
47. Chapter 47



Maya's fingers moved up and down my back in a slow caress that made my insides melt, her chest moved up and down in a cadenced and relaxed way, her breathing made some strands of my hair fly towards my face while I rested my head on her chest listening to the rhythmic beats of her heart. It was a good place to be, and the closeness and intimacy of that moment made me even more certain that I really should be thinking about marriage and children with that woman.

The thought made me turn my eyes toward my bedside table to look - for the thousandth time - at the photo I had printed out of a two-year-old Maya wearing a backwards-facing cap with a big smile on her lips, her blue eyes showing a childish happiness that made me smile every time I stared at the picture. Her mother had sent it to me three days ago, and the friendly talk we had about what a cute kid Maya had been made me more certain that I had done a good job in winning the approval of my future mother-in-law during the past weekend.

-I'm going to make that picture disappear if you keep looking at it so much. - Maya spoke up, and the vibration of her chest against my face made me giggle.

-Don't you dare! It's my side of the bed, not your domain, and I can put as many pictures on it as I want! - I lifted my face and rested my chin on the middle of her chest so that I could face her.

-It's my picture! - Maya laughed back, trying to give me an outraged tone.

-It's my girlfriend! - I said back in the same tone. - And it's good to know that you're going to give me such beautiful, cute babies.

-Look at my face! Was there ever even a doubt? - Maya asked between giggles, and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me too.

-No, never. - I confessed it because it was the absolute truth. - But... Can you?

-Can I what? - Maya asked back, her brow furrowed in confusion.

-Give me beautiful, cute babies? I mean... Do you... Hm... Want to get pregnant? - This question had been on my mind since we moved in, and Maya had mentioned having a crib in the guest room in the future; I knew that with her profession things were more difficult and she would probably be stuck in the office doing paperwork once the pregnancy test was positive and maybe that wasn't what she wanted.

My girlfriend looked at me with the wrinkle still present between her eyebrows, there was a slight blush on her cheeks that I no longer knew if it was from the recent orgasm I had pulled out of her, from the laughter we shared a few moments ago or if it was related to the strangeness that had surrounded her since before Christmas. It was almost as if Maya was hiding something from me, she would sometimes call my name and when I’d turn around, she’d just say "forget it" as if the courage had vanished and this was making me more anxious the last few days, but I also knew that she would tell me when she was ready.

-I could. - That was her answer, and I moistened my lips thinking about what she meant, and I got more than happy when Maya continued to speak. - I've been captain of Station 19 for many years, you know how hard it was for me to get where I am, and I must confess that the means by which I became captain, with Andy's father's recommendation coming to me and not to her as we all thought, cost me a few months of my friendship with my best friend, but in the end, everything began to fall into place.

-I know, and I know how important your profession is to you. I can get pregnant, as many times as necessary, to have as many bambinos as we want if you feel it's something you don't want to go through. - I was quick to speak up because I didn't want my questioning to sound like an ultimatum, it was never about "either our family or her work", it was always about "our family and her work".

-I know, but if I am being honest with you, I think there is a small part of me that really wants to get pregnant, that wants to see you completely in love with our baby inside my belly, I want to see you talking to them, or maybe feel them move in response to your voice. I’ve always wanted a family, Carina. I’ve always wanted to do things differently than my parents, I just never thought I would find the perfect person to share this with, in my mind I would have to settle for a standard relationship and have my children, as all women do, without the security or absolute certainty that I could count unconditionally on my partner, having to make peace with the idea of sacrificing a little bit of my work in order to have the babies I always wanted to have. But being with you has allowed me to dream so much bigger than that. - Maya's eyes were watery and her voice was shaky and broken, I knew she was about to cry and hearing her words was having the same effect on me because knowing how much she wanted a family with me gave me a peace that I didn't know I needed until that moment.  - I... Well... There is an email, about the possibility of a new position for Battalion Chief, in fact, the position will exist. I can apply for the job; I have the necessary time and a favorable resume and now with a new female Chief I think I might have a good chance of being promoted.

My eyes widened and I sat up in bed, the covers brushing against my hips as I stared at Maya in complete shock.

-So, this is what you've been hiding from me?! - I asked as I raised an eyebrow in her direction, and the rosy hue of her cheeks was all the answer I needed. - Why didn't you tell me?

