
Feelings and Fangs: A Dramione Fanfiction

A year has passed since the wizarding world was saved by Harry Potter in the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the students who had been in the seventh year of the school have received letters, inviting them back to complete one more final year. The war was hard on everybody, but was particularly evil to a young blonde, traumatizing him and rendering him mentally harmed, to the point of not speaking. Draco finds himself in the hands of the brightest-witch-of-her-age and her fiery best friend. He has to combat learning a secret about himself that changes everything as well as beginning to fight the morals he was raised with. Of course, Hogwarts is never 100% safe . . . Public Announcement: This is a FANFICTION story! I understand that my characters may veer far off the path of how they may have acted in the original works, however this is my depiction of them with their own character development. I ask that if you dislike the characters to just move on instead of posting rude and harmful comments. If you want to give constructive criticism please do! Thank you for reading

Padfoot0 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - The First Death

Harry stared at Draco, his jaw slackened, as the blonde stared right back. Hermione seemed to catch her mistake and tried to back track.


"Harry, wait no- I didn't-"


Draco stood up, pulling Hermione back to his chest, looking down, now ignoring Harry. "Why don't we get you into bed, Mione…" He said gently, and the girl just smiled lazily. He looked up at Harry.


"Let me just put her in bed…. Then we can talk…."


Harry slowly nodded, knowing that Draco was trying to be an adult about this, and he watched as Draco picked up Hermione. He held the girl gently as she just wrapped her arms around his back and rested her head on his shoulder. Harry stared at Draco's wings as they folded against his back gently. Draco walked down the hall and into her room, gingerly laying her down in the bed. Her arms slid down and Hermione looked up at him.


"You don't need to treat me like glass…. I'm not breakable…" Hermione whispered into the silence as Draco pulled back the blankets.


"Yes, I do…And I know you won't…." Draco responded, as he slid her into the blankets and tucked her in. Draco sat on the edge of the bed, as she pulled out her hand, taking his. This time, he didn't have a weird reaction. It just made his heart stutter slightly and give him the heavy urge to not leave.


"You worry too much…." She said with a light chuckle, "I almost got hurt… But I didn't…."


He smiled slightly, every movement of her fingers tingling up his arm, "I know…...Why don't you get some sleep?"


Hermione sighed slightly, and then said, "Can you come see me before you go to bed later…? I want to say goodnight." This request struck him as a bit odd, but he nodded.


"Sure, Hermione…Now get some sleep…."


He got up, her hand slowly letting his go, and he left the room, shutting the door gently. He then walked back down the hall, seeing Harry look up. Draco silently walked over and got into the other sofa, curling his knees up.


"She said Veela…..." Harry started.


Draco sighed heavily, "Yes, she did…. Because obviously you have figured out that I am one. The wings…. Kind of a dead giveaway when you see how I acted around her…." He wasn't making eye contact, clearly worried.


Harry stared at him. "You say around her…. I don't know much about veela's, but I know enough. Is she…"


"Yes." Draco said quietly.


"Are you-"


"I'm one-hundred-percent sure." Draco said harshly. "And don't question my judgement!"


Harry instantly sank backwards into his chair at the sudden viciousness. "So… So, you're a veela, and Hermione is your mate…? And you only just found out? How do I believe you? You've never given me reason to before." Harry snapped back. Draco's fists clenched, fury raging in his body at the given idea that he was lying. He felt pain in his gums and knew his fangs would be visible if he spoke, and he loved it.


"Because. Hermione is a beautiful girl, and I know I don't deserve her, but somehow, for some reason she has accepted me as a veela and wants to spend time with me." He said through clenched teeth, his fangs now obvious, "I dare you to question me one more time…."


Harry did not question him anymore. He bid the blonde goodbye and quickly left the common room. Draco sighed and walked into his own room, using magic to pull off his quidditch shirt. He tossed it into his hamper and walked to his closet, getting changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. He enlarged it to cover his wings, and he sighed, feeling a lot more relaxed as he walked to the sink, washing his face, and brushing out his messy hair with a comb.


