

ROAR The Hercules Entomons eyes turn red as they start opening up their wings and start buzzing, creating an intense amount of wind pressure

But before they could do anything, THOOM.. THOOM.. X-CoilGun and X-RailGun shot heavy fire at the Hercules Entomons with their new Tungsten bullets.

The heavy bullets slammed against the Hercules Entomons

BAM One of the Hercules Entomon staggered, his proud shells were deformed with just one bullet.

Another 2 to 3 shots were fired at him and finally, the Tungsten bullets penetrated through the armor and pierce through his inside organs.

ROARS... The Hercules Entomon roars with pain as he activates his life energy, he was filled with rage as he keeps increasing his life energy, the bleeding stops and the exposed tissues were covered by a thin new transparent shell.

All of the Hercules was battered by the bullets as they screamed with pain.

They were blasted down by the heavy tungsten bullets as they shatter their shells and took away all of their flight abilities as the damage was done on their backs.

The Hercules Entomons ROARS as it echoed throughout the whole battlefield.

Before the Humans could do anything billions of Entomons charge directly towards the Hercules Entomons and drag away the Hercules Entomons towards the dark side of the asteroids.

Bullets and lasers were fired at the swarm of retreating Entomons as they drop down like flies but they still insist and took away the Hercules Entomons.

Henry didn't chase after them because the Hercules Entomons were still capable of fighting and they were in a berserk mode, only their flight abilities has been taken away and they were still dangerous for him to risk it and there were billions of other Entomons and he could not be distracted while fighting against these beasts.

"How many did we succeed in planting the bombs?" Henry asked through Virtual screen.

"17 on Class A(Largest) asteroids, 378 on Class B(Medium) and 1327 on Class C(Small) asteroids Sir!" reported the crew members.

"All combat soldiers, retreat from the asteroids within 1 minute," Henry shouted as he ordered.

"Steven, trigger the explosion within 1 minute," Henry said while flying across the space helping the soldiers retreating.

"Roger that," replied Steven as the countdown began; all of the combat soldiers received the countdown visuals on their virtual screen.

The soldiers boosted their Combat suits and flew away from the asteroids leaving behind a streak of light, they were fast as they retreated back to their bases.

Millions of light streak could be seen leaving the asteroids.

As soon as the humans leave, the holes were detonated so the Entomons couldn't enter.

"10 seconds," reported one of the crew members.

Queen Marabunta SCREECH loudly as she calls for retreat.

The Leviathans and the Entomons halted their movement and start turning around and retreating slowly.

"4..3..2..1..0" Steven push the buttons.

Inside the asteroids, the Antihydrogen bombs were triggered as the magnetic shields of the antimatters were released.

As soon as the antimatter touch the matter and create an explosion with 100% pure energy, the powerful blast triggered the fusion in a higher percentage, when the blast is higher and more powerful, the chances of triggering the fusion becomes higher as well, so Antimatter trigger is the best for Fusion bomb, Hydrogen bomb is actually two bombs, you need a very high explosion to trigger the fusion, so there is both nuclear fission and fusion inside the Hydrogen bomb, but the fission bomb has been replaced by Antimatter which creates more blast and pure energies.

BOOOOOOOM Thunderous sound could be heard as the gigantic asteroid explodes.

A bright light blasted through space with immense heat and temperature.

The shockwave and the debris slammed against the Leviathans and the heatwave blasted through space incinerating the nearby Entomons.

BOOOOOOOM... BOOOOOOOM... Thousands of thunderous explosion could be heard as the asteroids exploded next by next across the battlefield, the shockwave blasted away the Entomons and the Leviathans, 100s of the Leviathans could be seen laying dead as their bodies were tattered and riddled with holes and their intestines were hanging out, these Leviathans were unlucky as they were extremely too close to the explosions.

Half of the Entomons outside of the Leviathans were wiped out, their bodies were burned and riddled with holes from the impact of the debris and the shockwave.