-Because I didn't know if it was something worth telling. - She shrugged, her eyes straying from my face, down my body as she hid herself from my gaze.

-Why? - I asked again, but Maya kept her eyes averted from mine and when I followed her gaze, I saw that she was staring at my breasts. - Maya!

-What? - She startled and then sat up in front of me. - Sorry, you can be very distracting.

-Can you focus, please?

-Yes, sorry. - Maya moistened her lips and she looked into my eyes again. - I was afraid to sign up and fail, but I think I've made my peace with the idea of not being promoted, if that’s what happens. I'm still young, there are other captains with more experience than me and I don't even know how many are interested in the job since it revolves around bureaucracy, so I think I'll take my shot, but I'll be fine if I don't succeed.

My girlfriend gave me a small, shy smile and just remained silent, waiting for me to give her some answer and at that moment I was happy for Maya, but I think I was even happier for myself.

-I am selfish. - I brought my hands down to the sheets and began to play with them between my fingers. - You tell me about this great opportunity to be promoted and all I can think about is how happy I am to know that there is a possibility that you will be even further away from fires. I know, it's horrible, I know you love what you do, I know you enjoy the adrenaline and the pleasure of saving lives, I know all that, but... I...

-I understand. - I felt one of Maya's hands on one of mine, her gesture making me stop moving the sheet until she took one of my hands and intertwined our fingers.

-You don't. - I looked into her eyes again and felt my throat getting a little drier, the words came out with more difficulty, and I tried to focus on the blue in her eyes and not on the suffocating urge to cry. - You don't even run into burning buildings anymore now that you're a Captain, but you're only a five-alarm fire away from that happening. And, I don't know, the idea of you going into dangerous scenes every day makes me afraid, it's the kind of fear that's always there, it only goes away when you're here, with me, safe, in my arms.

-I'm sorry. - Maya spoke in the saddest tone I have ever heard come from her lips and I was quick to nod my head in denial.

-Don't be sorry, it's part of who you are, I'm the one who must learn to love all parts of you, even the ones that put you in danger because I know you always try to be careful. I think that after your accident, after seeing that something really bad could happen, I became a little more sensitive to your delays or not hearing from you, but I always try to repeat in my mind that you will find a way to come back to me. - I brought the hand that was not in hers to her face and stroked her cheek with my thumb, earning a small smile in response, her eyes closing with the slow, gentle caress and she was just so beautiful.

-Always. - She affirmed and opened her eyes again. - But that's just one more point to take into consideration when it comes to making myself apply for the job. That and, well, being Battalion Chief I would have even more regular schedules, fewer 24-hour shifts, more paperwork, and fewer scenes to attend; that would certainly allow me to focus on... Hm... Building a family.

The biggest smile spread across my face at that moment and Maya blushed violently, tilting her face back and pushing my shoulder lightly.

-Don't look at me like that! - She said, completely blushed and embarrassed.

-Don't look at you like what? Like you're the love of my life? - I asked, getting on my knees on the bed and taking her face in my hands to make her look me in the eyes again. - Like I'm looking forward to building a family with you? That's impossible.

-Someone's got baby fever! - She teased me, and I laughed before kissing her mouth sweetly.

-So, you think getting pregnant is a possibility? Because I want to do everything you've imagined! And I want blonde, blue-eyed babies who will give me a hard time saying no. - I confessed excitedly, my eyes darting to Maya's photo for just a second before I returned to my girlfriend's face and kissed her once more.

-I want a little you too. - Maya spoke back, smiling openly.

-So, two babies? - I raised an eyebrow. - We're going to need a bigger house.

-We're not there yet! - Maya laughed and hugged my waist, pulling me into her body until I was again lying on her chest while she kept leaning against the headboard. - But, yes, at least two babies.

-At least? - I asked, looking up so that I could see her face; the excitement in my voice made Maya laugh.

-I should be more careful with my words around you. - She ran her fingers up and down my back again, and a shiver ran down my spine.

-So, you're applying for the Battalion Chief position? - I asked, kissing her chest before resting my head back against the spot.

-Yes. - She whispered back, as if it was still hard for her to believe that she was doing this, and maybe it was.

-I have complete faith that you are capable of getting this promotion, but if that doesn’t happen, I'll be here for you just the same. - I felt a gentle kiss against my head next.

-Thank you. - Maya whispered.

-Trust me, it's my pleasure.