Draco then checked in on Hermione, seeing her fast asleep, and then he left the common room, making sure that the password was set so nobody but himself could enter. Draco walked down the hall towards the Great Hall to attend dinner, before heading back to see Hermione and then go to sleep. 


Nobody could see his wings now, due to them being tightly pressed against his back. Draco walked down the long tables and found his Slytherin friends, sitting with them. He sat down quietly by Blaise, who looked up and smiled. Draco didn't smile back, just looking at him.


"Are you good?" Blaise asked quietly, noticing his friends behaviour starting to dip back to his old attitude.


"Fine." Draco muttered, not getting any food, just drinking some water.


Blaise nudged him, "We lost the game. Kinda lost when you jumped and dove off your broom after your girlfriend."


Draco inhaled his water and choked on it when Blaise said this, coughing.


"Girl-g-friend!?" He choked out, as Blaise laughed at his reaction.


"Yes, Draco, girlfriend." Blaise chuckled as the boy caught his breath again.


"Hermione isn't my girlfriend. She's…a person." Draco murmured, as Blaise turned and faced him.


"You sure? So, you just happened to decide to fall backwards off your broom and dive towards the ground at lightning speed, just to catch a random person before she hit the ground, and just so happened to carry her all the way to Madam Pomfrey? And just so happen to be wearing her Gryffindor hoodie?" Blaise asked, with raised eyebrows. Draco gaped.


"What!? This is my-" he looked down and flushed. He indeed was wearing one of Hermione's many oversized Gryffindor hoodies.


Draco groaned, resting his head in his hands.


"Soooo where is your girlfriend?" Blaise pushed.


"She's not my girlfriend!" He snapped. Blaise gave up with the questions but wasn't going to drop the subject.


Blaise watched as dinner ended, and Draco got up, quickly leaving the Great Hall. He walked slowly towards his common room and took a bit of the hoodie neck in his hand, pulling it to his nose and sniffing it, his eyes softening. It smelt like her, not perfume or anything, just her. Draco muttered the password and walked inside, closing the door and calmly walking to her room. 


He silently opened the door, and walked over, sitting on the edge of her bed, taking her hand. "Hermione…. Are you awake?" Draco asked gently, watching her head move, and her lips move in response. "I'm here to say goodnight…." He whispered, leaning down and he hugged her. Her arms reached up and wrapped around him to give him a hug back. He slowly pulled back. "How are you…?" He asked quietly and saw her sigh.


"Tired…." She murmured. Draco's lips quirked at how sweet she was.


"I bet…. I'll go and let you sleep…." he trailed off, rubbing her palm. He went to leave but she spoke again.


"Draco?" He looked back at her.




"Can you stay with me tonight….?" Her sleepy voice asked. Half of him wanted to do a happy dance and vie back into bed to cuddle her. The other half felt guilt that she thought he was good, that she liked him enough to ask that. He stood in silence for a while. "Did you leave…?" She asked into the darkness.


"No, I didn't." He spoke, staring at her through the dark. He still didn't make any movements or give an answer. Silence continued, until she heard a movement, and the other side of the bed weigh down.


Draco had discarded her hoodie, done with covering his wings, and he gingerly laid down beside her. He was bare chested, as his wings moved around so he could get comfortable. He laid on his stomach, his wings stretching out, one hanging off the bed, the other curling around her. Hermione turned over towards him, reaching her arms out. Her skin came into contact with his and every worry and concern faded. His eyes widened for a moment, before scooting closer into her arms, her head tilting and settling against his shoulder, as his right arm laid out by his head, his left arm draped across her shoulder, his hand tangling into her hair. 


As he laid there, Hermione drifting back to sleep, and he stared at her face, he thought to himself.


"Friends. That's all. Close friends…." As he stroked her hair gently, leaning forward so his nose brushed against her hair, "Right…?"


