
Final Summon of Warcraft

In a world full of dangers and opportunities, what would you do with a high-level artifact of the outer plane? Is it to be free and easy on the mainland, fighting swordsmanship, killing people in ten steps? Or silently farm and develop in the borderlands, and occasionally go out and pretend to be a pig? Or to revive the ancient arcane, to restore the glory of the arcanist? Or... become a great god and control the fate of mortals? This is the history of Donald's struggle in another world.

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Fight, call!

Hearing Donald's words of refusal, and looking at his mocking expression, the two of them, no matter how idiots, knew they were being teased by others.

"I reject your proposal!"

"This ring is a gift from Mr. Messer himself to my little apprentice. How can it be used as a bet? This is not only disrespect to the teacher, but also contempt for the entire North County Mage!"

When Donald almost held back his laughter and said these words righteously, a trace of fear flashed on the faces of Sodo.

The white crystal ring given by his teacher should be very famous in the circle of mages, and Donald didn't feel much doubt that the other party could recognize it.

White crystal, also known as the god crystal, has the ability to increase the strength of mental power, and can be worn for a long time to exercise mental power, and has the effect of permanently improving the quality of mental power to a small extent. Moreover, it is said that this gemstone has the magical effect of enhancing one's piety. It has always been sought after by the clergy of the major churches on the mainland, and is considered by believers to be a gem bestowed by God, hence the name of God Crystal.

I checked the information in the collection of the Master's Club, and learned that this ring can increase the strength of mental strength. Wearing it for a long time is beneficial to him as an apprentice, so Donald has been wearing it since he returned from the Master's Club. The hand never leaves the body.

As for the other ring on the left hand, the appearance is very beautiful, with gold as the main body, a circle of emeralds in the center, and several diamonds, one large and six small. Although this thing looks very gorgeous, it is not a useless decoration, but a magical equipment guardian ring that he exchanged in the book of truth.

Although it is one of the cheap protective equipment, it can only provide the wearer with two levels of extra energy armor, which can increase their own defense by 20%.

But it is such an attribute that does not seem to be very powerful. If Donald is about to face a fatal attack at this time, with the protective cover of this equipment, the fatal injury can be turned into a serious injury, a serious injury can be reduced to a moderate injury, and a moderate injury can be Only minor injuries remained, which were weakened into minor injuries.

This is still the first-level guardian ring that is only exchanged for the energy of low-level element spar about 20 square meters. If you are willing to exchange energy for the guardian ring +1+2, or even the highest level +3, then it can provide five levels of additional protection. A, can increase one's own defense by 50%. That is to say, wearing such equipment, unless it is a soul-related attack, such as a curse spell, or it is a true god's shot, before the ring reaches the limit, the damage he will suffer is only half.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, no matter how powerful the equipment is, it has its ability to withstand. The equipment in the Book of Truth was created according to the laws of this world. In the face of too powerful an attack, low-level equipment is likely to be damaged once it is resisted.

Fortunately, there are many types of equipment in Warcraft. The defense equipment alone is not only the lowest-level guardian ring. If you are willing to spend energy to exchange a few pieces to match, you can make a weak mage become a powerful shield guard. Body in front of the anti strange!

In addition to guarding the ring, Donald also spent a lot of energy to exchange for a piece of equipment that looks like a gorgeous magic wand, denying the scepter.

After all, what mage doesn't have his own special staff! Unless he is really poor, he can't even wear a mage robe.

A staff that can increase the effect of spellcasting, and even add spells, is a weapon for the mage in battle. Even if the mana is exhausted, the mage with the staff in hand will have one or two life-saving cards.

Although the mage apprentice hasn't reached the time to actually use the staff, Donald doesn't mind preparing one for pretense!

What's more, this veto scepter is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has good skills. It can dispel all magical effects within three feet of the target, and cause damage equivalent to the power of third-level attack spells to summoned creatures. Although the effect of the skill lasts for only three seconds and can only be used five times a day, if it is used suddenly, it is enough to interrupt the casting process of all spells below the fifth level.

Therefore, Donald did not choose the cheapest Witchcraft Staff in the exchange list, as well as cheaper staff-type equipment such as the Flickering Shield Staff, because this kind of cheap equipment is a consumable item with a limited number of uses. After using up the skills, things will become decorations with no energy. Instead, it is better to deny the scepter and guardian ring, which can be used repeatedly, and only permanent equipment limited by skill cooling and charging.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that the magical items in the Book of Truth are divided into three types: consumable items, ability-enhancing items, and permanent items. And all categories are divided into ordinary magic items, legendary magic items, and powerful secondary artifacts according to their level. Among them, magic items are divided into four levels: low-level, low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level. The veto scepter and the guardian ring are among the middle-level magic items. For Donald's current level, they are considered high-level equipment.