I still had a lot of things to do before the New Year arrived, a lot of shopping to do, a romantic evening for the first hours of the year to be planned, to celebrate with Maya the arrival of the New Year and hopefully a new phase in our lives since we had been talking so much about our future lately. I knew we were on the same page; I knew Maya was ready to take another step in our relationship, but I still couldn't help the nervousness that made me nauseous every time I thought about it.

I looked at the shopping bags in the rearview mirror and smiled thinking about all the things I was planning to do to welcome my girlfriend home and I kept trying to focus on my excitement and not my nervousness at that moment.

I parked the car in front of Station 19 and checked on my watch that I still had a few hours until my next assignment; I jumped out of the car taking quick steps into the station determined to spend as much time as possible with Maya on that December 31st - and trying to get rid of the cold that the holiday season brought along with it.

-Carina! - Andy spoke smiling as I passed through the doors, she was sitting behind the reception desk, but soon stood up and came over to me. - It's all settled! I'll take over the shift with Jack after midnight.

-Thank you, Andy. - I spoke softly, glancing at the door to the captain’s office to make sure it was closed, not wanting her to suspect my plans of a warm night in front of the fireplace while we sipped good wine after watching the fireworks from the special location I had secured for the evening. - Maya is in need of a special evening, she is completely stressed, this possibility of promotion is making her more anxious than excited, and this is worrying me a bit, I know she is very hard on herself. She is having restless nights and is getting up more than usual during the night, it's hard to try to give her space when I know she is feeling so awful about the whole thing.

-She's clicking her pen like crazy. - The woman laughed softly, but the laughter didn't reach her eyes because I knew that although she was trying to lighten the subject with humor, she was also worried about Maya. - It's literally only been a day since she submitted her papers, and I don't think these things can be resolved quickly, there's certainly a deadline for the Chief to receive all the resumes and applications for the position, and after that a long and complicated interview, so Maya will have to learn to be patient.

-It's hard for her. - The urge to defend her was irrational, I knew that Andy meant no harm, but still something stirred inside me. It was easy to understand why Maya was behaving this way these days, and criticizing her bad habits only made it harder for her.

-I know, I just wish she could allow herself to relax, she hasn't eaten anything all day, I'm not too worried about it because I know you make her eat breakfast every day now, but still, this isn't healthy. - Andy let out a heavy sigh and I couldn't help but bring my eyes toward her office door again, almost as if I could feel her overthinking the issue even though we had a wall between us. - You being here is good for her.

-I have a couple of free hours, I knew she'd probably be happy about my visit.

-Probably? - Andy rolled her eyes and I let out a low chuckle, but I felt more uneasy after Andy's words. - She's in there, help her de-stress a little.

-Yeah, I'll try. - I nodded and walked to the door.

-Just remember to lock the door. - Andy spoke behind my back and, surprisingly, some blood flowed into my cheeks instead of the smug smile I would probably give her at any other time.

I didn't look back, I just slowly opened the door and walked into the office. Maya was sitting in her chair, her body bent forward as she pressed her forehead against the stack of papers on her desk and the incessant clicking of a pen was the only sound in the room. Seeing her like this destabilized me, made me feel as if there was no ground beneath my feet, as if my chest was suddenly tighter and breathing was no longer as easy. My body sympathized with her anguish. My heart ached as I saw her restless and anxious because I knew how cruel Maya's thoughts could be.

-Bambina? - I called out softly, but she still startled and jumped up on her chair, leaning back in it the next second with wide eyes and bringing one of her hands to the middle of her chest. - Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

-What are you doing here? - She asked with a small smile on her face, already dragging the chair back and standing up, the look on her face was that of someone who was relieved, and at that moment I realized that I needed to add one more thing to my list of "what I want to be for Maya".

I always want to be her relief.

-I had a few free hours and thought I'd come see you. I hate to spend New Year's Eve away from you. - I confessed, and it was true. Letting her leave the house that morning had been difficult since all I wanted was to have her cuddled up to my body under the covers, to complain about the cold while I tucked my feet under her legs listening to her grunt of complaint, I wanted more of these little domestic moments that made my life even more special now.

-I know, it's terrible. - Maya walked towards me and I opened my arms in a silent offer of a hug. - I hate that I have to spend holidays away from you too, I think it's the worst part of the job.

