
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 72 – Tale of Two Brothers and Zurik’s Grand Plan (Extra Chapter)

(Millions of Years Ago)

Long before the Sages, Otsutsukis, and the Demilaxians started their conflict against one another and vying for ultimate power, there lived two brothers on a certain green planet, living a peaceful life with nature.

They were both the same in appearance, having pale-white skin, pale blue hair that reaches their waist, and their eyes blank and featureless.

One was called Ichi, while the other was called Ni.

The two brothers lived with each other in peace for years, but their personalities were like fire and water.

Ichi was outgoing, making friends with anyone and anything that he saw, whether it be animals or harmful predators. He was strictly vegetarian, not wanting to harm any life and treating nature as if it was his own.

Ni, on the other hand, was much colder, and reserved, only following his brother and not bothering his antics. He ate whatever he pleases, and he loved meat as it made his body big and strong, unlike his brother's fragile body only nurtured by plants.

As Ni continued to eat others for his own gain, it started to build a rift between the two that would develop into a war that spanned millions of years.

"Ni! Why are you killing those poor boars! They are only living peacefully!" Ichi shouts, blocking Ni's way from a boar eating some mushrooms in peace.

"Ichi, we already talked about this. We have wisdom, the ability to think, create, and naturally, destroy. The boar is just one way for me to grow stronger, who would foolishly rely on nature's blessing, only a retard like you would act like this," Ni said with a cold glare, punching Ichi on the stomach, causing him to drop down on the ground.

As he glared at Ni's back who walked toward the unarmed boar, he felt his heart and soul raging like fire when Ni was about to slam his stone axe at the boar's head.

"Help me, please," a voice suddenly appeared in his hand, and as if a power has awakened within him, his body appeared like a flicker and grabbed Ni's right arm with only a single arm.

"Ni! Why can't you listen to me! Protecting these maggots like they were your own kin, when I'm your most precious brother!" Ni's eyes became slits, the veins on his forehead popping up.

"Don't you understand, brother! All life is equal, what right did you have to decide that you can just kill this boar's life!" Ichi shouts, his irises turning green while a cool stream coursed through his whole body, it was as if the world was giving him its power.

As he slammed his fist into Ni's chin, Ichi watches him fling high up into the air and slam down to the ground with a thud.

Without waiting for his brother to wake up, Ichi grabbed the boar and sat on top of it.

"Let's go, little boar!"


Soon, as Ni tugs his head up, he looks at the two running away into the distance which made his body and soul resonate in anger.

"ICHI!" Ni shouts, his teeth gnashing at each other and he slowly stood up.

"I'll show you, I'll show you that only personal strength is what matters, not this bastardly idea that the world will just help you," Ni growls, walking away from the area as this one stupid scene caused a war that resulted in trillions of death.

Years soon passed and the two brothers encountered different fates, in just a few years, Ichi has become the Sage, a wandering man who travels the land and helps animals in need, blessing many with the gift of nature and how to harness the power of natural energy to strengthen their bodies.

"H-huh? A giant tree?" Ichi said, his brows raised as a fox came rushing towards him inside his camp currently residing in the forest.

"Yes, Sage-sama. There is a giant tree, that is hundreds of you stacked on top of each other, that's how large it is. It just appeared out of nowhere last night and has caused untold destruction… some even died." Hearing what the fox said, Ichi's stomach drop and he hurriedly rushes towards the direction the fox gave.

"W-what is that?" Ichi mutters upon arriving on top of a steep cliff to see the gigantic brown tree that even pierces the clouds above them, the pool of blood below it causing his stomach to drop.

"Brother! You're finally here!" As Ichi heard that voice, he hurriedly turned his attention to the sky and saw a shocking sight, his brother, Ni, was floating in the sky wearing nothing but his naked, muscular body, and his eyes were pale blue and have a flowery imprint glowing in the middle.

"NI!" Ichi shouts, his face contorting in rage.

"What did you do!" Waving his hand, a staff of wood appears in Ichi's right arm with a puff of smoke.

"I only did what I need to do, brother. The God Tree, a magnificent beauty made after researching for countless years, using a countless amount of lives to create this masterpiece! Now I only need the final component to finally grow the fruits of my labor, you!" Ni shouts, his eyes widening in pure glee while Ichi grits his teeth, holding back his rage.

"COME AT ME! I'll SACRIFICE MY LIFE IF IT MEANS PROTECTING MY DEAR WORLD!" Upon shouting that sentence, Ichi's eyes widen in shock when he felt a stream of energy coursing through his whole body, like the world has decided to side with him fully for one final attempt to save itself.

"YOU FOOL! Relying on the world to gain power! You don't realize how stupid that is, only power that is derived from one's self would mean true power!" Ni's eyes glowed a fierce blue and his whole body got coated in a blue cloak made out of a strange energy that Ichi couldn't identify.

Soon, a fierce battle rages on between the two, one used the power of the world while the other used a power derived from his very own. External versus Internal. The world versus its inhabitants.

But in the end, life is not a fairytale, and only those that are ruthless get to be the winner.

"Foolish brother, only in death have you finally learned your lesson," Ni mutters, his hands gouging through Ichi's chest and felt the heart within his grasp throbbing and pulsating rhythmically.

