
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Instigation and gambling

"Isn't this the young master of knight Melina who lost his fief? Why are you so shabby that you came to Baron Red Maple's house for a meal? If you are short of money to buy barley and start a fire, you can borrow it from me! Our Gerry family has a vast territory, and there is no shortage of them. You copper coins!"

When the housekeeper was reporting to the master, the guests outside had pushed aside the servant's obstruction and came uninvited.

The visitor was an aristocratic young man in his twenties, but he had a strong scorn on his face, like a rogue on the street more than a nobleman, and his appearance was not likable. Beside the young man is an old mage wearing a gorgeous mage robe, holding a one-person-high wooden staff, and his beard and hair are all white.

Barley is generally a coarse grain that the poorest commoners or slaves eat daily. The black bread baked with it is hard and dry and hard to swallow, and few nobles have the opportunity to try it. The other party said this, of course, mocking Donald's status as a poor aristocrat, but he obviously didn't know that Donald's wealth now probably exceeds that of ordinary field aristocrats. The hereditary minor nobles under the baron could not do it after accumulating for decades!

The other party's words were too harsh, and even the Red Maple Baron, who valued peace, could not help but frown, but seeing the old mage beside the young man, the merchant noble was obviously a little shy, and the words of rebuke came to his lips again. stop.

On the contrary, although Donald was extremely angry in his heart, he was still able to maintain his noble demeanor and did not fight, but he secretly taught the other party a small lesson. He mobilized his mental power, used the magician trick, grabbed a piece of raw steak that was ready to be grilled on the spot, and smashed it hard on the opponent's mouth.


"Who is it? Which bastard dares to tease this young master? Come out and lead to death!"

The aristocratic young man was showing off his power, but he didn't expect such an ugly state, so he was extremely angry and shouted loudly.

The old mage beside the young man raised his white eyebrows, opened his mouth and pointed at Donald and said, "Bold apprentice, you dare to show off your poor apprentice spell in front of this master, and you haven't come out to apologize and admit your mistake!"

"Everyone is equal in front of the spell, you are not my teacher, and you have never met, what qualifications do you have for me to admit my mistake?"

Donald's indifferent business sounded, and the old mage choked upon hearing the words, and then immediately said angrily, "Just because I am your senior, didn't your teacher teach you mage etiquette?"

Seeing this old mage leaning on the old and betraying the old, the confident Donald naturally wouldn't allow others to be insulted and despised, and quickly responded.

"Master is indeed an old master. No matter his age or rank, he is a model of apprentices of my generation, but my teacher is only Master Messer. Is your status already comparable to that of a master?"


The old master was speechless when he heard the three words of Messer. If he said anything that would be detrimental to that person, even if that person was generous and didn't care about him, the other mages in the entire North County would not let him go, and he wouldn't have to mess around in North County in the future.

The old mage had scruples, but the young man was so dizzy with anger that he cursed: "Master Messer, I have never heard of it, do you know who is in front of you? Offending me is offending the whole world. Lord Li, you..."

Before the young man could finish speaking, he was violently pulled by the old mage beside him, and the second half of his words were also interrupted.

Seeing that the old mage was blushing with shock or anger, just as he was about to ask, he heard the opposite Donald chuckle:

"If you dare to say this again in Boulder City, that's an admirable act! I'm sure that within a long time you will be turned into a roast pig by all the mages in Beijun, the city guards and them. The lord of the North County didn't dare to take care of it,"

Even the Red Maple Baron beside him nodded in agreement. This man is too stupid to even dare to say insulting words to that master. Even the great nobles of the kingdom would only be on an equal footing with that man, and would not dare to be disrespectful at all.

If this matter is small, it is mostly the magnanimous person, and it will not be settled. If it is large, the title of the noble family and the entire family territory of the other party will probably be ruined by these words.

Besides, the old mage over there has already explained the benefits to the young man, and the guy's face turned pale with fright.

Seeing that the young man was taught a lesson, be honest, and Baron Hongfeng spoke to him in a leisurely manner.

