
Feyborne Chronicles

In the blink of an eye, my life transforms as a mysterious spell sweeps me away to a realm beyond imagination. This captivating journey thrusts me into a new identity and challenges me to navigate the intricate politics of the Fey, a people unable to lie but never share what they mean. Meanwhile, my dearest friend, Adrian, is destined to become their king. However, the most astonishing twist of all is being declared the new daughter of this world's Goddess. The catch? "But I'm a man!" Now, I must master the art of Illusion magic while adapting to the role of a proper Lady. I find myself in the peculiar embrace of the infamous Cheshire Cat's family. Amidst the chaos, the strangest part is Adrian's evolving attitude. "Did you just call me pretty?"

Islorae · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 3: Emerald Eyes and Shimmering Skylines

The throbbing pain in my head was a relentless reminder that this was no ordinary situation. "Flashing someone should never hurt this much," I thought ruefully, realizing that my usual pursuits of partying were now out of the question, overshadowed by the fear of a seizure. "Wow, my head really hurts," I mumbled, the words echoing faintly in the strange space.

As I tried to sit up, a wave of dizziness crashed over me, threatening to make me nauseous. But, just as suddenly as it had come, the dizziness ebbed away, leaving me disoriented but not sick. When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a never-ending sea of white.

Feeling a mix of frustration and confusion, I let out a sharp exhale, noticing to my surprise that the white expanse in front of me rippled like water disturbed by a stone. That's when I realized I was completely cocooned, wrapped from head to toe. With a mixture of alarm and annoyance, I quickly tore off the sheet that covered me, sending a cloud of dust into the air and causing me to cough uncontrollably.

As the dust began to settle, my surroundings slowly came into focus. I found myself in a building that seemed ancient, its old age evident in the weathered walls around me. The boards were full of holes and missing panels, creating a patchwork of light and shadow as sunlight streamed through them. Above me, a massive pillar stretched towards the ceiling, its base anchored firmly beside a large, round grinding stone that lay on the ground. "Could this be a mill?" I wondered aloud, my voice sounding strangely muted in the old building.

My gaze was then drawn to a hole in the floor near the pillar. Movement in the shadows below caught my attention, accompanied by a familiar groan. I strained my ears, trying to place the voice, a growing sense of recognition dawning on me.

Trying to make sense of my surroundings, I realized that this place, whatever it was, held more mysteries than answers. The disrepair of the building and the odd assortment of features hinted at stories long forgotten. With a mix of caution and curiosity, I prepared to explore further, hoping to uncover the source of the familiar voice below.

Adrian's groan from below pierced the silence, his voice muffled yet unmistakable. Oh, fuck, my head," Adrian growled. Leaning over the edge, I could just make out his form in the weak light filtering through the old windmill. He was squinting and rubbing his eyes, trying to adjust to the stark brightness that had engulfed us both. The light, meager as it was, illuminated his attire – a simple white shirt and pants that stood out against the backdrop of the dusty, age-worn interior. It was a clear indication that our familiar clothes were gone, replaced by these plain garments as I glanced down at my own clothes.

With a sense of urgency, I began to search the upper level of the windmill for a safer route down to Adrian. The first thing I saw was a decayed wooden ladder leading down. Very unsafe I thought. My gaze swept across the room, desperately seeking an alternative to the dilapidated ladder that loomed ominously in the corner. I hoped to find something, anything – a sturdy beam to climb, a stack of old hay to cushion a fall – but the windmill was as unaccommodating as it was ancient. Its wooden floors creaked with each step I took, and the air was thick with the scent of decay and forgotten years.

With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention back to the ladder. It stood there, leaning against the wall going down, its wood weathered and splintered, a silent witness to years of disuse. "Well, it's this or nothing," I muttered to myself, feeling a tinge of trepidation. Approaching the ladder, I tested the first rung with a cautious foot. To my surprise, it held. Taking a deep breath, I began the careful descent, each creak of the wood a stark reminder of the precariousness of my situation.

Embarking on the next step, I felt a surge of courage. The ladder groaned under my weight, its wooden bones creaking in protest within the windmill's hollow chamber. Yet, it held firm. "Perhaps this is doable," I mused, a budding confidence blooming within me as I cautiously placed my foot on the subsequent rung.

