

On the large asteroids, bullets and lasers were raining down on the legionary Entomons while suppressing their advancement, Henry starts slicing them into pieces with his frequency claws while stamping the remaining Entomons in his combat zone, some of them were still wriggling as if they were alive.

Henry put his blade into the jaws of the bodyless Entomons, it suddenly snapped and tried to crush his blade while twitching, Henry gave an electric shock and fried its brain, after a few seconds the life signals vanish whilst still holding onto his blade.

The life energy of these Entomons was so tough, he realizes the severity of the situation.

Before the Entomons get close to the holes; lasers, bullets, and missiles start raining down on them, the bullets and the lasers were able to kill them in 3 to 5 shots whilst the missiles blasted them into pieces, it wasn't much effective as killing class 1 and 2 Entomons but they were still able to hold off the Entomons.

The numbers keep increasing and it was getting harder and harder to defend.

The combat officers landed on each of the Asteroids as they start defending the holes.

Fights and explosions broke out as both sides started engaging in battles.

The Legionary Entomons weren't that big, they were only 7 to 10 meters tall, but they were more tenacious and fiercer than most of the Entomons armies, they were even stronger then high-class Noble Entomons if they were in a few 100 groups.

Some of the human soldiers were snapped into pieces by a group Legionary Entomons and dragged them away from the battlefield, once the humans were caught and dragged inside the swarm, there was not a single chance of survival, these new Entomons were pure killing machines, as long as they have a single life and energy left in them, even if all of their limbs and bodies are gone, they will attack, they were similar to Zombies.

It was a nightmare for humans.

"Sir! The situation is bad, these Entomons are like zombies and it's hard to keep them down, the casualties are increasing every second," reported one of the commanders while cutting the neck of the Legionary Entomon, but the body was still moving whilst the head trying to snap his feet.

He stamped his feet and smashed the head of the Entomon like tomatoes before it finally stops moving.

"I know, shoot their legs and immobilize them, we are here to buy some times," ordered Henry while charging his energy.

The soldiers followed his order and start attacking the legs immobilizing the Legionary Entomons, they were still crawling slowly towards the humans while some just lay on their stomach and screeching.

It was more effective than killing them.

But they cannot stop all of them, the casualties keep increasing but at a much slower pace.

Looking at the soldiers having a hard time coping with these new enemies.

Henry boosted his suit into burst mode and blasted the crowd of Legionary Entomons with his energy blaster dealing tons of damage.

That blast cleared a few miles of Entomons giving the soldiers a breather from the onslaught.

Henry ran at a high speed and slammed the Entomons with his shield shocking them and frying their inner organs, he charges straight into the swarm and deployed a concentrated thin laser beam into the crowd cutting down all of the Entomons within a mile radius.

Henry flew around while damaging the Legionary Entomons on a massive scale.

The pressure was elevated from the soldiers, they were finally able to breathe and start strategizing in groups and create formations, It was more effective with formations.

With the help of Henry, the humans were finally able to hold their grounds.

Henry flew across space as he keeps jumping between the asteroids helping the soldiers and elevating their pressures whilst stabilizing the battlefield.

Without anyone realizing a Leviathan suddenly shot out 20 gigantic Entomons directly at Henry.

BAM BAM BAM It landed directly on Henry's spot, but Henry already dodges it.

The ground cracks and rubble were pushed away as a 70 meters tall Entomon with fully armor-plated shells and long horns like a claw stood up, It blew off steam as he started gazing his surroundings , the ground started shaking as another 19 of them stood up as they THUMP the ground with their heavy legs finding a proper footing and shake off the dizziness from the flight they just took.

After a few moments, all of their gazes landed on Henry as they let off steam from their nose and poise for attacks.

Thump Thump Thump The ground trembles as they charge directly at Henry and start engaging in battles, Henry put up his shields whilst dodging from the direct impact, BAM a horn swipe slammed Henry across the battlefield as he crashed against the rocky hills.

Crumbles, heavy rocks were falling down as Henry stood up from the crumble rocky hills, he looked at the damage, his eyes went wide, it was more than 100k tons, he shivers and felt lucky he got the new suits, the damage on the energy shield was 35%, he couldn't survive a few rounds of those attacks and if he was surrounded, it was all over, these Hercules Entomons were heavy and really strong.

He was feeling invincible with his new suits, he even thought he could beat those Entomons Queen, but reality still struck him in the end, these Entomons even poses a serious threat to him not to mention their Queens, but he still has his hyper booster and a few hidden cards.

From the Battle Stations; bullets, Lasers, and missiles were fired at the Hercules Entomons, but they weren't effective at all, It just leave a few scratches without any damage.

BOOM The missiles exploded in their face as tons of smoke came out.

From the missiles smokes, the giant Hercules Entomons charge out like a grim reaper with their long horns ready to crush and pierce anything in its way.

They look really intimidating with their size and their horns, the ground shakes as they charge for Henry again.

One of the Hercules Entomons stands out as he was speeding up towards Henry while leaving behind the others.

"Leto! Front target, aim for the eye," Henry said as he charged straight for the Hercules Entomon who was charging at him.

Thump... Thump... Both of them were charging at each other, when they were just a few 10s of meters apart, Leto fired a concentrated thin laser beam directly at the incoming Hercules Entomon eyes.

SPIT... Blue Blood spits as a highly concentrated zap rang out and pierce through the Entomon eyes, the speed of the laser was too fast and they were too close to each other, the Hercules Entomon had no time to blink or defend the incoming laser attack when he was focused and engaging in a close combat battle.

ROAR The Hercules Entomon stumble and crashes into the ground without a break and crushing the ground with his sheer weight and momentum creating a pit.

Henry went straight for the kill, a single sharp frequency claw extended out from the wrist, the high frequency was buzzing with energy.

RIP Henry pierce through the gap between the shells in its neck.

The Hercules Entomon woke up from the stupor as it felt a sense of crisis and death, It ROARS as it tried to swing his head, but all was too late.

The head was cut off clean; Henry flew up before the other Entomons slammed against him, he floated in the sky looking down at the Hercules Entomons who were going crazy.

The Hercules Entomons stop charging and stumble as they hit the breaks and stop near the death Entomon, they saw one of their own laying down with a pool of blue blood, they look and sniff at the death Hercules Entomons.

Something kick in their heads as they suddenly turned berserk.

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