real. "Look at me! Feel me, touch me, smack me, do something! I'm real, (Y/n), I'm real and I'm right here," he yelled, taking one of your hands and putting it on his neck. His His heart was beating the blood into your hand and his warmth came off him in waves. Everything in you screamed that it was him, but... His eyes, they weren't as dark as usual and he never would have let himself fall into such disrepair over anything, especially not a human girl. Fear in his every move? No, this wasn't Gabriel. "I'm right here, sugar, I'm here," he coaxed gently. His eyes moved over your face in terror. One hand cupped the one you had over his neck and he squeezed it reassuringly. 

"Yeah, kiss him, (Y/n)! I know you want to, just do it. I can let you see me always if you come back. As long as you're screaming my name, I don't care if you see Hulk," said a voice you knew to be Lucifer. "Gabriel's" chest was lightly heaving and his pulse quickened when you kept quiet. "(Y/n), it's me," whispered Gabriel. He was getting closer to you, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. "Stop." He pulled back enough to let you know he had stopped. "No! I wanted to see you kiss! Come on, I'm bored!" whined Lucifer. "What?" asked "Gabriel". You looked into his eyes and pulled your hand out of his reach. "I made a promise and I'm not going to break it. I don't care if it's for you or Lucifer or Dean or John or even Sam, it ain't happening. I have to do this, I have to show Gabriel he made a mistake and so I'm going to have to do this," you said in a low voice, eyes sill staying on Gabriel. By then, there was a car behind you.

"Do what? How show me I made a mistake" asked "Gabriel", the nervousness creeping through. "I loved him and I still love him and I will love him until I die. Which will probably be either in a few hours or another day, but I'm making this choice without anyone weighing my choices," you started, grabbing your phone. Flicking on the camera, you let it rest on the dashboard and pushed record. "Sam, don't forget me and replace me when you get the chance. You're amazing and so smart and kind and just... Love ya, Samster. Take care of Dean and John, those idiots are gonna need someone. Thanks for saving me when I couldn't save myself and being probably the best friend I've ever had. Dean, same goes for you. You're caring and strong and too good for someone like me. Don't go where you can't take your family and be nice to yourself. You're a good person and full of life and light. Don't lose it. John, take it easy on the boys. Take a break. Meet someone, in the life or out, I don't care. Have it be Bobby for all I care. You're a great dad when you're not yelling or HWARGing. I love you guys." With that, you ended the recording and looked in the rearview mirror and saw the car behind you had gone around replacing it with a fast coming Impala with two very angry Winchester's and a slightly irritated Singer. 

"(Y/n), what was that?" asked Gabriel frantically. You opened the door at the same time John opened his door to get out. You laid the phone on the ground and shut the door locking it. John grabbed it while Sam tried to get the door open. "(Y/n), open the door, please. You can't drive like this. You might get hurt. Let me in, let Gabriel drive at least," he begged. His puppy eyes were full blown and you smiled weakly at him before positioning the wheel at the edge of the road where you knew there was about a seven-hundred foot drop. Sam kept talking and John was watching the video. You looked back at Lucifer, then over to "Gabriel" and said, "I'm going to pretend you're real because I'm still scared." "Of what!" screamed Gabriel angrily. You took his hand and slammed your foot on the accelerator, taking you right over the edge of the road, away from John and Sam and Bobby's screams and "Gabriel's" attempts to get in-between you and the impact.

Now you were stuck in-between.