
Femme Fatale:The Queen Of Chess

Volume 1 - Completed  Volume 2 - After 212 chapters (Book status: Completed) "You can't cage me here like this, I'm going!" Renna Amaryllis yelled at him and approached the knob when a six spiked blade flew past her cheek and hit the door. "You can't, unless I find the truth about you." Ronan's serene orbs flickered evil as his right hand man standing nearby trembled, while Renna smirked meaningfully playing vulnerable card. _._._._ "Hey, I've brought you food and meds." Renna stepped inside the room when Ronan leaped to hold the tray when the duvet slipped from his naked body revealing a hardened bulge. "Face, torso or my sexy dick?" His narcissistic question heated a passion within her. _._._._ A woman gave a lopsided grin while swirling the wine glass, reading the headlines on the TV.  "Checkmate! Ronan Ross is dead." Renna Amaryllis was assigned to shot her doting ex-husband dead, while he struggled to win his 'dead wife' back. It's just a pity that she wanted his head, after falling into his hands intentionally.  As she proceeded with her strategies, the underworld Lord grew suspicious.  Finally acknowledging that it was a wrong move and that she had already triggered a war within three mafia rulers!  ••• https://discord.gg/4FW69JpcVA (for spoilers and to chat with me.) _._._._ TAGS: #mafiaKing #CEO #StrongLeads #technology #action #cleverFemale #gunsAndbullets #killing #deadWifecomesBack  ._._._._. • Must read the introductory auxiliary chapter first.

Aysel_Inara · Urban
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292 Chs

Kyril Ross, A Brother?

Morgan dashed inside excitedly, well of course, he sure had a wonderful piece of thing for his boss.

Something unbelievable, which could not wait any more than it had already been delayed.

"Boss! Ronan Ross's wife is alive! I have seen Amaris, here…"

Morgan blurted out immediately as soon as his hyperactive eyes landed on the man, who averted his dazzling silvery eyes towards him.

The aura around him was still surprisingly calm, contrasting to the luxury besides him on the tea trolley, where rested a Portmeirion Pomona tea set, hot misty steam was blowing from the spout of the tea pot.

"Morgan! Come, come…!"

The boss sounded serene, which was not a surprise to Morgan. Although, he had always sensed his boss mysterious and dangerous but was also well aware that he had to be useful for him, in order to live!

Thus, he rushed towards his base soon after recording Renna's attempt of 'teaching a lesson to the thugs'. Yes, Morgan was the man who had witnessed everything back there and now arrived to the villa.

"Boss! Boss, that bitch is alive!"

Morgan's statement was still the same, as the man was persistent on his theory.

"Catch a breath first, or else you will pass out before disclosing anything."

The boss said, and resumed his activity of sipping on the tea. While Morgan was staring at the man blankly, probably pondering that how could a man remain calm after hearing something like that.

He could not disobey his order, even if it was just a statement. Thus, he strode towards the couch opposite his one seated sofa and sat down imminently.

The atmosphere had became tensed up as the boss did not utter a word, rather kept on sipping the tea. Morgan's patience was dying which was indicated by his vibrating leg, but he did not have the temerity to mutter till his boss gestured to him.

Morgan's eyes were darted on to the boss, who was plopped in front of him with one leg on the other...his dazzling orbs lifted up, and a piercing stare greeted Morgan.

"I believe you must have something to verify your theory or else you are aware of the consequences."

The boss announced him the punishment, which the spy could already imagine...and began to sip.

"Mmm...you know why do I like this tea specifically?"

The man paused for a moment and swirled the fluid in the cup, while his fearless voice addressed Morgan without any fluctuation!

"W- why boss?"

The old loyal dog could already sense that his boss wanted him to spill the beans, while keeping his future in mind. Morgan somehow knew a few 'habits' of his boss, thus, knowing that responding to his question was absolutely necessary to save his head.

The man frowned carelessly by raising his eyebrows together.

"Ah! The tea leaves are so aromatic but you know Morgan, we can't satiate our nostrils with the aroma without crushing the leaves!"

The boss hinted the poor soul who was aware that he had stepped into a lion's lair, and placed the cup back on the wooden trolley. As soon as the cutlery set of cup collided, the feeble tink sound snapped Morgan back into the present…

Whereas, he got zoned out and completely occupied with the recalling of a previous scene, which he had witnessed in the same study room. Another spy appeared that day with a few proofs to verify that Ronan Ross's wife was alive, but the boss wrung off his neck, right after thirty minutes of his search!

An efficient force, I must say.

Morgan regretted his decision of coming there, he should have looked into the matter beforehand, no? But what was the use of crying over spilled milk, either he would walk out unscatted or his body would be disposed off somewhere unknown.

"Y- yes, yes boss."

His voice stuttered upon the remembrance and silently prayed for his news to come out to be true.

"So, what was the urgent thing you were telling? Oh yeah, right, Amaris is alive...without wasting my time, prove it!"

The stern expression appeared on his young face, as the man rested his elbows on the arm set and entwined fingers.

Morgan gulped down his fear as his body was under the penetrating stare of his boss, who was no less than the angel of death with shoulder length sleek black hair and similar shaded attire.

"Here boss!"

Morgan opened his video gallery and handed over his cell phone to the man, praying to witness the next day's sunrise!

The man's posture did not change a bit, even after witnessing such thing...maybe to him, the matter was not worth it.

But his silver orbs followed each and every movement of Renna, the reflection in the boss's eyes was an actual proof that he had already caught whatever Renna intended to disclose.

"Discard your sim and card here, you have done a good job and I don't let my people leave without a reward."

The man chipped with a lopsided grin and Morgan obediently obeyed on the instructions given to him.

He rattled out both the things and placed them nearby on the empty table.

"Lupin will guide you with further details. You can leave."

The boss gestured with his hand and Morgan moved towards the door, where Lupin received him and the signal of killing from his master.

The door closed behind him and the terrifying man was left alone in the study room, in the midst of book shelves and with the proof.

"Let me do something for your patch up, dear Amaris!"

A smirk graced his thin lips as Kyril Ross made up his mind, to interfere with the so called love birds!

The same ending name, you must be pondering whether they are brothers or blood related perhaps?

I guess, they aren't!

Kyril Ross guessed Renna's identity and saw through her personality right away, how did he was involved with the duo?