Draco shook off these thoughts, closing his eyes, and letting himself get pushed into dreams by the comforting feeling of her touch.




Draco stirred when he felt movement. He felt an arm touch his wing and move it slightly, jolting him awake. He kept his eyes closed as Hermione stroked his wings gingerly, her other hand resting on his cheek, her thumb just slowly moving back and forth. He sighed, but she stopped when he did so, and he cracked his left eye open.


"How long have you been awake…?" She asked slowly. He just smiled.


"Don't worry…Only for about a minute…." He spoke, his voice deep and sleep ridden. Husky. Hermione blushed slightly, having not expected his normally soft and gentle voice to sound so…. Manly? In the morning?


He fluttered his wing she had been stroking and stretched it out, before just settling it back across her, "Mine…" He murmured, pulling her closer. Her eyes widened.


"Oh, so I'm owned by you now?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


"What….?" He asked groggily, confused.


"You said mine. I'm owned by you now?"


He sighed, "Don't take it so seriously Granger…. Who is laying in a bed with me right now…? You…. So right now, you are indeed mine and I am yours…."


She grabbed his chin, making him look at her, "What did I say about calling me Granger?"


He smirked, "To not to…." Not bothered by her behaviour.


"I told you to not to, and what would happen the next time you did?"

"Oh, I am going to be punished like the naughty schoolboy I am…..." He murmured lazily.


Hermione sighed, "You wish…" Rubbing his chest gently, and he smiled.


"You're evil.…." Draco murmured as he leaned his head back and she scratched under his chin, causing him to smile.


"I love that you just deal with me…." He chuckled as she just stroked her fingers through his hair.


"And I love that you trust me finally…." She whispered, staring at him, her eyes soft and caring. She studied his face and then his wings, and back to his eyes, "I just can't believe that a few weeks ago you weren't talking… Weren't eating… Just existing, and now here you are, getting stronger, speaking a lot, and finally letting me touch you without flinching…"


Draco looked up at her, his eyes a bit darker than usual, and his smile had faded, and his eyes downcast. She tilted his chin back up.


"What I'm saying, all of it is good…Really good… And I love that you are getting better…" She spoke gently, her thumb stroking along his jawline. "And I am going to be here every step of the way…. Through the bad and the good…."


He stared up at her again, "You mean…."


Hermione smiled again, "I'm not going anywhere…..And I am waiting for you to pop a certain question…"


His eyes grew wide, as he sat up beside her, and promptly slid across her lap, straddling over her waist, as he took her hands, smiling bigger than she had seen yet.


"Hermione…. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked tentatively. Hermione had the nerve to stay silent as if thinking, and then spoke.


"Of course, you big idiot…" As she reached out and took his face in her hands, pulling him down, and kissing him gingerly on the lips. His wings furled out, every feather stretched out in excitement as he leaned against her, kissing her deeply. His heart was fluttering, and every part of his body felt like it was on fire in an amazing way.


She rubbed his back gently, one hand wrapping around the part where his wings connected to his back, using it as a firm hold to yank him down, closer. He made a huff sound as she did so, smiling against her lips. As soon as his hand suddenly roamed he pulled back with great effort, taking in a deep breath.


Hermione was watching his face, as if trying to read his thoughts through them, as he spoke, "Let's…Let's get ready for class. Luckily, we aren't late yet…"


He got off her lap, rubbing his face, as he heard he get up too, coming around and standing in front of him, her hands firmly on his chest, "Where are you going…?" She asked quietly. He smiled down at her, to hide the immense battle in his mind, wanting to do things to her, the other half already drowning in guilt for even touching her.


"Getting up to take a shower to get ready for class Hermione." He said with a tender tone. Her eyes were so…. Empty and saddened, and he had to look away.


She looked up at him, her bottom lip slightly stuck out as she gave him a pouting face, "Lay back down…It's cold…" Her thumb tracing along the slightly faint lines of his abs, and he continued to not look at her face.