As Ichi's last bit of life fully made contact with NI's chakra, he finally understood how it works and gained a new understanding even in death… or was it?

With Ni feeding Ichi's body to the God Tree, the first Chakra Fruit was born and Ni ate it without reserve, his chakra reserves and body evolving to a ridiculous degree and fully becoming the first progenitor of chakra, defying the world and reaching godhood with his own power.

But on a faraway planet, one that was lightyears away from the planet both brothers were born in, a certain man's eyes shot wide open with anger raging through.

"BROTHER!" His voice echoed throughout the whole world like a raging storm, causing countless floods and hurricanes to appear out of nowhere, for a God who can control the world has appeared.

With the conflict between two god-like beings, their war has caused countless casualties ranging throughout their own home galaxy, creating countless descendants for them to give their power to and spread it throughout the galaxy.

But now, in the year 981, a miraculous scene could be seen.

"Huh, to think two brothers whose animosity has continued for millions of years would team up against little ol' me," Zurik said with apathetic eyes, their bodies floating in the middle of space as a grand war rages beside them.

Tier 5 Otsutsukis and Planetary Sages clashing against Celestials and Demilaxians, for the final war for the galaxy has now started, and the deciding factor is these three.

"Brother, to think I'll team up with you for the fate of the galaxy," Ichi said, now named the Sage, turned his head towards Ni. His body's appearance was unique, to say the least, a humanoid body made out of natural energy and glowed pure white, the aura his body exude caused the fabric of reality around them to bend. Due to his masterful control of Natural Energy, it was like the reality around him was his own body, the embodiment of the world itself.

"That goes the same for me, brother," Ni said, now named Otsutsuki. His body was like the pure opposite compared to the Sage, his body was similarly humanoid but coated in black light instead that blended with the void of space around them, his eyes seemingly holding stars within them like the boundless cosmos. The pair of eyes he wields allows him to control the reality around him through his own personal will.

Both reality warpers, but through different, and opposite means.

They were like black and white, literally. One is the literal opposite of the other, but now, their opposites don't mean anything against Zurik who floats in front of them.

His appearance has remained the same throughout history, the same fluffy golden hair, tiger ears, golden eyes, pale white skin, and wearing the same black suit. It was as if the win was already in his favor and he didn't fear the two god-like beings in front of him.

"Now, it's time for you to meet your demise, Demilaxian Emperor," both said in sync, their eyes turning towards Zurik who stared at them with apathetic eyes.

"And how so?" Zurik said, his face blanked and nonchalant, his hands currently behind his back like a commanding emperor.

"Your fearlessness is one to be admired, Zurik. But unfortunately for you, nothing could rival us two except ourselves," Sage said, the boundless natural energy that makes up his body formed a ball of white light in the open palm of his right hand.

"And against us, your nothing but a little ant," Otsutsuki added, a ball of black energy gathering at the open palm of his left hand.

As their bodies move beyond the fabrics of space-time, the two balls gathered into one chaotic ball of iridescent light, a rainbow of colors exploding from it which shoots towards Zurik at an incomprehensible speed.

But against their expectations, they suddenly saw the ball make contact with Zurik's chest and disappear into nowhere, it was as if their attack had no effect on him.

"The power of Gods at the tip of your fingers, yet you use them like this?" Zurik said, his apathetic eyes making eye contact with the two.

"You disappoint me, kneel."

As if an invisible hand suddenly grabbed the two, they felt their control over their body slipping away at a rapid pace and went to kneel on one knee voluntarily.

'What?' both beings thought, their desperate attempt to regain control was unfortunately futile.

Watching Zurik walk up to the two with slow steps that formed ripples in the rivers of space-time, he clapped his hands a small smirk formed on his face.

"Unfortunately for you two, from the very start, I had accounted beings like you to exist. Lord Braun was even kind enough to guide me on how to deal with time fuckers before we successfully built an anti-divination system. Did you really think I didn't know you were manipulating the past and seeing the future? I had the two of you like puppets of strings this whole time, even when you two became desperate and made this one final attempt to defeat us when we made the anti-divination attempt was all according to plan," Zurik said, his arms grabbing the two's head and they felt their power wafting away towards Zurik.

"From the time we became a Type 2 Civilization, I have realized how wide and vast the infinite multiverse was. There would surely be countless reality warpers out there who are nigh-omnipotent gods! Fortunately for me, you two were on the low end. But with you two giving me your power, I can flourish!" Zurik said, his gaze remaining apathetic while almighty power coursed through his body.

"And unlike you two, I'm not going to explain how my powers work because I'm not a stupid villain who explains everything," Zurik said, his heart remaining cold as the two god-like beings shattered into fragments of light, gaining god-like power for himself in return.

(Year 981)

Both Sage and Otsutsukis have fallen into my trap, and I only revealed one of my trump cards in the sea of thousands that I kept secret.

With this, I'm one step closer to taking control over the galaxy… And one step closer to saying goodbye.

AN: This is 2137 words, you're welcome.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Why the fuck is he like a bootleg version of Braun, he not only has big brain but also Paranoia EX? I'm glad you asked because it means you actually have a brain, Zurik is like that because... Secret. It's related to the end game of this novel when the big plot is revealed.

Writing is making me insane, so send me some powerstones.

(June 28, 2022 – 216th day of writing)