Large chunks of the asteroid could be seen flying in every direction as they slammed against the surrounding asteroids, the debris was all over the place as they scattered and flew across the Kuiper belt at a high speed and slammed against the surrounding asteroid.

A few of the debris and smaller chunks of the asteroids went straight for the human camps.

Whir.. whir… The debris and the smaller chunks of the asteroids whistle through space as they slammed across the humans camp.

BOOM… BOOM… SLAM It slam across the human camps frontline and destroyed the surrounding area.

But there was not a single death because all of the humans have already retreated back into the HQ and they were protected by the shields.

It didn't cause much damage and the larger chunks were pushed or deflected away by the missiles.

The Entomons and the Leviathans suffer another barrage of attacks from the debris and large chunks of the asteroids from the explosions.

Most of them hide behind the back of the surrounding asteroids as they weathered out the storm of debris with pain and humiliations.

The Leviathans suffered some serious and minor injuries from the shockwave and the impact from the debris, they were feeling pain and dizzy.

Roars and screams of pain filled the whole battlefield.

But not all of the Entomons and Leviathans were affected, thousands of asteroids were still standing.

Humans took advantage of the chaotic situation and start attacking.

The Zeus beams tore through space and rip the Leviathans and the Entomons apart.

Bullets, lasers, and missiles were raining down on the Entomons.

Some of the exposed and injured Entomons and Leviathans screams with pain as they wiggle their way behind the back of the Asteroids.

It wasn't much effective anymore as the Entomons and leviathans were already hiding behind the back of the nearby asteroids.

Queen Marabunta saw everything, she was truly angry and annoyed by the humans, she sends in more reinforcements while she and her armies kept advancing towards human camps while surrounding the humans from all different sides.

This time she was more cautious and send in RagWorm Entomons, they look like a being from nightmarish hell, their mouth is surrounded by sharp pincers which are stronger than most of the strongest materials in this Galaxy, in the middle is a giant claw-like jaws which can cut and rip through anything to pieces.

These RagWorm Entomons were perfect for digging on hard surfaces, their seize are tiny compared to the GreenWorm Entomons which is only 25 meters long, but they were perfect for this job.

With the perfect setup, she starts sending out more Entomons.

But to her surprise humans, Flying Battles Stations and billions of battleships were moving out of the Kuiper belt and spread across space, they start stationing in the places where they can intercept the Entomons before they reached the Asteroids.

The humans were feeling weary about the Entomons as well, using the asteroids as a shield was a surprise and a huge disadvantage for the humans.

The reason they were able to defeat them depend largely on the surprise elements, now they have already exposed some of their trump cards and their success rate was very low.

The Entomons were not stupid enough to be fooled twice, they were able to use strategies in the war so they are pretty damn smart as well.

Prevention is better than cure so they come up with a plan to confront it before the Entomons settle down near the human camps with asteroids as their shields, that would be a disaster.

They wasted more resources on the asteroid than they normally used it on the Entomons, and the result was obvious, they took out only 100s of Leviathans from 4 to 5thousand Leviathans and half of the Entomons which were outside of the Leviathans.

The bullets and the lasers they fired were not unlimited, the cost was high and in this long term battle, it was crucial to managing the resources well.

The good thing that comes out from this battle is deterrence, they showed how powerful the humans are and that will make the Entomons a little more cautious in an all-out war and buy more time for the humans.

Queen Marabunta snorted as she looked at the humans activity, she didn't stop her armies, the Entomons went through the same process as they travel through wormholes, but this time they travel through a shorter wormholes and, the numbers of Entomons travelling keep increasing as they bore through the wormholes and settle down far away from human reach, their numbers never stop as they keep increasing.

The humans watching this drop their jaws, they can see wormholes surrounding them and the Entomons keep pouring and settling down on the Kuiper belt, as soon as they settle down, they start pushing the asteroids and start charging towards the human camps slowly.

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