"Then get a hoodie." He murmured, "It's winter by God." Trying to win the battle of thoughts, his personal thoughts tying to guilt him even more. He grabbed her wrists, pulling them off his body, "Look, go get ready. I'll meet you outside." And he left the room, his other fist clenched at his side, his entire body language screaming how much restraint this was taking. He grabbed his doorhandle and slammed it shut, collapsing against it and sliding down the door, hitting the ground with his head in his hands.


Why couldn't he just be good enough? Why couldn't he just enjoy someone? Why couldn't he enjoy her!?


He wiped his eyes, scared to find that they were slightly wet with salty tears. No. No, he didn't do tears. He rubbed the water away with his hands, holding his knees close as he stared at the wall across from him, his chest hurting again. It hadn't hurt for about two weeks, and the hurt was heavy, a slow throb.


So much for being a good boyfriend. Moments after doing it he broke her by saying no. By saying no to something he shouldn't be doing anyway.


Draco held his head in his hand again, a slow and shaky breath, and the emotions whirled up again. Worthless. Stupid. He was such a worthless stupid person…. Why did he do that? Why didn't he just let her have her fun? Why?


Draco took another shaky breath, his eyes blurring with unshed tears as he took shaking breath after shaking breath. Flashes of memories he had tried to shut away. Memories from being a young boy of yelling and screaming. He blinked and tried to shake it all off, trying to focus on the now. As he took another shaky breath and wiped his eyes, he found that his room vanished, replaced by his own childhood room, and he was his 6-year-old self again. Crying. He was his crying six-year-old self crouched against the wall in his old room in the now destroyed Malfoy Manor.


He wiped his eyes over and over, knowing what was coming, wanting to make the memories go away.


His door opened, and his father walked in, the memory as if in slow replay, as Draco watched helpless on the floor. The wand point near his face.


Draco wanted to run and hide, as he took shakier breaths. Cries of unforgivable curses-


Pain- More and more pain- then suddenly-


"Draco! Wake up! Wake up it's not real!" A voice yelled through the haze, and as someone shook him, his vision clearing, he saw her kneeling in front of him, her hands on his shoulders, her eyes scared. He was rocking, his knees pulled to his chest as he whimpered, and tears streamed down his cheeks.


"Look at me. Look-Look at me. It's not real. I'm real. See? See? You can feel me." She placed the back of her palm onto his face, pressing her cold hands against his warm skin. "Tell me 5 things you can see. Right now."


He couldn't breathe well, everything was fuzzy. Where had his dad gone? What had happened? He heard himself talking, without much thought. "You…Walls…A fire…B-Bed…Window..."


Hermione stroked his cheek, "Four things you can hear."


Once again, he heard himself answer faintly, "Your voice…Fire crackling…Birds…. Wood cracking…"


Hermione stroked his cheek again, and he faintly wondered how she had gotten into his room. Hadn't he been leaning against the door? 


"Three things you can smell." She asked once more.


"Hickory…. Food…Flowers…." He felt himself answering this time, the words making more sense.


"Ok, Draco, two things you can taste."


He actually thought this time, taking a shaky breath, "C-cinnamon…. Y-your toothpaste…."


Hermione took a deep breath, "And one thing you can feel."


"You…" he murmured, slowly looking up into her eyes, as she smiled at him, and she pulled him gingerly into her arms.


"You scared me…..." She murmured, as he shakily put his arms around her.


He didn't say anything, his hands shaking still.


"You don't need to explain… Just.... I'm glad you're ok now…" She whispered.


Draco still didn't say anything else, slowly leaning his head against her shoulder, and a faint thought in the back of his mind remembered something. Nobody ever had been able to calm him down from a panic attack…. Not even his own mother.



