
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 71 – A Display of Celestial Strength

(Year 574)

"You Otsutsuki parasites!"

"You Sage scums!"

In the middle of the void of space, two opposing armies could be seen.

Within a certain solar cluster consisting of three stars that hold 50 planets, 10 of which have natural energy and life, is currently being protected by an assortment of mythological animals and figures, like a gigantic dragon the thousands of kilometers in size, hybrids between lion, hawk, and snake that is being ridden upon by a green humanoid figure, both of which being hundreds of meters in height. That army is called the Sages, the protector of the galaxy from the parasitic race called Otsutsukis.

On the outer rim of the circular wall of Sages, thousands of Otsutsukis could be seen, the majority of which holds the Rinnegan, and some even wield the mythical Rinne-Sharingan, indicating that there were currently tens and perhaps even hundreds of Tier 4 Otsutsukis within the mix. But the most fearsome one was the one who holds void-black eyes with no features, their aura so boundless and deep like the void, the eye they wield is called the Mystic Eyes of Space Perception, or MESP for short, which allows the wielder to manipulate space at a divine degree, holding the law of space itself.

That Otsutsukis is called Devishiki Otsutsuki, a Tier 5 Otsutsuki and thousands of years old already, a member who has sacrificed multiple planets, ten Tier 4 Otsutsukis, and an assortment of other stuff to evolve himself to this divine level.

But he has one contender, Guma.

Guma was a gigantic toad colored verdant green, his body hundreds of meters in size, and wields a wooden sword currently sheathed on his waist, made from the same wood that the God Tree Devishiki used hundreds of years ago, so both forces were already on bad terms since centuries long past.

Without further ado, the war started in the silent void of space, the true bodies of the Sages now being used as the scale of this battle were much larger than normal.



As both forces rush at one another at speeds inconceivable to the naked eye, a sword made from space and a sword made from a God Tree clash with one another, their size suddenly turning into tens of meters maximizing their physical strength.

With the clashing of their special swords, Devishiki's eyes gleamed, and countless fractures appeared in the area around them. But Guma wasn't slacking, the chakra and Natural Energy within his body whirled to life as the God Tree sword now only 5 meters long suddenly created an invisible barrier around Guma's body, protecting himself from the onslaught of space fissures Devishiki directed towards him.

As both bodies were pushed back far away from one another, Devishiki's eyes activated once more and he appeared right behind Guma's back, a black hammer of space forming within arm's reach and rotating his body to slam it towards Guma.

But as he swung his hammer forward, his body suddenly flickered away, dodging the barrage of God Tree wood projectiles that shot from all directions.

Appearing directly behind the real Guma who planted a fake clone who he was about to attack, his smirk widens and he swung his hammer at drastic speeds that bent the fabric of space-time around them.

"DIE!" Slamming his space hammer without reserve, he felt it crushing Guma's back like butter causing his eyes to furrow.

"Kuwak!" Without noticing what happened, he suddenly puked out blood and was flung far away at hypersonic speeds, crashing to a nearby asteroid as Guma appeared right in front of him.

'But how? I clearly destroyed his real body, my eyes could sense that the body I destroyed was made of flesh and bone. And Guma isn't ruthless enough to sacrifice a body double to just do this one attack.' Within a split second, Devishiki's mind created countless theories and felt Guma's arm clashing with the space barrier he hurriedly created.

"Sage Art: Nature's Strength!" Guma shouts, his muscles bulging to a disgusting degree and smashing through Devishiki's crude space barrier. In normal circumstances, he would be able to just phase through the attack, but Sages were annoying as their Natural Energy allowed their attacks to hit his body, an unfortunate weakness that doesn't seem to have a solution.

Swishing away once more, he appeared directly behind Guma and materialized multiple blades all colored void-black to rush towards Guma's body.

Incredulously, he watched Guma's body gets pierced by countless space blades and explode into flesh and gore.

'Behind me!'

Quickly materializing a space barrier behind him, he felt it quickly breaking and something akin to a hammer smashed his back, his body shooting forward and piercing through the asteroid in front of him.

"GUMA! I clearly killed you! How come you're still alive… Unless!" Devishiki shouts, his eyes widening as he realized a fearful conclusion.

Within the Demilaxian Empire, a pain in the ass that they have to deal with for the past centuries has a certain technique that made their hearts skip a beat, True Cloning. A clone made of flesh and blood, having the same skills and abilities as the original.

"It seems you finally got it, indeed! I, Guma, have achieved True Cloning!" Quickly weaving through countless hand signs, Devishiki felt his heart drop when tens of Guma suddenly appeared, each being barehanded and having no swords but their fighting power…

'Huh? Their chakra amount is clearly a lot lower! But their physical bodies are still the same, tch, so it's like that.' Inspecting their bodies with a quick glance, Devishiki found out that the clones Guma made had the same physical qualities, but not the same chakra capabilities.

Without further ado, they clash once more as Devishiki razed countless Guma clones, but as if Guma holds infinite chakra, more and more clones start to pop out of nowhere which made Devishiki grit his teeth.

Countless fights rage on in the solar cluster they were vying for, if the Otsutsukis won, they could produce up to 40 Tier 4 Otsutsukis or 4 Tier 5 Otsutsukis, each wielding god-like power.

If the Sages won, they would have more grounds to train more troops and them to their army, increasing their strength for the short and long-term.

With these conditions, the two sides couldn't let the other win…

'Unless the Demilaxians appear! If that is true, then we'll happily destroy those planets!'