"Sodo, are you here to find Saiorin again today? Who is this esteemed Master Mage?"

The young man barely showed a smile and said: "This is Master Xue, the new mage advisor hired by our Baron Gerry. I heard that both Uncle Ernest and Sister Saiolin admire mage very much, so I specially invited Xue. Master is here to visit!"

The conversation between the two also relieved the doubts in Donald, who was wondering why the young man appeared here so coincidentally.

This young man is the grandson of old Gerry who invaded their family's territory back then, and Sodo, the son of the current Lord Gerry, has insulted and ridiculed the former Donald many times. To paraphrase an old saying from his previous life, he would recognize him even if he turned into ashes. As soon as he saw this guy appearing, Donald's hatred, old and new, flooded into his heart.

In those days, the fief of the Melina family was obtained by the trickster of the old Gregory. At that time, the old Gregory was just the butler of the previous Viscount Macbeth family. In order to make his son, the current Lord Gregory, stand out, he designed and contrived. The fief of the Melina family that has fallen into decline. The request was then succeeded by his son, who had been formally elevated to knighthood by a knightly squire.

It stands to reason that the Melina family, like Baron Red Maple, is not a noble retainer directly under Viscount Macbeth, but a local lord who also belongs to His Majesty the King. It's just that the Gerry family somehow bribed the officials of the royal court, acquired the fief of the Melina family, and was directly named a lord by his master.

Although Donald, who had changed his soul, knew that there must be the support of the Viscount family behind all this, Donald was the most resentful of the shameless act of the Gerry family who defrauded his grandfather by deceiving the family fief in his memory.

Lord Gerry, Viscount Macbeth's retainer, coveted the territory and property of Baron Red Maple, and it was also at the inspiration of Viscount Macbeth behind him that he instructed his son to pursue the baron's lady. Maple syrup and wine are the two major industries of the Red Maple Baron, and even Viscount Macbeth is very hot!

Today, the son of Lord Gerry brought Master Xue, the newly hired third-level mage hired by the Gerry family, to show off in front of his future father-in-law, so as to increase his chances of marrying a baroness.

You must know that the Red Maple Baron has always wanted to have a relationship with the mages, but no mages responded. The mages are all arrogant, even if they are only low-level mages in the early stage of black iron.

So it happened that the third-level mage was recruited in the family. Seeing that Baron Red Maple had not responded positively to the marriage, Lord Gerry thought of such a way to demonstrate and show off.

Speaking of this Master Xue, he was from a commoner, and his original name was rather vulgar, so he changed his name to Xue.

Ordinary civilians in this world generally only have names and no surnames. Often the father is called Rob, and the son is called Little Rob. If there are too many births, the name alone will make ordinary parents who do not know a few words feel embarrassed.

As for slaves, most of them only have code names, not even an official name. If a commoner has his own surname, then his ancestors must be related to the noble or professional class, and their status is higher than that of ordinary commoners.

The reason why this old mage is only called a one-character name is because most outsiders will call him Master Xue, which can give him a strong sense of superiority.

With his rank, he is far from being called a master, although his appearance and clothes seem to be more master-like than that of the first mage of North County, Master Messer. You must know that only high-level wizards can barely be called masters, and the real masters are gold-level masters. Strictly speaking, Messer has not reached the level of silver-level wizards, but considering that master's alchemy skills The achievement has reached the silver domain, and the prestige in North County, it is completely beyond reproach to call a master.

It is said that even the masters of the Kingdom Mage Association treat Master Messer, the only senior alchemist and equipment enchanter in Celtic with great respect.

Inheriting the tradition of the ancient magic empire, the mages believe in the theory of pursuing the truth first, the most successful.

And Mage Xue is almost sixty years old, and she is only a low-level mage of the third level. Because of her narrow-mindedness, she has always held a mentality from envy to jealousy for those talented young apprentices. This mentality grows with age. The stagnation with the level became more and more serious, so when I saw Donald, a seventeen-year-old young apprentice, it felt as if a fire was burning in my heart.