However, my newfound assurance was swiftly met with a challenge. An odd sensation overcame me, as if my center of gravity had inexplicably lowered. Attempting to adapt to this peculiar shift, I redistributed my weight. But in doing so, the rung beneath me betrayed me with a sudden, harrowing snap, plunging me into a swift descent. Instinctively, my hands shot out, latching onto a rafter with a life-saving grip. Suspended in mid-air, I dangled momentarily, astounded by the quick reflexes I didn't know I possessed. The ground beckoned just a few feet below. With a release of breath, I let go, bracing for impact. My landing was less than graceful, as I tumbled onto my backside with a soft thud. "Ouch," I winced, nursing the tender area. So much for the marvel of quick reflexes. "Seems like luck isn't on my side today. Adrian, everything alright down here?"

During my impromptu aerial act, Adrian had scrambled to his feet, his eyes wide with a blend of astonishment and worry. "Alex?" he called out, his voice laced with a note of disbelief.

Adrian stood there, momentarily struck dumb by my appearance. His eyes, wide with a mix of awe and disbelief, scanned me as if I were a puzzle to be solved. "Yes, Adrian, who else?" I questioned, an eyebrow quirked in confusion at his stunned silence.

Slowly, as if snapping out of a trance, Adrian managed to articulate his thoughts. "Incredible... You've transformed," he uttered in a tone mixed with wonder and incredulity.

I found myself momentarily baffled by his words. Glancing down at myself, I saw nothing unusual - just my usual white shirt and pants. Yet, Adrian's next words cut through my confusion, sending a ripple of shock through me. "Your eyes, your hair... they're different. You're different." My hand, almost of its own accord, reached up to my hair, encountering a texture that was foreign, unfamiliar.

Adrian's words reverberated in my mind, leaving me in a state of bewilderment. I glanced at my reflection in a nearby shard of glass I quickly found on the floor,. I dusted off the layer of dust and angled it into the light to see. The first thing I noticed was the stark contrast between my one silver and one icey blue eye, and the fiery red hue of my hair. "This... this can't be me," I murmured, hardly recognizing the person staring back.

Intrigued and a bit unnerved, I began to explore the changes in my body. The contours of my face seemed softer, more refined, and my limbs felt different – more graceful, yet unfamiliar. I noticed my ears now had a clear point to them, definitely new. My movements carried an elegance that I hadn't possessed before. I flexed my hands, examining them closely. They appeared slender, the fingers more delicate than I remembered.

"I feel... different," I admitted, turning towards Adrian, seeking any sign of understanding in his expression. "But how? Why?"

Adrian, still grappling with the sight before him, shrugged helplessly. "The Goddess did say you were going to change. Maybe this is what she meant?"

I touched my cheek, feeling the smoothness of my skin. It was a subtle change, yet profound. I was still me, but there was an undeniable feminine quality that hadn't been there before.

My contemplation of the bizarre changes in my body was abruptly interrupted by a deep, resonant growl that filled the windmill. A colossal shadow loomed from a corner, instantly capturing our undivided attention.

Adrian and I instinctively stepped back as Tiger, my long-time feline companion, rose to his formidable height. His transformation was nothing short of astonishing: his frame had expanded massively, his arms now resembling those of a seasoned bodybuilder in their robustness. Yet, despite his increased size, his belly was proportionately large, fitting his new stature. Bizarrely, a long white beard adorned his face, creating a stark contrast against his feline features. His piercing yellow eyes fixed on mine, and I could detect the faint beginnings of a purr.

"Hatter... Em... Emporium," he uttered in a hissing tone. My involuntary retreat seemed to wound him emotionally. There was a discernible shift in his eyes - a mixture of confusion and perhaps hurt. Tiger wasn't just any pet; he was a dear friend, raised by me since his kittenhood. Seeing him pained by my reaction stirred a deep sense of guilt within me.

I cautiously approached Tiger, seeking to ease the tension. "Tiger, you just took me by surprise, that's all. Are you alright?" My gentle inquiry seemed to redirect his focus back to me.

He responded with a labored hiss, "F... Fi.. Fine," his tone softer than before, though speaking clearly was evidently a struggle for him in his altered state.

