
Felicia Hardy MCU

Reborn is what any otaku would dream of but what if you are reborn in Marvel and not as a strong person, but as a person who is weak. shit was my first thought as I took time to digest these memories knowing it was Felicia Hardy the black cat. He only had a choice to strengthen or perish by any disaster in this crazy world. I do not own anything, only the oc if they appear so do not sue me haha. The cover is not mine if the owner wants me to change it let me know, peace haha

White_Liger · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Felicia didn't get sad about not being able to open portals, well maybe a little, but when she heard Ancient One say conventional she knew there was more to it.

"I think you can learn between two or 3 arts that are not used by almost any mage, but these are high level arts and you can't do it without any knowledge, but to do it you will have to join Kamar-Taj or give something of equal value you can choose"- Ancient One.

"Like how many artifacts would I have to give you if I didn't want to join?"-Felicia

Felicia Preferred not to be bound to Kamar-Taj as despite coming to his aid anytime the land would be in danger, she preferred her freedom and not being under the next Sorcerer Supreme.

"mmm it doesn't depend much on how many but what grade they are as there may be artifact that kill villages or just their user, but I think we can come to an agreement depending on the quantity and quality you bring."- Ancient One

Ancient One knew Felicia valued her freedom highly and would not want to be tied to anyone but better to try and fail than not to try. Besides she needed a lot of care to learn the spells she could learn.

"I'd rather not join Kamar-Taj, so let's do the artifact thing, by the way what kind of Spells do you mean"-Felicia.

"currently there are between three or four that would attune to you, these are the arts of the dark ones in specific the Shadow Spells which currently no one practices in Kamar-Taj due to me forbidding it because of its relation to the dark dimension, "Chi" in which is used in another place called K'un-Lun, and one that is almost lost due to its difficulty, this is more a branch of the spellcasters that is called "Tattoo Spells"- Ancient One

"could you give me a basic description of each please?"-Felicia.

Listening to her I had a basic idea of each but I wanted to hear it from Ancient One's mouth so I had a concrete idea.

"ok, the "Shadow Spells" makes use of the shadow dimension to be able to use its powers, I forbade its practice since it is close to the dark dimension and few people have the will or mental defense to practice it, but you need a specific dimension which is a shadow dimension that has no owner so it doesn't contaminate your spells or face the owner of one and win, This will make your presence weak at night, it also controls the shadow or various types of spells but they are more advanced, it needs a very strong will because few people have the will to not be corrupted by dark spells.

Chi is a mystical form of life energy existing in all life forms, it improves your physical condition and increases your concentration as well as various uses. There is only one book of it and we have only one Chi master in Kamar-Taj.

And Tattoo Spells is a way of tattooing inscriptions on one's body that make it stronger, depending on the inscription you hide in the tattoo you will have a specific benefit, for this you have to study many language books and develop your own language in which to inscribe formulas for your body that will do what your language wants the tattoo to do, so you also have to get the materials for it and have a will power to concentrate and persist as you need to study a lot and the person who is tattooed has to endure the smell that this causes and not interrupt when tattooed or it could be fatal depending on the power or use that is given to the tattoo, continue the tattoo as this will hurt more than a normal one and depending on the effect you will face many problems to make them, that is why there have been no masters in this art as you have to study a lot and at the same time get the materials you need. " - Ancient One

Listening to her speak despite not being able to make portals I knew I had won the lottery on the mystical side, since having an affinity with Chi was something I did not expect and I was very interested in the category of Tattoo Spells and of course the magic of the shadows, but it was not something I could venture just like that, This would help me to get stronger and let's not forget that I will also dabble in technology, partly I wanted to learn magic to be able to defend myself against it since the best thing that Kamar-Taj has is its immense library of mystic arts in which despite not being able to put them into practice I could learn them, and I would have enough knowledge to counter them if necessary.

"now take this I think this is what you need and also these"- Ancient One.

Ancient One made a small portal where she took out two books, an old glove and a box.

"what is this Ancient One?"-Felicia

I was still thinking about the arts I would learn and I saw what she had given me.

"this book is what helps you to protect your mind, you will create a place where you will put your memories, of course you will put the protections you can depending on your imagination and depending on how advanced you are in the book you will be able to protect your mind, this has 5 levels and to protect your mind from influences or suggestions is level one, Most spell casters are at level two or three, shrine masters are at level four, the Chi practitioner I named you is at level four as the Chi helps him to protect his mind and I am between level five and six which is not recorded in this book or any other.

Listening to her and skim reading the book gave me a basic idea of how each level works, at level one it works to not be susceptible to basic brainwashing or hypnosis, at 2 against weak telepaths and demons influencing you, at third it protects you against telepaths like the purple man who influences your actions with his hormones and commands.

And in the fourth it could protect me from a Charles Xavier if he did not try to read my mind with all his capacity and if he wants to read my mind he could do it but he will not be able to access my memories, in the 5th level Charles Xavier could not penetrate my mind no matter how hard he tried and I could counterattack him with my own mind. The level that Ancient One is at I think is because he resists Dormammu constantly which makes him one level above Charles Xavier who is the most powerful telepath on earth.

From how he said it I think very few wizards can advance in this theme, from what Ancestral told me most are at the second level and few at the third.

The good thing is that this book can be learned by anyone just need to exercise continuously, it would be like occlumency in Harry Potter.

"the second book is how to deal with cursed objects, demons, etcetera, you will be able to access both this book and the others related to this topic as long as you deliver cursed artifacts, these books will give you the basic knowledge of weaknesses and strengths of most demons, you have to read them before going back to look for objects of this type, as it would be ideal if you know what you are up against before you act so you don't kill yourself when you go looking for these artifacts.