That was the general consensus, the Demilaxian Empire must not grow any further, their strength was already too much for the two interstellar races and is a threat to both sides.

"Tsk, Demilaxian trash! Always appearing once both sides are already in conflict!" both Devishiki and Guma clicked their tongue upon seeing the horde of ships appear in the distance like annoying flies, but these flies could kill them and grow ten times their size if it successfully kills them.

"Sigh, only by teaming up with the (Otsutsuki parasites) (Sage bugs) could we take care of the Demilaxians."

As all the Sages and Otsutsukis looked at each other, they all knew that the new threat is directed at the Demilaxians.

"Gosh! Look at that party!" Within a certain, multi-planetary size ship, a certain trio could be seen watching the live feed with grins. A certain black-haired cat boy could be seen watching the live feed with intense eyes, as if boundless excitement was within reach.

"I can't believe that we're actually going to use Celestials for war, but I can see why. It's already Year 574 and we only colonized 27% of the galaxy, at this rate, our plan of becoming a Type 3 Civilization would be too long. But Celestials are a bit overkill even for that, we could have used lesser versions of them," Ivy muttered, letting out a yawn and stretching her neck.

"Enough chit-chatting, it's our time already," Ambrose said, standing up as the duo's eyes lit up.

"You mean we're going now?!" Ivy said, disbelief coating her voice.

"Mmm, we need to take care of this, those two races are already destroying planets so we can't gather their resources or plant God Trees, unfortunately for them… that was only a font," Ambrose said, walking away from the holographic screens while the two followed him.

As they kept quiet, they walked up to three circular holes on the ground and matching outfits donned on their bodies through nanobots. The appearance was a skin-tight white suit, each being made of nigh-indestructible materials and a multitude of seals. For Einhard, the designs were colored black, for Ivy, it was green, and for Ambrose, it was red, each showing a unique design compared to the other.

"Hey, did Zurik add something like a fusion form? Where we can use the power of friendship to multiply our power level?" Einhard said with starry eyes.

"No, Einhard. You already asked these thousands of times already," Ivy said with a blank stare.

"Aww, so sadge," Einhard said.

"In three, we'll jump," Ambrose said.


Without any warning, Ambrose jumped causing the two to grumble and jumped down on their respective holes, falling through glass tubes as they saw the planetary size Celestials below them to control like super mechas.

"THIS IS SO FUCKING SHOUNEN!" Einhard shouts, his body dropping down on the head of his Celestial wearing black armor dotted with stars, inside the head is where the control room is located which just consists of a wide-open room and he will just have to connect to the neural and soul link to power the Celestial.

As he lands on his two feet, cables went to pierce through his head and he felt his mind and soul bonding with the Celestial.

"THIS IS MORE THAN FUCKING SHOUNEN! THIS IS HYPE EMBODIMENT!" Einhard shouts, his voice resounding through the empty ship where only the three of them are in.

"Shut up, Einhard!" the green-colored Celestial beside him shouts while Ambrose who is piloting a red-colored Celestial went to open the gate in front of them.

"See you on the other side!" Ambrose shouts, the eyes of his Celestial glowing red, and they saw the gate fully opening, only to be greeted by the sight of thousands of Otsutuskis and hundreds of thousands of Sages in the distance barring their teeth at the three.

"LET'S GO!" Einhard shouts, his eyes gleaming with pure joy and the three soon flew forwards at light speeds, bulldozing through the hundreds of enemies in front of them with their gigantic bodies the size of planets.

"DEMILAXIAN SCUM!" Both Guma and Devishiki shouted, encircling Einhard while the other two went to guard the planets against suicidal attacks.

"I know," Einhard said with a toothy grin, an exorbitant amount of chakra and natural energy then flooded his right arm and pointed it at the two.

"What's happening!" Devishiki shouts, his body constantly glitching but to no avail, it was as if he was stuck there and couldn't escape even with his eyes.

"Ohohoho! A barrier that even Mystic Eyes of Space Perception couldn't escape from, I'll gladly take that from you," Einhard taunts, chakra soon funneled and covered Devishiki's eyes causing him to let out a shocked gasp.


As a blood-curdling scream erupted from Devishiki, Guma looks at the pair of eyes flying away towards the Celestial in the distance with a palpitating heart.

"Such power… How come we never saw those… Things before?" Guma mutters in shock, not being able to believe the almighty power those three were exerting throughout the battlefield.

The green one went to materialize Gigantic serpents the size of multiple planets with a simple snap, the red one created flames that engulf thousands of kilometers by simply waving its arm, and the one in front of him simply poke towards the now blind Devishiki to kill him, his body disintegrating into countless particles.

"Oh Guma, how unfortunate for you to die by my hands, but alas, such is life," Einhard snickers, the index fingers of his Celestial hanging right in front of Guma's tiny body like an ant facing a finger of a Demilaxian.

"W-wait! We can talk this out-"

"Shush ant, a Demilaxian like me don't need to listen to an ant's pleads!" As Einhard mercilessly pokes Guma's body, he watches it disintegrate into dust like a scene from a certain Morber morbing a purple man.

Turning his attention towards the ongoing war in the distance, Einhard's grin widens, and starts to fly towards the fray without reserve, for the power of the Celestials is now being shown to the whole universe.

AN: This is 2104 words, you're welcome.

Writing takes a lot of time and effort, so send me some powerstones.

(June 28, 2022 – 216th day of writing)