The Boulder City Club released the news that Messer was accepted as an apprentice by a genius apprentice cup, which Master Xue also heard from his friend, Master Nalong. I didn't expect to be with my employer's son today, and I would encounter such a coincidence. And the apprentice Donald in front of him is an example of the younger generation. How can he not make the old mage jealous?

And Donald, who heard Mage Snow's name, immediately raised his vigilance. In the reminder from the waiter at the Mage Club, it was the name of Mage Xue who appeared with the Mage Naron in the middle of the black iron. The attitude of this Snow Mage is probably not much stronger than that of that one!

Seeing that neither of them spoke, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment. As the master, Baron Red Maple stood up at this time to ease the atmosphere.

"I invited Knight Melina today to celebrate his success as a mage apprentice with a noble status and a promising future. The two of you came at the right time. If so, why don't you sit down together and celebrate for Knight Melina?"

Suo Duo was still worried about the mistake just now, so Master Xue came down through the steps and pulled Suo Duo to sit together.

As the appetizers and main dishes came up one by one, Donald was enjoying it with relish, but the two of them, who were still arrogant and complacent just now, couldn't eat it.

Sodo, who was frightened by his own blunders before, is now emotionally stable, and he is not angry at the sight of Donald enjoying the delicious food.

You must know that in the past, he had been in a lot of trouble to find Donald, but he didn't expect that this little aristocrat would have a chance to turn over! Thinking of this, Suo Duo felt more and more that he could not let this kid continue to grow, and Mage Xue, who had been engulfed by jealous flames, wanted to destroy the rumored genius apprentice immediately.

The two exchanged at the table in a low voice, and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution. That is to find a way to provoke the young apprentice to test spells with the old mage, and let him bet on the ring given by the master. As long as he loses this gift, I am afraid that the master will also be dissatisfied with it, so that Donald will not be able to take advantage of it. Master Messer's name is gone.

I saw the snow mage put down the tableware first, wiped his mouth with a napkin pretending to be elegant, and then said:

"Apprentice Melina, I have also heard about your performance in the certification assessment of the Mage Club. I wonder if you are willing to discuss spells with me as a third-level mage?"

Seeing that this old mage was interested in learning the etiquette of the nobles, unfortunately because of his commoner background, he was lacking in imitation without any systematic education. It would be better to be natural and casual, and it would not seem so coquettish and pretentious.

Donald didn't know what the other party was thinking, but it was definitely not a good thing for himself. However, he is not afraid of a third-level mage. He now holds a large number of Warcraft crystal cores and elemental crystals. Whether it is a powerful summoned creature or a powerful equipment in the Book of Truth, he can ensure that he can resist or even subdue the old mage in front of him. .

Donald knew that the other party was not at ease and wanted to see what the two had in mind, so he nodded lightly.

Seeing Donald's dispensable appearance made Mage Xue angry again. He thought that the Mage who had mastered the third-level spellcasting ability was already at the top of the black iron stage, but the apprentice in front of him even had some communication with him. How could he not be jealous and resentful with his disdainful look?

"It seems that Apprentice Melina is very confident in himself! Why don't we take a gamble and use the practice method commonly used by mages to have a test, and also help the baron's banquet, how about it?"

"Okay! I don't know how Master Xue wants to compete?"

Suo Duo interjected: "Two mages compete, which is rarely seen among our nobles. How can we not get some lucky money. How about the ring and staff in your hand?"

Seeing these two sing-along and trying to trick him, Baron Red Maple was also looking at him with interest. Donald sneered disdainfully in his heart. If he were an ordinary arrogant young man, he would probably take a step forward. Step into the opponent's calculation!

However, although Donald did not change the impulsive temperament of young people, he was still a thirty-year-old soul. After his second life, he was relatively calm, and he was wary of these two guys from the very beginning. Naturally, he would not Easily hit. Even if he didn't care about a third-level Mage in the Snow Mage, he would not easily expose himself to any threat.

I saw him looking hesitantly at the two of them. In the eyes of the two of them, he suddenly showed a bright smile, but the words he spit out made the other party have the urge to vomit blood.

"Sorry, I refuse!"