It was around eleven am, and Draco was seated in the overly scented class of divination, Blaise at his left and Theo on his right. Of course, in perfect character, Theo was conked out, snoring slightly. Draco nudged his head, so it hit the table, snapping him awake as Trelawney approached to see how their work was doing. They had just written down random things that Blaise had guessed would please their psychotic teacher. Draco was having to stare into the glass ball, seeing nothing but the usual fog, and he had given up, lost in thought of nothing.


He glanced up as Trelawney approached, and just said, "I saw an owl hitting the chip bowl in the Great Hall." Shrugging, giving a 'prophecy' she would accept. Now he had to hope to merlin that Weasley's owl did it again.


Theo glared at him, rubbing the spot his head hit the table, "Ow…. That wasn't necessary…"


Draco grinned, "It was. It was very necessary."


Blaise rolled his eyes, 'You're both like tiny kids."


Draco smirked, "And you're the one who's friends with us."


Blaise shoved Draco, promptly knocking him out of his seat which he scrambled back into, red in the face. People were now staring at them.


"Great. It's not like I need any more attention than I've already been getting." Moving his right wing, huffing and going back to staring at the foggy glass ball.


"You're kind of bad at this." Theo muttered.


"I've been looking everywhere!" Draco said exasperated, "But I just can't find where I asked for your damn opinion!" He growled, glaring at Theo, who made a laughing sound as he tried to cover his mouth. Blaise just snorted.


Draco rolled his eyes again as the bell rang and the three boys gathered their bags, walking out. Draco walked between the two, and he smirked, instantly feeling much more powerful. Blaise walked on his right, Theo on his left, and Theo had to ruin the moment by snickering.


"You look like one of those mean kids from the muggle shows."


Draco scowled and shoved him.


As they turned the corner, someone grabbed his left wing, dragging him backwards. He did't feel in danger at all as he got span around, face to face with exactly who he expected.


"Hi there, Granger." He smirked, seeing her scowl before speaking.


"I called your name and you ignored me." And she looked a bit disheartened by this.


He raised his eyebrows, "No, you didn't. Or at least I didn't hear you say my name."


She smirked and spoke into his ear, and his eyes shot wide, and his cheeks reddened.


"You didn't say that out loud…" He muttered, feeling shock overwhelm him, as she smiled sweetly, the look in her eyes so innocent that it convinced him that she must have indeed said that out loud to try and get his attention.


Hermione twirled one finger in his hair and continued smiling sweetly. He grabbed her hand and pulled it out his hair, his face showing confusion, "Are you ok?" he asked her quietly, confused why she was acting so odd.


Hermione sighed, "Yes I'm fine…" Grabbing his tie, and pulling him into a gentle peck, before she walked off. Draco was left with two very shocked friends beside him, his veela part of him bursting with joy, and Draco very confused and slightly concerned.


Blaise nudged him, "What was that about…?"


Draco just simply shook his head. "I'm not sure…. C'mon." Walking on towards their next class of Potions with Slughorn. Theo split off, heading towards Arithmancy as he was trying to get out of Potions.


Draco opened the door into the dungeons and smelt a stench. It smelt like someone had sprayed gallons of a warm vanilla perfume and the scents of raspberries, and cookies. He took a step back, shaking his head. Blaise coughed and spoke.


"Why does it stink of banana bread and the forest!?"


Draco raised an eyebrow, about to correct him, but then heard Slughorn's voice, "Boys! Stay out of there!"


The two quickly moved backwards, as Slughorn closed off the door with magic, and the scent lingered for a moment, "We had a mishap with our storage of Amortentia, but luckily nobody got touched, but the scent is overwhelming."


Draco nodded, and then his eyes widened, "Wait Amortentia…...?"


His eyes looked down for a moment as he thought about the scent, and then remembered what her hoodie smelt like…And then he thought about the smell he was surrounded by in her room…. No…


He looked up and saw Blaise's face was bright red. Ginny Weasley was standing nearby, eyeing Blaise, but she was leaning into her boyfriend's arms. Blaise was staring at someone else. Innocent Luna Lovegood standing alone, yet as Draco glanced at her, she was staring at Blaise with the same expression. He shook his head and sighed, before looking at Slughorn.


