
Field Of Magic

{{ Cardinal Side Stories}} This is a remake of my original work; It was stopped because of complications with the plot line, Those complications have been settled but I will generally be restarting the same story. The only changes to my book will be the names of side characters, beyond that everything should be fine. Thank you all for your Patience and I hope to make up for lost time with the now-completed plot: {Yuga Kanon is something of a sports prodigy, he wasn't overly muscular or anything, but his athletic prowess has always been miles ahead of his peers, being aware of this he wasted no time mastering the basics of every sport he partook in, he was aware of his gifts and used them to Their fullest, most times he would build an ideal body type for someone like him who was slightly lacking in height, so he worked on everything else, his technical efficiency, his creativity in many sports, his control and other such attributes never lacked, though he did it in a way that allowed him to not stand out, he didn't want to be scouted because he stole the limelight in some random match, mostly because he wasn't interested in the other sports, he was just good at them. His favorite sport would always be football, simply because it allowed him to weaponize a talent he had that only he seemed to think was cool at the time, as such he went and applied to a soccer youth team, he was barely 16 so he passed the age requirement, now it was to test his skills, though this wasn't just any youth team, he applied to the Asura Youth development academy, the only academy in his home town which had both a 90% rate of players there going pro abroad but also only 1 or 2applicants end up making the main team even from the school that the academy premières in, scouts are usually overlooked altogether because Their fundamentals aren't polished as well as the school members, this year though Kanon was sure that at the very least he wouldn't fall behind the academy, and it seemed the head coach of the main team would be present to see if there was any potential so Kanon was somewhat hyped up. Despite being 16 Kanon stood at 6 foot 1 with a lean build, While it was lean, his muscle toning was perfectly done for his frame, and he had light brown skin and white hair, which he kept in a dreadlock ponytail and kept his side shaved like a fade he has dark orange eyes and well defined facial features, he had the face of a model yet the body of an athlete and somehow, he made it work.}

Folklord · Sports
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17 Chs

Gareth King and Zhu Longwei

2 hours later

Asura Youth meeting room

  The entire team was finally present with Yuga standing beside two individuals; One of which being a decent-looking middle-aged man with a large muscular build, long rough black hair, and casual clothes.

He stood at 6 foot 4 and gave off the same thick black aura that Chrome and Yuga had despite not being a player in the technical sense. The other was a much younger man with blonde hair with his hair punk fade and aqua blue eyes, he stood at 6 foot 0 and had light cream skin, he wore a blindfold over both eyes, a wristband on each wrist one black and white. Yuga re-evaluated his initial evaluation as this young man was by far the strongest member of Asura Youth that he had to see, he wasn't certain how he would fare in a one-on-one so he decided to watch him for a little more.

  The two individuals were the Head coach Che Yeongha and the real number 10 of the Asura Youth team Gareth King, whom even Zhu Longwei looked to with respect. Yuga wondered what the coach had to say but wouldn't be surprised if he was benched for a while.

  Yeongha: We are now officially going to be implementing a formation I've had in mind for a while, Our offense has three deadly weapons even I never thought we could play together in the forms of Zhu Longwei our young ace, Yuga Kanon our talented playmaker and Gareth King our team's bridge… That being said I needed to find a way to fit them all on the field without their talents overlapping so I decided to use Yuga's coma to test Gareth's abilities and this is the formation I have come up with {Directs everyone's attention to the board}

  ...............Hyung Ji (00)....

Ai Fie (05).....Mo Xu (02).....{C}.Li Tantai (04)....Ai Xu (03)

.................Pisu Yang (08).....

.......Luo Ji (12)............Hunter King (16)...

.................Gareth King (15)...

......Yuga Kanon (10)...Zhu Longwei (09)...


Bench: Bai Lee /01/

Hong Da /06/

Xu Ron /07/

Callum Ferval /20/

Julius Versa /17/

Vergus Licht /11/



Yeongha: The way I see it, if we want a long-term method of dealing with Day-tech and other powerhouse teams we will have to find a way to make this formation work as we have a more than solid middle Line, we need to work on play fluidity from attack through to defence and with Yuga coming back only days before our first knockout match I can't guarantee that we will be able to use our most ideal formation as such Yuga could be replaced by either Vergus or Julius who have both more than performed in his absence


Yuga: (I am the Ideal but I'm replaceable huh??) {Eyes glow faintly with an ever so slight smirk escaping his lips} (Very interesting indeed coach Yeongha)

Yeongha: The same applies to every last one of you, even if Yuga can't meet up on attack there's no reason he can't kick you off your position and start over you { Faint golden aura radiates off of body} So go out and earn your right to play, this might be a team but we live in a dog eat dog world!!! So hunt for your battle right!!!

