
Feelings and Fangs: A Dramione Fanfiction

A year has passed since the wizarding world was saved by Harry Potter in the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the students who had been in the seventh year of the school have received letters, inviting them back to complete one more final year. The war was hard on everybody, but was particularly evil to a young blonde, traumatizing him and rendering him mentally harmed, to the point of not speaking. Draco finds himself in the hands of the brightest-witch-of-her-age and her fiery best friend. He has to combat learning a secret about himself that changes everything as well as beginning to fight the morals he was raised with. Of course, Hogwarts is never 100% safe . . . Public Announcement: This is a FANFICTION story! I understand that my characters may veer far off the path of how they may have acted in the original works, however this is my depiction of them with their own character development. I ask that if you dislike the characters to just move on instead of posting rude and harmful comments. If you want to give constructive criticism please do! Thank you for reading

Padfoot0 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3 - Drinks And Secrets

 "Mk…. Uh Mione truth or dare." Ginny Weasley asked her friend, the brunette looking suspicious as she sat beside Draco.




Draco had been sitting here in his and Hermione's common room since the end of dinner, the two of them sitting a bit too close to be acquaintances. Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter sat across from them on the other side of the coffee table, Luna Lovegood with Neville Longbottom on his left, and finally Blaise and Theo on his right. His own personal friends on his right, and the rest seemed to have been Hermione's friends. Ginny had instantly asked to come and see Hermione's dorm, dragging Harry along with her. Neville and Luna had walked with Ginny. Blaise and Theo were already in Draco's room when he got back, having gotten into his books.


As Ginny sat thinking, Draco looked at Hermione beside him, the girl leaning her head back on the couch. Her head tilted and looked towards him, both smiled slightly and looked away from each other.


Ginny smiled at Hermione, having seemingly figured out something to ask, "Mione ok.…ok, I got one. What's your ideal date?"


Draco felt Hermione move at his side and looked at the group as she sat up straighter and took a deep breath, thinking.


Draco glanced at Blaise as Hermione thought, Blaise grinned and got up as Hermione finally decided.


"Uhmmm…." Drawing out her word, and then she started, "Well, I wouldn't want anything extreme…Honestly a date down in Hogsmeade would be so nice…A date at home, y'know? I'd honestly want to go to the Three Broomsticks and then head to the pub for the older kids…. Grab some butter beer and then go get some drinks? I'd also love to have a night out on the grounds near the fairy gardens…. It would be nice." She explained, smiling.


Luna smiled as well, "That's beautiful…." Leaning her head on Veilles shoulder, who blushed hard.


Ginny and Harry also grinned, both looking the same way, happy and just loving their friend.


Theo rolled his eyes, mumbling, "Girls are so sappy…" And Draco smirked.


Blaise walked back in and sent drinks to everybody, settling on the coffee table in front of them. Theo looked at it and sipped. His eyes lit up, fire whiskey. Draco reached out and took a large swig, before looking down at Hermione, and then at Blaise who knew exactly what he wanted to do.


"Ok then, better idea than truth or dare. Truth, Dare, or drink." Blaise said tapping his glass.


Theo grinned and the rest of the people around the table agreed, except for Hermione.


Hermione then looked up at Draco, "Truth or Dare, Malfoy." 


Blaise looked shocked as Draco considered the question, and then he spoke. "How about Dare, Granger?"


Theo looked up shocked too. "Did you just-"


"Talk…?" Draco looked over at one of his friends, "Yes. Not much."


Hermione smiled with a menacing evil. "Ok, Malfoy…. I dare you to take five shots."


Draco rolled his eyes, even though Blaise tried to say something, "Hey Granger that's Firewhiskey- He's gonna be blackout-"


Hermione sighed, "Zabini hush your worrying."


Draco smirked and summoned a shot glass, downing three easily. On his fourth, he shook his head, suddenly feeling fuzzy, and he downed his fifth shot. He rubbed his eyes slightly and spoke.


"Blaise gimme some sunglasses…. It's wayyy to bright…" He said, and Hermione laughed at his reaction. Blaise consented, flicking his hand and a pair of black sunglasses appeared in his palm as he handed them to his friend. Draco put them on and leaned back, looking around. He then looked at Harry.


"Potter." He said, his speech not near as affected as the group had expected. "Kiss the weasel. 20 seconds. Theo time it."


Harry was blushing slightly ad Theo looked at his watch, "Ok…annnd….Go." And Harry did, holding Ginny's chin as the red head blushed as bright as her hair, being kissed by her boyfriend. Theo kept an eye on his watch and then said, "Ok and time."


The group was relaxed now, as a few more dares went, many people having to take shots. It rounded back to Luna who looked at Draco this time. Neville was holding her against his chest.


"Malfoy?" She asked, looking at the other blonde, who just stared at her, "Another five shots." Hermione laughed slightly as Draco groaned.


"You guys are trying to get me drunk; I swear it…." As he filled up another three shot glasses. Blaise and Theo were just a bit tipsy; Harry was only slightly off. Luna had taken a few of her own. Neville hadn't been dared to do anything, just truths. Ginny had a few but Hermione hadn't drunk any.


"Hey guys…?" Luna asked gently as she always did. "I think me, Harry, Ginny, and Neville are turning in. I have to get back to Ravenclaw tower."


Harry and Ginny mumbled in agreement, standing up. Draco watched them go without a word, and then looked back at his five shots set out in front of him. Blaise and Theo scooted around the table and sat across from Hermione and Draco.