Maya came into my embrace, and I soon moved my arms so that I had her pressed firmly against my body, feeling and hearing her relieved sigh as I applied enough pressure to her back to assure her that she was safe, that she could relax now. Her muscles softened under my palms, and I felt her arms around my waist as she held me there, pressed against her - not that it was absolutely necessary since I didn't want to be anywhere else but inside of her embrace at that moment - and I rested my head against hers for a few seconds before turning my face and kissing her temple twice.

-What do you need? - I asked softly without moving away from her, without giving her any indication that I wanted to put some distance between us.

-I don't know. - Maya answered, burying her face even deeper into the curve of my neck. - I'm not used to telling people what I need. I don't know how to identify what I need. Nobody ever taught me how to do that.

-Do you want to talk? - I spoke again, determined to give her options until she heard something that sounded helpful. - Do you want to just lie down for a little while and cuddle? Do you want me to distract you?

-I... - Maya moved away from me, loosening her grip on my waist to place her hands there, her eyes now on mine and they seemed lost, wandering back and forth across my face as if they were searching for a point to focus on. - I just want to not think about anything for a second.

-I can help with that. - I quickly answered and brought my hands to either side of her face; the touch made Maya close her eyes, and when I brushed my thumbs against her cheeks, she leaned her head against one of my hands, a gesture of appreciation and surrender that made me safer to pursue the idea that I should distract Maya in the most pleasurable way possible.

So, I kissed her.



Maya felt fragile and delicate under my touch and these were not the adjectives most commonly used by me to describe my girlfriend; it was strange to notice such hesitation in the movement of her lips, it was hard not to have her complete surrender knowing that this was only happening because the thoughts in her head were too loud. I needed to shut them up. I needed to make her focus on that moment. On my touch. On my love.

-Maya... - I murmured against her lips before kissing her chin a few times and then tracing the line of her jaw with my teeth. - Focus only on me. Focus on my kisses. On my hands.

I took one hand away from her face so that I could run my lips over her skin, and when I took the hand that was around my waist, I brought it to the middle of my chest.

-Focus on my heartbeat, nothing else. - I asked softly, still speaking the words against the pale skin of her face before directing my mouth back to hers.

This time Maya returned the kiss with more intensity, her mouth receptive to the glide of my tongue, but when she tried to capture it, I pulled away. A clear tease that became even more evident with the low chuckle I let out and Maya's consternated grunt in response.

The fingers that were still against my waist tightened against my skin as Maya took a step forward, her mouth again trying to find mine and once more I squirmed back, urging her on.

-Carina! - Maya grunted, and this time, when I took a step back, I felt the door against my back. - You can't run away anymore.

-Wanna bet? - I whispered back but brought my hand to the doorknob and clicked the button that locked it, following Andy's advice from earlier.

-No, I don't wanna bet. - Maya rubbed her nose against my cheek, taking a deep breath of my scent while the hand that had been on my chest moved up to the back of my neck and the one around my waist kept applying pressure to the area to keep me pinned against the door.

My arms fell beside my body as my eyes locked on my girlfriend's mouth when Maya put some distance between our faces again; her eyes moved down to my lips and I involuntarily ran my tongue over them trying to curb my desire to advance on her because I knew that being in control meant a lot to Maya at that moment, it meant that she would be determining the next steps and even if it was only for a few minutes I knew that this moment would be giving her some comfort.

-Come here. - Maya whispered before pulling me by the back of my neck and locking our mouths in an intense, passionate, hot kiss. Her lips were insistent on mine, her tongue was soft and inviting, and soon I was giving in to her advances, letting Maya take control and determine the rhythm with which we slid over each other.

The kiss was a confusion of lips, tongues, and sighs. It was easy to give myself to Maya when she knew precisely the right moment to scrape her teeth against my tongue or suck my lower lip into her mouth, and the involuntary movement of my hips was impossible to contain when my intimacy was already clamoring for attention with such desperation.

Maya moaned against my lips as I nibbled on her bottom lip and pulled it not so gently, purposely adding some pain to the moment, and moved her hand down my waist to my ass as she pulled me to her. We moved around the office blindly, hair being pushed back, mouths desperately searching one another, hands reaching for more of each other's flesh.

-We can't. - Maya murmured as she moved her kisses down my neck and I leaned my head back to feel more of her hot tongue against my skin. A wet trail was traced from the spot below my ear to the base of my neck and I had to muster all my strength to think of a response.

