
Finally Married My Long-Time Crush

Sakura Go is a third-year high school student. She is not good at studying, but she tried hard to study because she doesn't want to repeat a year. During their opening ceremony, when she is in freshmen year, she had a crush at first sight with a guy named Seiya Chiba. Seiya Chiba was the top student in their school. On Valentine’s Day, Sakura had the guts to confess and give chocolate to Seiya. Seiya is the type of guy that is arrogant and cold-hearted, so when Sakura gave him the chocolate, Seiya did not accept it and walked away, leaving Sakura feeling sad and embarrassed. For three years, she didn’t approach Seiya, instead she just secretly watch him from afar. Throughout those three years, Sakura still has a crush on Seiya, or is it love? One day, her father was attacked by loan sharks and took all his money and also their house. Sakura's father said that they would stay at his friend's house for a while. When they arrived at his father's friend's house, she was shocked when she saw Seiya. His father’s friend is Seiya’s father. Sakura is going to live with Seiya under the same roof. Is it fate? What will happen to Sakura and Seiya? Will Sakura change the arrogant and cold-hearted Seiya? Sakura’s one-sided feelings on the top student since freshmen are within her reach now.

Des_Ly · Teen
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22 Chs

Chapter 17: Jealous

Sakura's POV

"It's almost the end of the semester, and I will give you a project. You will do it by pair," Our History professor said.

Our History professor gave us a project by pair. My partner is Jerome, and I'm glad that he is my partner because we are close.

All of our professors gave us projects to be passed before the end of the semester.

"Ok, you all have a pair already. You can go to your partners and discuss the project. I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow,"

Our History professor left the classroom. History subject is the last subject before lunch break.

Jerome went to me, and we discussed the project.

"Ah, Jerome. Can we continue discussing this later after class ends?"

"Ok, I will go ahead because I'm hungry,"

"Ok. See you later,"


When I went outside, Seiya is already waiting for me.


"Let's go and take our lunch. I'm starving,"

"Ok. Did you come here just now?"


"Ok, let's go,"

We went to the cafeteria, and Dylan and Rose are not yet here. It's the first time that they came late.

"Sorry, I'm late," Rose said.

"Why is your face like that? You look like you did not get enough sleep,"

"It's because I have lots of projects to pass,"

"Sorry I'm late," Dylan said.

"Let me guess. Projects?"


"Me too. It will be passed by the end of the semester,"

"It can't be helped because it's almost the end of the semester," Seiya said.

"It's going to be a hell month for us. I think Seiya is not even pressured because he is too smart,"

"Oops! It's not that I'm too smart means that I'm not pressured. I'm pressured and stressed, you know. I don't like doing lots of work,"

"Ok, ok. Let's just eat our lunch. I'm starving,"

We all ate our lunch.

Fast forward, and it's now the end of class. I called Jerome to discuss our project.

"So, what is your idea about the project?" I said to Jerome.

Jerome told me his idea, and I find his idea great, so we stick to his idea.

"When will we start the project?" Jerome said.

"Maybe tomorrow. We can do it in the library,"


"It's going to be a hell month for me,"

"Me too. Lots of projects to pass,"


Jerome and I talked about random topics, and we laughed when our topic is too funny.

Seiya's POV

Lots of projects to do and pass because it's almost the end of the semester.

When the class ended, I went to Sakura's classroom. When I arrive, I saw her talking to a guy.

What are they talking about? They are laughing.


"Oh, Seiya"

The guy looked at me, and I gazed at him angrily.

"Ah, I got to go, Sakura. See you tomorrow,"


The guy left the classroom, and I entered.

"What are you two doing? You are laughing loudly,"

"Ah, we are discussing our project and talked for a bit,"

"Is that all?"

"Yes. Wait a minute. I sense something. Are you perhaps jealous, Seiya?"

"No, I'm not,"

"Uhum, I know you are. I can see it in your facial expressions,"

"Ok, I give up. You win. I'm jealous,"

"Why would you be? Do you not trust me?"

"It's not like I don't trust you, Sakura. When I see you with another guy, it makes me jealous,"

"You don't have to be Seiya because he is only my classmate, and you are the one I love, ok?"

"Ok, I love you too. I'm sorry that I got jealous, Sakura,"

"It's ok. We only need to trust each other, ok?"


"Let's go?"


I got jealous of that Jerome guy.

I get jealous when Sakura is with another guy. I felt it again because the first time I felt jealous is when I see Sakura with Dylan.

I have trust in her, but I can't control my emotions sometimes.

Love consists of trust and faith in each other. Jealousy is also normal.

I'm glad that Sakura is understanding. She would explain it to me immediately without hesitation.

Sakura is the woman that I need in my life.