
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Top of the Eiffel Tower

Liam took Evelyn to the elevator. "How come there's nobody to be seen apart from us." She asked looking around curiosly. Liam cleared his throat. "I booked it tonight just for us so no one will disturb our small world." Evelyn raised her eyebrows looking shocked and amazed. 'Wow! When did he become this romantic? Initially he acted like he had such a very low EQ but now...Is he attending a class about love lessons?' She wondered. However she was more than happy about his concern towards their relationship. But somehow she felt kind of upset and guilty because that wasn't their money. "But Liam why did you do that? It's your grandpa's money. I know he has lots of money and emptying that card is nothing to him. But still...we can just visit it as common people. It's fine for me." Liam rolled his eyes. Here she's saying it once again. He was so annoyed by her words. Why did she have to say the same thing over again and again? Besides he didn't use his grandpa's money. He couldn't tell that. But he couldn't remain silent either. "Stop that Evelyn! It's not fine with me. Why do you have to keep reminding me the samething? I'm tired of giving the same answer. Besides I didn't use his money this time. I booked it using...another way." He said looking away and then he kept a distance between them. Evelyn felt bad to say that too. After all he was so thoughtful of doing such a thing for her and it was his dream to take his lover to the Eiffel Tower. Thus it was understandable that he needed it to be special. Evelyn threw herself at him by clinging to his arm. "Hubby, I was wrong, please forgive me." She whispered pursing her lips. Liam widened his eyes. "What did you just say?" He asked. Evelyn cleared her throat. "I...I..." She stammered.

Liam sealed her lips using his. "If you want me to be your husband that badly,then let's get married right now." He stated against her lips in a teasing manner.


The elevator door opened. Evelyn pushed him away as if she was afraid of catching by others although there was no one except for the two of them. Her face flushed red. "Who said I will marry you?" She asked angrily and embarrassingly. As soon as she finished speaking she regretted telling it. What if he would be mad at her again? But instead of getting furious, he actually laughed. "Then I'll ask Helena to marry me.However I'm sad because you lost someone who's handsome,rich,charming and gentle like me." He teased. This time it was Evelyn who got upset and annoyed by his words. She said burning with jealousy, "Okay, you can marry your childhood sweetheart. I won't stop you...go and marry her! Hmph!" Then she ran out of elevator leaving him alone. As soon as she stepped outside, she was dumbfounded. On the top of the tower, there was a long wooden table decorated with various feasts,flowers and two seats facing eachother. The entire place could be describe with a single word; ROMANTIC! Even the air gave the vibe of romance. The most interesting thing was anyone could see the entire city very clearly from up there. As expected from the name of 'The city of lights' Paris was decorated with thousands of lights beautifully and even more brighter than the daylight. Evelyn's anger and jealousiness faded away leaving no traces.

"Do you like it?" Liam whispered to her ear, hugging her from behind. Evelyn turned to him and kissed his lips. "I love it, thank you!" He kissed her back. "Anything for you, my sweetheart." Evelyn looked at him energetically saying, "Are we going to have our dinner here?" Liam coughed. "Yep, why not? What else do you think these meals are for?" Evelyn rolled her eyes. "I just asked,okay? You are sounding like I'm a fool,hmph!" Liam sighed. Then he pulled out a chair for her. Evelyn sat down and happily started eating the dishes even before he asked her to or before he touched his plate. She was eating like she didn't eat for days.

Liam: "..." "Eat slowly, no one will snach your food."

Evelyn: (Continued eating while completely ignoring him as if he wasn't there with her.)

Liam: "..." 'Okay then, let's eat silently as you wish!' -sigh-

Liam finished his dinner and waited for Evelyn to finish hers. He usually didn't eat much and that's why he finished having dinner before Evelyn. He was sipping a wine glass when she put down her knife and fork. "Hey don't drink too much otherwise you will surpass your alcohol tolerance." Liam sighed inside his mind. Actually he had a good alcohol tolerance opposed to what she thought. That day when he confessed to her he had finished more than three bottles unlike to her thought of him drinking only five glasses. Nevermind, he would forget about telling it as she would ask questions regarding that matter. He didn't need such troubles. Evelyn drank a water glass and wipped her lips with a handkerchief. Liam stood up from his chair and approached her. Reaching out his right hand he stated, "Miss Evelyn, may I have the honour to dance with you?" Evelyn looked up at him. She was stunned for a moment. His graceful appearance reminded her about someone whom she had met when she was a teenager. Without thinking much she blurted out, "It's my pleasure, Mr.Lio." Lio??? Evelyn's face blushed. Lio was her one and only crush. She liked his personality, his elegant aura and his majestic appearance like a royal prince. But she couldn't harbour any feelings for him as he was much more older than her besides after that night she never got the chance to meet him ever again. She didn't love him and her feelings towards him were complicated. As time passed, her memories about him faded away untill that day.Why did she suddenly remember him? Was it because Liam's charisma was similar to his? Or another reason? She couldn't understand.

Liam frowned. He found that name was so familiar. When did he hear that name? Did he really hear it before? Or was it an illusion? It must be. Evelyn must called him, Liam. He probably misheard it. They both brushed their messy thoughts as Evelyn placed her hand on his. Liam took Evelyn to a spacious place. Soon they could hear a melodious and charming music which was especially prepared for waltz dance. "You have arranged everything. I love it darling!" Evelyn exclaimed while gracefully moving her body according to the rhythm. Liam took her hand and spined her around and again pulled her towards him. His face reddened like a teenage boy who experienced falling in love for the first time.Ofcaurse Evelyn was his very first love though he wasn't one."I know." He softly said. "I did so much for you. How are you gonna repay my kindness, my love?" He asked with a mischievous grin pasted on his handsome face. Without giving a warning, Evelyn pulled him closer and made him bent down as she tiptoed and placed her rosy lips on his thin lips. Soon she pulled away from him in a lightning speed. Liam was dumbfounded and recovered when she released him. He pursed his lips unhappily. "Stingy girl, it's too short." Evelyn shrugged her shoulders and then turned to leave. Liam didn't want to let her go just like that.Thus he grabbed her by wrist and captured her cherry lips hungrily. Evelyn felt her entire body was melting down between his arms.Her knees turned weak but Liam supported her by tightly holding her body. "You are a good kisser." Liam praised her with a smile after releasing her from his grip. Evelyn felt her blood boiled due to her anger. "You have kissed others before?" She roared exploding with jealousy. Liam gulped anxiously. He cursed his low EQ. Gosh his useless mouth! He quickly tried to explain. "No no. I've only kissed you.I just...I didn't mean it that way! I...I just wanted to tell...ughhh!!!" He ran his hands through his dark brown hair nervously. Evelyn burst out laughing looking at his helpless situation.She decided to smooth things over. "Don't worry dear, I just pulled your leg,heh hee!" She giggled playfully. Liam glared at her angrily. "So funny!" He mumbled under his breath.

Who is this Lio???

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