-You can stop, but that's not what I want. - I gasped next as her teeth closed against my flesh, the same sore spot now being sucked into her mouth, and I was more than grateful that it was scarf season.

-I want you. - That's what Maya murmured against my neck as she finally released the skin that was certainly redder now.

-And I need you. - I spoke back, moving my hands to her shoulders and moving our bodies until Maya had her back to her desk. I kissed her chin and once again traced the sharp line of her jaw with my lips as I trailed my fingers down to her belt, loving the feeling of leather against my fingertips as I unbuckled it.

I nibbled on Maya's neck as I opened her pants and unzipped them, hearing my girlfriend's low moans and sighs in response to my touch, but when I finally tried to slip my hand inside her panties, I felt Maya's hands on my wrists preventing my movement. She was quick and with one swift and deft move I was being pressed against her table, feeling her lips again on mine in an intense kiss that had taken me by surprise and her insistent tongue soon asked for passage into my mouth. There was passion, but there was also need. Maya needed control and I would give it to her.

My pants were unzipped, my hot body craved her touch, my heavy breathing beat against her face as we pulled apart in search of air and looking into her blue eyes at that moment made me even more surrendered.

-Can I take you? - Maya whispered, our noses touching with our closeness as I felt her fingertips stroking the skin just above the hem of my panties and I bit my lower lip hard before answering.

-Please. - The word came out low, but the smile that opened on Maya's face confirmed to me that she had heard perfectly.

There was no time for romance, we didn't want a bed and blankets around our bodies, we just wanted to heal the incessant throbbing between our legs, we wanted to feel each other's wetness, we wanted to hear the teasing moan against our ears as we made the other one cum.

Maya held my waist and took my mouth again, the kiss made me shiver, made me feel as if every nerve ending in my body was more sensitive than normal, made me want to cry in desperation with the desire that was burning inside me at that moment. I felt her hands on my ass as her tongue slid over mine, her fingers soon descending to the back of my thighs and a second later Maya was lifting me.

-Maya! - I gasped, softly, in an almost groan because I just loved it when she did that. My hands flew up to her arms so that I could feel her muscles flexing against my palms and a low chuckle escaped my girlfriend.

-Be good. - She warned and I nodded quickly, moistening my lips, and spreading my legs as soon as she had me on her desk.

The idea that we were in her office, at her work, with firefighters being able to overhear us made me even hornier, Maya knew that. One of her hands went to my pants and soon I felt her fingers sneaking into my panties and the intimate touch made me grab her shoulders.

I threw my head back as I buried my fingers into her flesh when I felt her fingertips against my wet folds, slowly moving up and down, avoiding my clit as I tried to restrain my hips. The movement was involuntary and inevitable, my intimacy burning and crying out for some touch, for some relief.

-Maya! - I moaned louder than I should have when I felt her fingers on my clit, drawing slow circles in a maddening rhythm.

-Your clit is so hard and sensitive. - Maya whispered and I moaned softly, closing my eyes tightly and letting my head hang back. Her mouth was on my neck in the next second, biting, sucking, kissing, licking. Maya was doing everything she wanted to me, and I would let her do a lot more if it guaranteed that she would continue to draw those delicious, teasing circles over my bundle of nerves. - You're so wet for me!

-Yes! - I gasped, there was no point in lying. Every single reaction of my body was for Maya. - I need you inside me.

-You want me to fuck you? - She asked back, her face moving away from my neck, and the movement made me open my eyes again and stare into the blue immensity that was hers.

-Yes, more than anything, I want you to fuck me. - I squeezed her shoulders, trying to emphasize my words even more, and Maya bit my lower lip before pulling me in and restarting the slow, teasing kiss as her fingers went to my entrance and circled it teasingly.

I moaned without interrupting the kiss when I felt fingertips entering me ever so slowly, going deeper with each second, filling me completely until I felt full. My walls were stretching to accommodate her fingers, pleasure was rising from my center at every moment and the movement of my hips only sought a more intense rhythm, but Maya was determined to take her time with me - although time was not our ally at that moment - and the back-and-forth movement she established was slow.

-So tight! - She moaned against my mouth, and I did the same, closing my eyes tightly and pressing our foreheads together. Our breaths mingled and I crossed my legs behind Maya before pulling her forward to get a harder thrust from my girlfriend. - Don't cheat.

