
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

William is his full name?

As soon as they ended their kiss the headphone guy rushed to their side holding Liam's phone with both of his hands like it was the most precious thing in the world. "Sir I took your photos,you guys are so amazing like a god and a goddess. I really love your photos and I'm your new fan and admirer so can I keep one for me too? Please,please...You guys are my idols now so pleeeeaseee!!!" He pleaded like a baby who desparately asked for his kandy.

Liam: "..."

Evelyn: "..." 'What did just happen? Did a thunder crash down directly towards his head or did he get an electric shock? Or is he a psychopath who has different personalities? Oh so scary...!'

Evelyn was dumbfounded to see the headphone's sudden change of behaviour. He acted like an arrogant jerk before. Oh speaking of which,they didn't even ask his name yet. So Evelyn decided to ask.

Evelyn: "Okay,okay. Why not? And thank you for the photos....mmm your name?"

The headphone guy: "Oh I'm Lucien Pierre.Thank you so much for fulfilling my request, ma'am...?"

Evelyn: "Oh Lucien? That's a cool name. I'm Evelyn and this cold guy over hear is Liam."

Liam: "Oh I'm not that cold. And by the way, as my fan you should know my full name. I'm William Axle."

Lucien: "Oh nice to meet you Mr.William."

Liam: "Just call me Liam,I hate my full name. Just remember it and don't address me by my full name,okay?"

Lucien: "Oh yeah,for sure. I'll take my leave now,Let's meet again, Liam,Evelyn, bye bye!!!"

The entire time Evelyn was so so speechless. She felt extremely ashamed of herself as his fiancée,because she hadn't known his full name untill that day.Even his reports showed his first name as Liam thus she never doubted the fact that it was a nick name. A freaking nick name! Uuuwh!

Evelyn crossed her arms on her chest and glared at him.

Evelyn: "How come I didn't know your full name untill today?"

Liam: "You never asked it." He kissed her cheek.

Evelyn: "..." Pushed him away. "Hey,I'm serious here,okay? Why didn't anyone use your full name? Even the people in the mansion and especially grandpa."

Liam: Sighed. "It's a taboo for them."

Evelyn: "..."

Liam: "Let me explain. After my granny's death,I used to hate my full name because whenever someone called me as William, it somehow made me remind my lost grandma.She used to address me as Willie. She was the only one who trully showed love and care for me. Even father and grandpa never showed their love for me. The only person who lightened my lonely world left me when I was young. And she took away the sunshine from my life. I lived in the darkness untill the day I met you. You once again brought the light to my life.So I won't let the darkness conquer me once again. Stay with me forever, Eve. Will you?" He asked looking devastated. But why? It wasn't like she was gonna leave him in the future. So why he felt insecure like that? Strange...

However Evelyn was extremely glad that he opened up to her and talked about his grandma. The last time she asked, he didn't wanna talk about it and this time he willingly said to her by his own will even without waiting for her to ask about his granny. That meant their relationship got improved and finally he was willing to share his dark and sad past with her,right? Evelyn didn't want to push her luck further however she decided to take a tiny risk.

Evelyn Sighed. "Silly, I will never ever leave you,okay? Please believe me. We are not like other couples out there who break up after sometime. Listen, we are soulmates. Even if you do want to breakup with me in the future,I will still forcefully stay by yourside like an icing layer of a cake or a cheese piece of a sandwich. Even if god asks me to leave you,I will still stubbornly stay with you. Even after my death,I'll become a ghost and still accompany you and look after you untill you meet me again in our next life time.So do you still have any doubts,Mr.Liam?"

Liam didn't give a reply as he hugged her tightly without letting go. He looked sad probably because of the reminding of his granny's death. Seeing that,Evelyn dropped the idea of asking about his grandma. She didn't want to make him sad. She wished that he would tell every single thing about his past oneday. All she needed to do was waiting for him and giving him sometime for that. She was willing to wait...even if it was going to take years because she loved him so much. All that mattered to her was his happiness. So why should she dig up his past which carried out his sorrowful memories?

Evelyn hugged Liam back and patted the backside of his head like a mother consoling her child. Finally,Liam felt relaxed as if he released the weight on his shoulder. He was more than happy because he felt that Evelyn loved him as much as he loved her. Even so he wasn't ready yet to tell her his deepest and darkest secret. It wasn't because he didn't trust her,it was because he was still afraid of...losing her. She was an innocent girl like a delicate,little flower.A flower that belonged to the light and not to the dark. He lived in the darkness and what if...what if the flower withered because of not getting the sunshine it deserved? He didn't even dare to think about it. But how could he bear to let others pick his flower and do nothing about it? He possibly couldn't do that. Never. He felt like he was being selfish but he couldn't help it. He loved her too much. Too much that he was sure he had neither life nor world without her in it.