"You are all released early from this class. It's not safe to breathe in too much of the scent."


Draco shrugged at Blaise, but the boy didn't follow. Draco took a few tentative steps away, and watched as Blaise walked over to Luna, and strike up a conversation. Draco smiled slightly, knowing exactly what was happening, and he headed towards his next class, deciding to sit outside in the courtyard of that period. Draco walked outside, and a few moments of silence ensued, before he suddenly had a horrifying realization. He turned in a circle, feeling his back. 


"Uh-" he muttered to himself. His wings seemed to have disappeared, along with the holes in his shirt for them. He turned in a circle again.


Draco had his mouth open as he realized this, and Draco stopped. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, imagining the wings sprouting again, and taking their place back on him, and he suddenly felt this happen. He then focused again, and imagined them melting back into his back, and they did so. His eyes widened and he looked excited, feeling very free suddenly.


Draco sat down in the grass, setting his bag down lightly beside him, looking down at the grass. He heard footsteps again, and looked up, to see Hermione walking towards him again. She dropped down in front of him and just wrapped her arms around him, planting a big kiss on his cheek, smiling largely. He ripped back, shocked.


"Hermione what on earth-", He asked in confusion as she promptly sat down in his lap, smiling.


"I passed my Arithmancy exam today with flying colours!!!" She laughed and hugged him. Draco was still momentarily shocked by her sudden behaviour, but he went along with her excitement.


"Really? I thought you had Potions."


She grinned, "No silly, I had Potions and THEN I had Arithmancy. You have an empty period where I have a class." Hermione was so happy.


Draco smiled slightly, "Alrighty then…. So this exam is the reason you decided to sit down in my lap and kiss me?"


Hermione smiled still holding around his neck, "I'm just really happy!!"


He took a breath, smiling along with her, "Alright then…." He watched as she just sighed and lean her head back, seeming to be relieved now she didn't have that test weighing down on her back, so he just decided if she was happy, he was happy. Even if that kiss on his cheek had been very sudden and out of pocket, he had been pleasantly surprised.


Draco just leaned back again, letting her sit on his lap. Draco flashed her a rare smile, looking around. He did in fact notice people staring, younger kids lingering. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the girl wanting his attention.


"Are you sure you're alright just sitting here openly on my lap?" He asked slowly, but the smile on her face never faltered.


"Who cares? If people have a problem with you then I have a problem with them. Come here-"Grabbing his shirt, causing blush to explode over his cheeks, as she pulled him closer, but then she-


"Did you just sniff me?" He asked, confused and slightly worried. "I have never been grabbed and sniffed by someone before."


Hermione pulled back, and she looked away, suddenly as if she were in deep thought, then she grabbed his shirt in her fist and pulled him closer again, taking in a big and deep breath, catching the scent of his breath as well, before letting go. She quickly got off his lap, blocking the sun from his eyes.


"I must go! Bye!" Running back across the courtyard and into the schools' halls again. Draco sat there stunned.


"Get a girlfriend, they said. It will be great, they said." He muttered to himself as he got up, walking towards his next class, shaking his head, trying to clear it.


He didn't realise it then, but Hermione had just identified the exact scent. She had just realised why the potions classroom had stunk of expensive cologne, peppermint…and granny smith apples.


Draco walked through the sun, having just checked his schedule and the time. He now had Herbology, in the newly crafted greenhouses. He strolled through the sunshine, slightly regretting his dress shirt, but he knew it could turn cold any moment now. Venturing into the new building, he looked around. The scent was definitely of a greenhouse, one of fertilizer and other nourishing plant needs.


He walked over to one of the lab tables, looking at little worms in dirt on the table. They seemed to be oozing some weird substance, almost looking alike to a liquified marmalade. Draco reached out and touched the back of the worm, feeling a spark shoo into his hand and he ripped his hand back, shaking it. He took a deep breath and continued to study it-


"Sniglar av helande." He turned at the voice, seeing Professor Sprout. He smiled, noticing how she had aged since his last class with her, "Or snails of healing. Originated in Sweden in 142 b.c."