-I want to put my mouth on your pussy, I want to suck and lick you until you're coming in my mouth, but for that... - I whispered, my forehead still pressed against hers, but I was interrupted by Maya's deep and intense thrusts, her palm slapping against my clit at the end of each movement, and my eyes rolled with the pleasure that came from my center.

-For that...? - Maya urged me to continue and I had to muster all my strength to be able to think of anything other than how delicious it felt to be fucked by Maya on her office desk.

-For that, goddammit, I need you to fuck me fast, so I can cum and give you all the attention you deserve, my Captain. - I knew that calling her this way gave me a high probability of getting what I wanted.

I wasn't wrong.

Maya practically roared before she glued our mouths together in a searing kiss and quickened the movement of her fingers inside me, thrusting deep, stretching me as I pressed her fingers hard against her shoulder trying to keep myself grounded and ready to take what she was giving me. I felt her free hand going to my hair, her fingers closing in to tug at the strands and the burning on my scalp made me roll my eyes as moans were muttered against Maya's mouth.

The pounding of her palm against my swollen clit drove me crazy, her fingers worked wonders inside me, and Maya fucked me with the intensity I needed. She was moving in and out of me, thrusting deep, curving her fingers and rubbing her palm over my sensitive bud, stirring up even more the fire that was burning inside me. My orgasm was approaching fast, my abdomen flexed repeatedly, I clenched my walls against her fingers, I wanted more friction, I wanted more of her kiss, her tongue, her warmth.

-Yes, yes! - I gasped, throwing my head back and interrupting the kiss. Maya kept her fingers deep inside me and moved her hand up and down to rub my clit. - Fuck, yes! I'm gonna cum! Please don't stop! Don't stop! Dio mio! Cazzo!

Pleasure overtook my body as my orgasm drowned me. My body was shaking, there was electricity running through my nerves, my mind was empty, and Maya's hand that had previously been in my hair came up to my mouth to hold back my loud moans as I surrendered to my state of complete ecstasy. I squeezed her wrist as I rolled my hips trying to prolong as much as possible the wonderful sensation that was to be undone in Maya's fingers and when the waves finally ceased and the involuntary contractions disappeared, my girlfriend pulled herself ever so gently out of me.

I kissed the palm of her hand that still covered my mouth and Maya then removed it, allowing me to draw a deep breath through my mouth trying to regain my control and rationality.

-You're perfect! - I whispered, moving my hands from her shoulders to either side of her face and kissing her mouth gently. - I love you.

-I love you. - Maya spoke back and kissed me again. - But words were spoken, promises were made, and there was something about your mouth doing wonders for me.

-Oh, really?! - I raised an eyebrow at her with a smirk on my face and Maya nodded a few times before laughing. - Oh, I think I remember now.

I jumped off the table and Maya arched both eyebrows at me in surprise but allowed me to bring both my hands up to her pants.

-It involved you walking over there. - I pointed with my head in the direction of her chair and Maya licked her lips as she followed the direction with her eyes; I kissed her mouth and guided her over there holding the waistband of her pants firmly in place. When Maya was standing in front of her chair, I started to pull down her pants. - It also involved you sitting in your chair, spreading your legs for me, holding my hair like the perfect girlfriend you are, and letting me make you cum in my mouth.

-Sounds like a good plan. - Maya spoke with her eyes locked on mine as I got down on my knees in front of her. Her pants were wrapped around her ankles, and I untied the lace of one of her boots to remove it and allow the pants to no longer prevent her legs from opening. Maya seemed to understand what I was doing and as I got rid of the pants tangled around one of her ankles, she pulled down her panties and sat down in her chair.

My girlfriend spread her legs and exposed her glistening center to me. She was wet, I could smell her delicious appetizing scent as I approached - still on my knees - my goal, and as I began to distribute kisses up the inside of her thighs, I felt Maya's hands come up to my hair, gathering it into a makeshift ponytail. The tug she gave was a turn-on, making me nibble at the skin of her thigh before licking the spot as I saw the red spread there; I continued to move my mouth up until I was kissing her groin and Maya stirred in front of me, leaning her back a little further back as she threw her hips forward, giving me more access to her intimacy.

-You smell so good! - I took a deep breath and kissed her labia a few times. Small, quick kisses that didn't give her what she wanted.