Besides, when Donald mentioned Master Messer again, Mage Xue did not dare to be disrespectful. If it was known that he deliberately plotted the gift from that master, its nature would be no less than a provocation to a sixth-level peak mage, and The master who could advance to a high-level mage at any time.

So he stepped back and pointed to the exquisite staff half-height in Donald's hand, with fiery eyes in his eyes and said:

"Since it's a gift from the master, it's really not good as a bet, so you can also replace it with the staff in your hand! Remember that you are still an apprentice, and you can't have oversteps in your identity. An apprentice can't become a full-fledged mage with a staff. , do you want to use it to swindle?"

The appearance of the scepter of negation is very beautiful. The whole body is made of ivory-white wood. In the center of the head similar to a multi-blade spear, there are two red gems, one large and one small, as well as platinum hoops fixed at both ends of the rod. Makes it look like it's coming from something extraordinary.

A small apprentice can actually hold a high-level staff that can only be mastered by a strong magician. How can Mage Snow, who has been a mage for many years and only has the lowest-level pine staff, not feel jealous? Looking at the ring and staff in the hands of the young apprentice, the old mage flashed hot greed in his eyes.

If he has these two pieces of equipment in his hand, he can at least make his strength reach the peak of the fourth level!

"It seems that these two guys regard me as a reckless teenager with no brains. They won't give up unless they achieve their goals, so I'll play with them!"

Seeing that the other party changed the bet and aimed at his staff, Donald sneered in his heart.

"Is this a staff?"

I saw him raise the staff in his hand, and said proudly:

"My veto scepter is a legendary scepter from the great arcanist lord of the ancient arcane empire. Although it is only an imitation, it also has one-tenth of the power of the real one, allowing an apprentice to exert the talents of a wizard above the middle tier of black iron. If the spells you have mastered are obtained from the Imperial Capital Auction House, the auction price will be at least 10,000 gold sol. Since it is a gamble, it must be fair. I wonder if you can make a bet of the same value?"

As soon as Donald's words that he lied and didn't write a draft, the two people who thought about the staff were shocked.

Sodo was shocked by the value of the staff, 10,000 gold sol, he had never seen so much money put together when he was so big! The old mage was shocked by the origin of the staff that Donald said.

"Legendary Staff! What kind of treasure is this? It is a weapon that is called second only to divine weapons, and only a great being like the Great Arcanist Lord of the Ancient Arcane Empire or the Emperor of the Ancient Magic Empire can possess it!"

Those treasures are not something that a low-level mage like him can touch. Even Messer, the first mage of North County, is unable to grasp that kind of existence, otherwise he will definitely bring disaster to himself! "

"Although this staff is only an imitation, the imitation of the legendary staff is at least a work that can only be completed by a silver-level alchemist. This kind of item has always been a precious auction item with no market price in the capital. The value can be imagined. I really don't know how this little apprentice got it. Did it Messer give it to him, or he got the inheritance of an ancient mage?"

"Yes, it must be the case, otherwise such a staff would not appear in places like Beijun! It is really ignorant and fearless, and such treasures dare to take out casually!"

Master Xue made a few turns in his heart, made a "correct" assumption about the origin of the staff, looked at Suo Duo, exchanged a few words briefly, and then Suo Duo stepped forward and said:

"I can take out a thousand gold sols in cash, and I can write an IOU for three thousand gold sols, with Lord Hongfeng Baron as a witness, you should be at ease!"

The middle-aged businessman nodded when he heard the words, this kind of gambling did not harm his interests at all, and he could also understand the strength of both sides, he was still willing to testify.

And he simply lent Suodo three thousand gold sol in his own name, stating that if Suodo loses and cannot repay the money in a short period of time, he will take a leather workshop in his own territory as a mortgage.

Seeing that the Red Maple Baron agreed to be a witness and lent money to himself, he thought he would win without a doubt, without the slightest suspicion of the other party's intentions, Suo Duo smiled complacently, and soon signed the IOU, and got the three thousand gold sol from the baron's butler. , and then winked at the old mage beside him.

Originally, the decision between the two of them was that Suoduo would pay for it himself. If he won the bet, it would belong to Master Xue, and he would give Suoduo appropriate compensation. If he lost, the two would share the burden. This old mage will happily agree.

But they didn't expect that the value of the method staff was far beyond their imagination. Sodo didn't know what was going on here, but Mage Xue, who had been a mage for decades, knew the value of such a high-level staff! If there is such a history and power as Donald said, it would be more than 10,000 gold sols to get the Wangdu Auction House. The number of 10,000 can only be the starting price. In the end, it will take at least 30,000 to win. And it's not that the big nobles and the big forces are not even qualified to participate in the auction.