He looked back at the creatures. "Kind of boring looking," he observed.


"Yes, boring looking now, but they can be the difference between life and death to someone who has been attacked by a Chimera. Sucks the venom out from the serpent and helps heal the wounds from the lion. Nasty creatures, Chimeras are. They also have strange effects on other creatures, many records of weird behaviours from Unicorns and Furies, along with…. Never mind, no need to bore you." She explained. "Mr. Malfoy, now what brings you here to my classroom?"


"Oh uhm, my schedule says Herbology at this time." Draco mumbled.


"Ahh, a schedule mishap. We can head to the castle and discuss this with McGonagall." Motioning for him to follow but then he spoke again.


"Why exactly do you have worms to heal Chimera attacks?"


Professor Sprout froze for a moment, before she smiled, "Because why not have such a useful little creature here? Come along dear." And he was ushered out.


However, Draco just couldn't shake the feeling that there was another reason behind those creatures being here, and it was nothing good….


Draco slowly followed her down the pathway, looking back for a moment, wondering what that strange sting had been, however he just shook off the weird feeling, conversing with the professor, the event floating to the back of his mind, no longer worrying him.



Draco was now sitting in his dorm, a book in his lap, as the door opened. Hermione walked into the common room, looking much more subdued than earlier. She walked in, followed by Harry. Draco smelt Harry. His senses went on fire, and he was standing, walking towards them. He reached out and pushed Hermione behind him, stalking towards Harry. His scent was everywhere.


Harry quickly tried to back up, startled by Draco's sudden approach, as the boy grabbed him and shoved him against the wall, harshly.


"Draco, what the hell-" Hermione asked, grabbing his arm, but he shrugged her off. Something was clearly wrong.


Draco held Harry violently, gripping his arms way too tight. Harry tried to shove him off, but Draco then hissed at him, a terrifying sound, and Harry saw the fangs protruding, as he struggled in the iron grasp.


Hermione grabbed his waist, trying to pull him back, but it was like he was thousands of pounds, locked in place, "Let him go- what the hell- Draco-"


Harry grabbed his wand and managed to blast a stunning spell into Draco's leg. He got shoved backwards, away from Harry, as he stumbled. The scent…. His head was spinning…What was happening…?


He launched back at Harry, slamming him into the ground, trying to attack, but as Harry grabbed his face and cast a charm to clear his senses, he stopped. Draco blinked, his head clearing. He stared down at Harry under him, his hands wrapped around his neck, Hermione finally able to pull him off. 


He slowly staggered back, eyes wide, confused, as Harry pulled Hermione into his arms, looking angry. Hermione hugged him back as Draco stood there, startled and…scared. He was just scared.


"Why did you attack him…?" Hermione asked quietly, scared when Draco moved. He stepped back again as Harry glared.


"Don't come any closer…. I should have known your dangerous…" Harry warned, backing up to the door and walking out, with Hermione, taking her away...His eyes dilated, but this time he closed them, and took a shaky breath.


"She'll…She'll come back…" He murmured, slowly backing up to his seat, falling into it, holding his head. His hands trembled slightly, and something occurred to him, that when he breathed in, Harry's scent still stained the room, and in the back of his head, it made something jump into high alert. It made his veela go insane.


He sat there silently, as he then got comfortable on the couch, laying down, staring up.


"What happened to me….?" He asked, as if expecting a response, but none came. He stared up, feeling very alone. "I want an answer…."


He closed his eyes, sighing, and he drifted to sleep.


Draco sat on the rock beside the black lake, his legs hanging over the edge. It seemed to be night, but he couldn't feel the cold. He looked out over the water, looking to his side as a girl approached him. She was thin and tall like him, the same white blonde hair, but it fell down her back in ringlet curls. He stared at her.