Longwei: (despite your talent I won't let you disrupt the flow I have with Gareth when playmaking, you will have to move back so I can enjoy my freedom at the front Little Yuga, it's my last year anyway)


A few years prior Zhu Longwei came in as a super scout, someone who was already contracted to the Asura football club but wouldn't be able to join until he turned 19 years old which was a specific condition to his signing, being 15 at the time of his scouting he thought he would be fine and breeze through it like every other match he played. Unfortunately for him he almost choked on his youth team debut as the change in match intensity caught him entirely off guard, rather than an ace or someone to be supported, Longwei found himself more often than not leaving his position to cover for gaps he thought were obvious when in actuality, not even the team's Asura youth faced saw the opportunities he was supposedly preventing.

Longwei took a year but he got used to it eventually as even the normal high Scholl football standard had gone up significantly, he was a solid ace to the First youth team and the undisputed best player on the team, that being said, his talent became all the more apparent when he got used to youth soccer, he could run the entire attack alone and get the goal but that ran against the teams dynamic and the coach threatened to get him benched if he wasted his energy like that in matches, as such Longwei tried to get his team to meet his standard and made passes that got people into the most ideal position he saw.


The problem was simply that he was the only one seeing said opportunities and more often than not his passes and plays would look like rookie mistakes that would only have their inner genius revealed in the post-match review; just like that, another above-average year passed in Longwei's career.

This trend was noticed by the coach and thus the main team training facility trained a playmaker and added him to the roster to not only support the attack but connect the team as a whole, this player was Gareth King who was initially thrown off for favouring his little brother on the attack. Things this time however were better when Gareth played the team was fluent and every single play Longwei initiated not only worked but went better than even he had envisioned, Gareth was the missing piece to Asura Youth's play and even if he wasn't the absolute best in the world his visual prowess surpassed that of Longwei by far and this time he used said prowess not to support any single player but the team as a whole.

This sudden switch however did a heavy number on his stamina making it almost impossible to play him for an entire half; despite Longwei's plea Gareth was sent back to the pro team to improve his stamina and Asura youth's first team finished the season only barely hanging on to their place in the 1st league. Towards the end of the said league on the day of Gareth's departure, the Asura Youth recruitment was held and Longwei swore never to accept a playmaker other than Gareth until he returned; Gareth was back now so no street rat named Yuga Kanon would take his place as this teams deadliest weapon and playmaker.



The whole A team was out jogging on the main practice field doing 50 laps, some people's form was shaky but they were far from exhausted and despite just coming out of a coma Yuga wasn't one of them by a longshot, he was the only guy Besides Gareth who could match Longwei's pace with Pisu with Tantai not that far behind them; while this pace may be quite normal for them now even some pro teams don't train at this level of intensity unless it was a must-win match, yet this was a casual warm up for these three at the front, mainly because they have had so much consistent practice with players who have dominated the world cup at such an early age.

As for their opponents Yufeng, they were known to be the most defensively prepped team of the tournaments, something they held over even Day-tech's B team which had the second-best defensive record, the main reason this was the case for Day-tech B team was their centre back and his solid chemistry with the two Defensive midfielder's in their 5-3-2 formation in the form of Tensei Kata their defender and their dm's Yugo Masashi and Kantar Kyoga. Those three were the heart of not just their defence, but the core of Day-tech B's effectiveness as a team despite neither of the three being the captain as he was the team's right winger, Hayase Junji.

For the remaining time till the match, the team practised the ultimate formation without relenting and despite his condition, Yuga still managed to outperform both Vergus and Julius together thus securing his place in the starting line-up on the day, though someone did end up getting replaced at the end of the day. The team currently sat in their locker room at Yufeng's stadium awaiting the coach's announcement for the final squad before they lined up in the dome.


Yeongha: After an extensive performance review the formation will remain the same but there will definitely be more than a few changes to the line-up, direct your attention over here {Points to the projection of the final line-up on the board}


  ..................Bai Lee (01)....

Ai Fie (05).....Mo Xu (02).....{C}.Li Tantai (04)....Ai Xu (03)

.................Pisu Yang (08).....

....Luo Ji (12).....................Xu Ron (07)....

.............Gareth King (15)...

......Yuga Kanon (10)...Zhu Longwei (09)...

Bench: Hyung Ji /00/

Hong Da /06/

Hunter King /16/

Callum Ferval /20/

Julius Versa /17/

Vergus Licht /11/


Yeongha: Yufeng has also released their new lineup of almost all European players recently, they have built a truly perfect defensive unit if I do say so myself {directs their attention to the other side of the board}

  .......................Lucas Truste (01)...

Marcus Edd(04)  John Doe (02)  Ricky Wilde(03)  Jaden Hearth (05)

...................{C} Toshiro Shin (10)....

...Hanzo Lockhart(07).....................Sora Brown (06)...

..............Adam Stone (15)....Antonio Morrison (08)...

...................Callum Salvatore (09).....

Bench: Shane Korra /11/

Thomas Edinson /16/

Romero Salvatore/00/

Kole Blakely /21/

Alex Somerstone  /14/

Xavier Stone /35/