In the end, Master Xue couldn't resist the temptation of greed. He looked at Donald's exquisite staff. Although he was reluctant, he took out his pocket and poured out a dozen crystal clear colored crystals.

"Here is the crystal core of a fifth-level beast, two fourth-level magic cores, and twelve other third-level and second-level magic cores, adding up to a total of fifteen magic cores, which should be worth about four thousand gold sol according to the market price! I Use them as a bet!"

This is already his entire family background. If he loses, he will have to work for the nobles for at least ten years before he can earn it back!

The cheapest secondary crystal nucleus is worth about five or six gold soles, the price of the third-level crystal nucleus is about 30 to 100 gold soles, and the minimum value of the fourth-level crystal nucleus is several hundred gold soles. Er, as for the fifth level, it usually starts at a thousand gold sol.

In this way, the actual value of these fifteen crystal nuclei is similar to what Master Xue said.

Donald looked at those crystal cores and couldn't help but feel happy, but said with some dissatisfaction on his face:

"In this way, you only have a total of 8,000 gold sol bets, no matter how you look at it, I am at a disadvantage!"

Suo Duo was very confident in Master Xue, for fear that the bet that was doomed to them would fail, he quickly quibble and said: "If you win, you can get the bet directly, but if we win, we have to go to the capital to participate in the auction. What is the cost? Does it count as well?"

Pretending to think about it, Donald nodded reluctantly:

"All right!"

"Although I'm just an apprentice, I'm not something that some third-rate wild mages can insult at will! With the majesty of the mages and the honor of the nobles, my apprentice Donald Melina accepts the invitation of the snow mages! The stake is my staff!"

Sodo and the two heard that Donald did not accept the spell practice test, and was about to officially fight against the black iron high-level mages. After the two were surprised, they couldn't help but be overjoyed, this time they must win!

"Little Donald, do you really want this?"

Baron Red Maple reminded at this time. Although he was uneasy and kind to Nasoduo, how to say that the relationship between Donald and him is close, but he prepared this banquet to win over Donald, a promising young man, so he couldn't bear Donald's impulse to be calculated by the other party before giving it a reminder.

Donald smiled at the middle-aged businessman and said confidently: "Don't worry! Lord Ernest, as a mage and a noble, you must have your own dignity! I will not be afraid of the strength of the black iron mage and give up my dignity. If anyone is worried, we can sign a contract, with the Lord Baron as the witness!"

Sodo and the two heard what they wanted. As long as they signed a contract, even though it was a contract that had not been witnessed by a priest, the contract between the nobles was still very binding, and they were not afraid of Donner's loss.

After being overjoyed, Sodor immediately asked the Red Maple Baron to send someone to draw up a contract, for fear that Donald would go back on it.

Not long after, the butler of the Red Maple Baron wrote a contract according to the wishes of both parties, in triplicate, each of which was held by both parties and the witnesses.

Donald checked it carefully before signing the contract that had been drawn up, and then said to the two of them with a cold face:

"Let's get started! Let me, the apprentice, see how brilliant the Black Iron Mage is!"

"It's still too late to admit defeat, lest I'll make an inaccurate shot later and hurt your apprentice!"

In the face of the threat of the old mage, Donald was not afraid at all. Seeing that the other party rejected his good intentions, and he must have a test with him if he didn't give up, the old mage couldn't help feeling some inexplicable worries, and then immediately dismissed this impossible thought.

"No matter how powerful an apprentice is, he is just an apprentice. How can he be compared to a black iron mage like me who is still at the peak of black iron?" Then he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Under the leadership of the master, the group quickly came to the small square in front of the manor villa. The venue here is enough for the two sides to compete.

When he got there, although the old mage didn't think that the young apprentice would have anything to rely on to enable him to win and win the bet, but seeing Donald's fearless attitude, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy again.

But after thinking about it, I immediately let go of my ridiculous worry.

Although the imitation of the legendary staff is powerful, the other party just said that it can enable the apprentice to issue a second-level attack spell, but he is a strong master of the black iron peak, and it is not a problem to resist the second-level spell. Even if the apprentice used a spell scroll, his mental strength would not be able to trigger a third-level scroll in a short period of time. As long as it was not a spell that exceeded the third-level, he would have a way to deal with it and win.

Therefore, Master Xue straightened his clothes and waved his staff with the demeanor of an elder.

"Prepare first! Don't be told that I am bullying one who hasn't mastered it yet!

Class Spell Apprentice! "

Donald didn't say much, the other party was so arrogant that he was really looking for abuse, so he held one of the only two third-level Warcraft crystal cores in his hand, and began to chant the spell on the spot.

"In my name, break the shackles of space, the existence of another world, come out! Dryad girl!"