The glove has a protection charm with which you can touch the objects without worrying but keep in mind that there are exceptions and it is not an all-powerful glove, the glove is a basic item if you want to deal with these artifacts and there are many better ones, this is something basic.

The box is a basic box with a containment spell, it serves to transport cursed objects to other places this is the most basic there is, as it only contains them, the more objects you bring you can exchange them for a better one that cancels contact with the outside or blocks the object signal with its former owners as it may be that an object calls its former owner or this is used as a puppet to know that it is in danger and I can assure you that the objects that have the demons are the most resistant as some learned not to kill all their owners and always leave one as a way out. "- Ancient One

Listening to her I knew I almost killed myself for bringing a gift, shit I should have been more careful, luckily I hadn't touched the object with my bare hand, and now at least I had some kind of basic kit that Ancient One gave me to be able to work with, this would help me work and the more objects I bring the better my knowledge and working kit, I knew he didn't give me the best he had as I would have to grow and I wouldn't if I always relied on the best equipment I had without getting any experience or when I have weaker equipment I wouldn't be able to defend myself or know how to act.

Besides it wouldn't be fun if I had everything served, I don't know why I'm in this world but I'll have fun while I can and going for those items makes my heart race as it reminds me of my old life haha.

"Looks like you're happy"- Ancient One

"And who wouldn't be? I will steal objects from the most protected museums in the world and I will get something in return and I don't need to look for a buyer or whatever because by giving them to you I make the world safer, I guess I am a hero haha"-Felicia

"Haha I think you are right but few heroes steal museums haha"-Ancient One.

Ancient One was laughing at how Felicia reacted, the girl had a unique way of having fun, but who didn't and the girl was right she makes the world a better place. Ancient One had analyzed all of Felicia's behavior since she sent her the letter and by using Agamoto's eye to see the future, she saw visions of the future, and how it changed when she received that letter, as she saw the new future and its variations to come she saw how in every timeline that Felicia was involved with an issue that threatened the earth these would be resolved and in every one that she or her family was threatened the earth was in danger or it was not a good future, The Ancient One could only tip the scales as far as she could by helping Felicia learn to protect herself from the supernatural and thus tip the scales of destiny towards a better future since the more she helped Felicia the less she could see Felicia's future as it was constantly changing. But he was confident that he could guide her to a better future.

"Ancient One I need help with something I don't know if you can help me, of course I'll start bringing items as soon as I can haha."-Felicia

A little shyly she asked the Ancient One.

"It's ok Felicia you can ask me anything you want."- Ancient One

She was happy that the girl asked her and so she could communicate more with the girl, she was like a cold breeze in her life because she could see many futures but the girl made every thing count for the future which brought immense variables with her.

"ahem I found this object in a trash can as I was passing through an alley and it seemed odd so I took it, yes I took it!"-Felicia.

Felicia at first told a lie that even she wasn't believing until she took confidence as if it was the only truth, which made Ancient One look at her in a strange way as she didn't know whether to laugh or cry seeing her act like that. She looked nothing like the girl who stole a museum or business with her a few moments ago.

"hand it over and I'll tell you what I know."- Ancient One

Felicia took a box out of her backpack and handed it to Ancient One who opened it and quickly analyzed the tiger amulet.

"this is called the tiger amulet was buried in K'un-Lun, after it was stolen it was recovered and was for a long time in the "Tiger Dojo". This amulet has the soul of an ancient and powerful white tiger enclosed in it. This tiger besieged divinity so it has a part of its strength.

By combining the three parts into one this amulet and saying the words on the box will grant you superior strength to the normal human, stronger speed and agility the speed is stronger than an Olympic athlete, and the agility also grants great balance and coordination. Enhanced durability, this makes the body more resistant to physical injury, it can also make you not eat or sleep without any problem, Enhanced endurance, makes the body able to eliminate excessive accumulation of poisons that produce muscle fatigue and improves the body so that it produces less of these toxins which makes the body more resistant than an ordinary human, has the effect that when you place the amulet on an injured area also ara that this recovers, it can vary in time depending on the injury.

Improves your senses to the range of an animal which grants better eyesight, which makes the user's vision extends to the ultraviolet and infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing them to see in near total darkness and maintain the same level of clarity. Sense of smell and hearing comparable to an animal which means you can smell and hear much better than a normal human. You can track a target by scent and pinpoint it to an exact location, but you have to be completely still.

It grants a camouflage when standing still that makes you blend in with your surroundings however a trained person will recognize you when you move and people with a water sight will detect you. This object being a relic used by great masters of martial arts gives knowledge and experience at mastery level of tiger style martial arts and the like.

But despite all its advantages it also has its limitations as it makes anyone who uses the amulets for a prolonged period of time can become physically addicted to its power."- Ancient One

-----I am a dividing line-----

English is not my first language so it will not be the best grammar there is because I do it with the translator and I will correct it to make it as readable as possible, the FU#**** translator does not know how to differentiate in "he"/"she" and as I said before if I spend more time correcting mistakes than writing I will end up quitting writing, I know people who left stories of more than a hundred chapters for this same problem so I prefer to correct when I can and keep writing to correct other day. to stop writing and say fuck it they don't pay me for this haha. Anyway I will correct, "ancient one" is "she" not "he", I clarify in case I have the same mistake again, I will stop using the words "he" "she" as much as I can to not have this same mistake.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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