Adrian, eyeing Tiger's enlarged form, couldn't hide his mixture of admiration and curiosity. "Wow, Tiger, you're huge now." It was then that I noticed something peculiar about Adrian. The transformation he was undergoing was both subtle and striking. His ears had elongated into fine points, reminiscent of those in elven lore. His hair, a deep, glossy black, contrasted sharply with his newly emerged, emerald green eyes, which sparkled with an otherworldly allure.

I couldn't help but notice that Adrian seemed taller or maybe it was just because I was now smaller, his stature more imposing yet lithe, maintaining a physique that spoke of strength and agility. There was an air of grace about him now, a poise that he didn't possess before. Could he be transforming into an elf?

Meanwhile, Tiger acknowledged Adrian's observation with a mere nod before he shifted his gaze to a particular section of the windmill's wall. He scrutinized it intently before retracting his paw and striking the wall with great force. The first hit left the wall unscathed, but his determination was unwavering. The second strike generated a network of cracks across the wall. Then, with a third, powerful blow, the wall crumbled, scattering debris and causing the entire structure to tremble menacingly. The building seemed like it was about to collapse from the sudden force after being stagnant for so long. Just as the tremors started to intensify, they abruptly stopped, leaving us in a tense silence.

Tiger's impulsive actions called for a gentle reminder of caution. "Tiger, please, talk to us before you do something like that again. You might have injured us," I said, my tone soft yet firm.

He turned to me, his fierce yellow eyes now reflecting a sense of understanding. "I... you... safe," he managed to articulate, his voice a gruff whisper of assurance.

Adrian, feeling somewhat overlooked in the exchange, chimed in with a hint of jest, "And what about me, Tiger?" Tiger's response was a nonchalant shrug, followed by a raspy, "Strong... fine."

I was about to challenge Tiger's insinuation that he felt I was weak enough to need protecting when a stream of sunlight, piercing through the newly created opening in the wall, caught my attention. The rays spread across the room, illuminating it with an otherworldly radiance, casting a mesmerizing interplay of shadows and light. The momentary beauty washed over me, lifting my spirits. "Forget it," I conceded with a light-hearted smile. "Let's see what lies beyond."

The world outside greeted us like a scene from a vivid dream. The sun cast a golden glow across the landscape, painting everything in hues of amber and ochre. We found ourselves on a softly sloping hill, its grass a vibrant green, gently swaying in the rhythmic dance of the breeze. The stark contrast between the vibrant, lively world outside and the dim, dusty confines of the windmill we had left behind was striking. It felt as though we had stepped into a realm vibrant with life, a world ripe for exploration and adventure.

As we stood there, the crispness of the air and the vast openness enveloped us, providing a stark contrast to the confined, dusty space of the windmill we had just left. I took a deep breath, feeling the freshness fill my lungs. "Much fresher than what we are usually used to." I said. 

Tiger, with his new, more powerful senses, was quick to take in our surroundings. He nudged me gently, a reminder of his presence despite his transformed state, and directed my gaze toward the horizon.

What lay before us was a vision of breathtaking beauty. A majestic city sprawled in the distance, its skyline a stunning silhouette against the backdrop of the rising sun. The city stretched as far as my eyes could see, with its spires and rooftops catching the sunlight, shimmering like a myriad of jewels. The architecture was a mesmerizing blend of the ancient and the modern — grand, intricately designed structures standing in proud harmony alongside a sleek, contemporary buildings of glass and steel smack dab in the city center. It was a city that seemed to embody the fusion of different eras and cultures, a testament to the coexistence of historical elegance and modern innovation.

I found myself whispering in awe, "It's beautiful." I had never encountered such a sight – the city shone like a beacon of civilization, both inviting and shrouded in mystery.

Adrian, with his newly acquired elf-like features, looked on with keen interest, his emerald green eyes taking in every detail of the cityscape. "It's like something out of a storybook," he mused, and I could hear the wonder in his voice. The sunlight seemed to dance in his eyes, bringing out their vibrant color and highlighting the sharp, elegant lines of his face.

Chapter 3 is done and we are just getting started! What has been your favorite part so far?

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