-I want your tongue on me! - Maya spoke in a whisper mixed with a grunt and I moved the kisses to her clit, but kept the pattern, just my lips touching it briefly with those kisses. - Carina!

With Maya's complaint and her impatience reminding me that I didn't want to risk us being interrupted at the best moment, I gave in to her desire and touched her bud with the tip of my tongue, moving up and down just a few inches, keeping the touch light and teasing, but definitely more arousing.

-I love the way you taste. - I lifted my head to look at her face and my girlfriend quickly leaned forward and took my mouth in a heated kiss. - Don't you agree?

-You taste better. - She whispered against my ear before leaning back in her chair and pulling my face forward. - Now make me cum, baby.

-Yes, Captain. - I spoke back and moved closer to her center.

I traced the path of her intimacy with my tongue feeling her taste flooding my mouth, I moved up and down her folds slowly and teasingly as I delighted in Maya's sighs and gasps in response to my touch, I moaned against her clit when I felt it pulsing against my lips as I sucked it into my mouth and squeezed her thighs hard as Maya rolled over against my face, pulling my hair and at the same time pressing my face against her center in a silent plea for more.

I sucked her clit repeatedly letting it slide out just a few inches before pulling it in again and Maya's hips jumped in sync with my movements. Her folds became wetter by the instant and when I moved just one of my fingers to her entrance, I realized that my girlfriend was surrendered and completely ready to feel me inside her, but that's not what she would get. She wouldn't feel me going deep inside her - even though the idea was extremely tempting - because what I wanted was for my mouth to do all the work, so I just went around her entrance with my index finger as I released her clit and started licking it with the same speed as I pushed just the tip of my finger inside her.

-Shit! - Maya cried out as she moved her hips wanting more of my finger, I brought my free hand up to her waist to keep her still and sped up the movement of my tongue, mixing licking and sucking as a fiery, intimate kiss against her pussy.

I could feel her walls clenching, contracting, trying to capture the small bit of finger I was giving her, and her clit pulsed intensely against my tongue and lips as I ate her out. Maya gasped and moaned, rolling her hips despite my attempt to keep her still, her back arched and I knew she was close to cumming.

-My God! - Maya gasped, her fingers gripping my hair even tighter and knowing I was in my window of opportunity, I thrust my finger deep into her and sucked her clit intensely at the same time. - My... Carina!

The combination was all Maya needed to be taken over by her orgasm and keeping my lips against her clit was a difficult task with the violent spasms that were taking over her body at that moment. My girlfriend was bending forward wanting to stay and at the same time escape the touch of my lips. I pumped my finger inside her a few times to prolong her orgasm, but after a few moments I pulled it back while letting her sensitive bud finally completely escape from my mouth.

-Baby... - Maya whimpered and then let go of my hair, leaning back completely relaxed against the chair. Her eyes closed, a lazy smile on her lips. The most perfect sight in the world.

I kissed her thighs a few times before standing up and resting both my hands on the armrests of her chair and then leaning in to kiss her mouth, first gently, but soon after snaking my tongue across her lips so that I could finally share Maya's taste with her tongue.

-I have to go. - I whispered as I pulled away, the words cutting into my heart. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to spend a second away from Maya, but there were things that needed to be done. - And you need to get dressed.

-Will you be back at midnight for us to spend the countdown together? - My girlfriend asked, one of her hands coming up to my face and her thumb stroking my cheek gently.

-Of course! - I said back, keeping a big smile on my lips because I wouldn't miss my first chance to spend the New Year's countdown next to the love of my life for anything. - And I'm going to kiss you at midnight even if it's in front of all your firefighters.

-I am so happy to be spending the New Year with you that I won't even care about that. - Maya spoke back and we shared a low chuckle. - Be careful, there is heavy rain forecast for tonight.

-I will. - I nodded and leaned forward again, kissing her mouth once more. - You be careful too. I love you, come back to me.

-I'll try my best. - Maya spoke back and stole one last kiss before I stood upright again, zipped up my pants, and walked backwards toward her office door. - I love you.

-I'll see you later! - I blew her a kiss and Maya smiled brightly.

I carefully snuck out of her office, making sure there was no one outside to catch any glimpses of Maya as she stood up partially naked to put her clothes back on and change back into the stiff Captain she was proud to be.

Maya was right, rain was forecast for tonight, but not even the cold would stop me from making this night one of the best of our lives.