"Hi, Draco…" Her voice sounded…Familiar. She sat down beside him, crossing her ankles. She was wearing a Slytherin hoodie and a kilted skirt, some small black heels. Her skin was as pale as his, and her eyes…Were also silver.


"You're so grown up!" she exclaimed, hugging him, but it only felt like a tingle. "It's been so long… I miss you."


He stared at her, "Who are you…?" His voice sounded alien to him, lighter, scared, almost like a child's.


She made a saddened face, "Lyra…... I'm your older sister... I've missed you."


He smiled slightly, "I'm sorry…I forgot about you…."


Draco felt her hug him again, the same tingle. She pulled back and held his chin. She looked about 23, maybe 22.


Draco felt…Comforted by this girl's presence, this Lyra.


She then spoke to him again, "Drake, you need to be careful.... Dangerous events are coming…. You've survived the worst, but more is yet to come…"


He looked confused and worried, "Lyra what…What do you mean-"


"I can't explain, but you need to know, that what happened tonight is only the start. Be careful, Drake…. Please…. I'm by your side, I promise…..." Stroking his head. Draco felt himself waking up, and he panicked.


"No- No, NO Lyra- NO- No, don't GO- Lyra- LYRA-"


He shot upwards, eyes flying open, "LYRA-"


But as he breathed heavily, and looked around, he realized he was back in his common room, the fire having been put out. It was cold and dark. He then felt a hand and jumped, looking beside him. It was Hermione.


"Hey… You weren't sleeping soundly… Are you alright?" Her voice a gentle whisper. He then just hugged her tightly, burying his head into her neck.


"You came back- you came back…." He whispered back, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down, and then his sister's words resonated with him. "Drake, you need to be more careful... Dangerous events are coming… you've survived the worst, but more is yet to come…."


"Hermione…" He whispered into the darkness, clutching onto her still, "I think something bad is about to happen…. something really bad…."


She held him as she moved and sat on the couch beside him, holding his head gently.


"Don't worry… I think you're just worried…." Her words calming him.


He then moved and looked at her as his eyes started to focus in the dark as he asked, "Why are you here…?"


She smiled slightly, "I realized Harry over reacted…. I just said goodnight and came back here, and when I did you were tossing and turning, mumbling and just not sleeping well…...Why don't I get you into your bed for some good sleep…" she asked, pulling him up. He was still sleepy, so he walked, and her hand slid into his own, her thumb rubbing along the lines in his palm.


Draco sat down in his bed as he spoke again, "I'm serious…Something bad is happening already….And it's only just the start…."


Hermione stroked his head as he laid down and she helped him get into bed and tuck him in. She bent down and kissed his forehead, and he grew drowsy again.


"You can go to sleep, ok…? Nothing bad is happening to me or anyone else…..." And he reached out, wanting her to stay, but Hermione said, "I have to go and do something really quick tonight… I'll come and lay down when I get back…." Before making sure he had drifted back to sleep.


Hermione stood, walking back out the dorm. She opened the door, and McGonagall was standing there with Harry.


"It wasn't him. He was fast asleep when I came in, and he seemed really out of it." 


Harry folded his arms, "But the marks on the student-"


"Were made by something sharp, but we don't know what his fangs do." Hermione said sternly, looking at McGonagall, "I'm telling you it wasn't Draco. He wouldn't…. He couldn't do that…"


Harry then spoke again, "Hermione, he loses control, for all we know, it could have been him, but the veela let him sleep when he got back…"


Hermione then turned defensive, "My boyfriend didn't kill anyone!!"


Harry folded his arms, "You have no proof."


Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Neither do you."


McGonagall looked grim, and said, "I'll take your word for it, but we need to study these wounds before they grow infected and unable to be viewed…."


The three walked back to the Hospital wing, emerging into one of the stalls, looking down at the dead body of a second-year girl, the sibling to the late Colin Creevey.