Draco sighed and downed his five, shaking his head again. He sank down in the seated position he had taken, leaning against her slightly. He looked at her and smirked.


"Granger…" And she noticed his now slightly drunken speech. How many shots had he taken? 13 now? How was he still conscious?


"Truth or dare…" He asked.


Hermione swallowed heavily, "Dare."


He smirked more, leaning his head on his hand, "I dare you to…." He seemed to still be thinking, or maybe just trying to get his brain to work right. "Sit in my lap the rest of the game…."


He watched her surprise as she slowly got up, and sat down between his long legs, settling there, scared to move any closer. Blaise was grinning and Theo was just reclining back against the edge of the sofa.


"Granger, just lean back," Draco spoke gently, his arms near her waist and he reached out, pulling her back. He felt her 'thump' against him and smiled slightly, feeling as she took a shaky breath and relax against his torso. "See? I don't bite much."


"Much-" Hermione said, slightly startled, but he wrapped his arms around her waist and made her settle again.


"Stop fidgeting…" He said gently into her ear as he leaned back. "It's your turn."


Hermione made a small noise of annoyance, but then said, "Alright…Uh…Blaise?"


The Italian glanced up, eyebrows raised, "Yeah? Uhm Truth."


She smiled a bit, feeling Draco's hand pressed to her side, but didn't think on it too much, "Well uh…Do you like any of the girls here?"


He gave her a smile, "Actually yes, but unfortunately, she is not available. And I think her family would kill me and her if we got together." He gave a slight shrug as he sipped some of his drink and looked at Draco.


"You know what I'm telling you."


Draco scowled, "I'm drunk enough as is…."


Blaise grinned, "No, you're talking perfectly fine. You have too much alcohol tolerance. Another five. Because I'd just love to see what happens after fifteen shots for you. And you'd better be happy I grabbed your new fire whiskey. The other would have had you black out in seven."


Draco scowled again and reached around Hermione and set up another five shot glasses. Her hand rested against his bare skin, sending another shock through his arm, "You know you don't have to…"


He looked down at her, and once again his lips formed a smirk, "I know." As he took one and downed it, another two. His head suddenly felt fuzzy. Fuzzier than he had felt in a while. He stopped moving for a moment, as he set the glass down. Blaise watched and spoke.


"Ooooh and he's under. Look at that vacant look. Drake, you got two more." Snapping in his friend's face. The blonde stared him down.


"My…mmmyy hangover…Tomorrow i-is your f-fault." Draco slurred his words, glaring at Blaise, and snatched the other two and downed them. One glass slipped from his grasp and hit the floor, shattering.


"Damnit." Draco grunted, but he just sat there, and she felt him sway.


"Malfoy? Are you alright?" Hermione asked, slightly concerned about the amount of alcohol he had taken in such a short amount of time.


She looked at Blaise and Theo, "Alright, it's almost eleven. I'm going to get this one into bed, and I suggest you do the same thing." She got out of Draco's lap and knelt down beside him as Blaise and Theo bid her goodnight. She sighed and muttered something into his ear, knowing he would hear that.


"You're insane for drinking that much…. And no, the hangover is on you." As she bent his arm over her shoulder, and hauled him up off the floor, managing to get him onto the couch. She then felt his head roll onto her shoulder.


"Malfoy. Malfoy are you awake?" But she just got a grunt in response. "Come on…You've got a nice and fluffy warm bed waiting…. A soft pillow…."


She managed to get him up and slowly walk him to his room. She turned out his lights as she made him sit down. He slurred his words horribly. Seems the alcohol finally took its toll, but she managed to make out that he said, "I feel sick."


She sighed and brushed hair out his eyes as she took off his glasses, "I know. It was a really fun night though, right?" He lousily nodded, as she bent over him to pull back the sheets. Hermione then held his back and eased him down. Before his head hit the pillow, she spoke.


"When you wake up…Just call for me ok? I'll get everything taken care of…. Alright? Just go to sleep…" As his head sank into his soft pillows, his left arm weakly lifted and wrapped around her, holding her tightly against him. Draco's strength didn't relent even when he passed out. Hermione kept trying to slide out of his grasp, but it was to no avail. She finally gave up, and turned, settling at his side. Not in a million years did she think she would feel safe enough around Draco Malfoy to do this, but she honestly didn't mind. He was unconscious, dead to the world, and clearly just needs comfort. Hermione turned and faced him, moving her one free arm to rest on his chest, and she settled down, her head slowly relaxing against his chest, and her body seemed to fit perfectly against his.


"You'll be alright..." She whispered into his ear, not having a clue if he could even hear her, but she just went still, and eventually let herself fall asleep in his arms.




Sun slowly started to spill through the curtains, casting rays of gold around the room layered in deep green and silvers. It reflected off shoulder pads on a hanger of a quidditch uniform, slowly crawling across the floor, getting closer and closer to the unmade bed in the middle of the room. It crept along the edge and slowly moved, finally spilling across two people, closely cuddled together without any blankets. The light hit the boy's face, blonde hair shining in the light, and then hit his eyes. He moved slightly, raising one hand to cover his eyes as he groaned. His other arm stayed tightly tucked around the girl across his chest.


It felt like someone was hammering drums in his head, pounding, and like he had a tight helmet on, holding in the drums. Draco slowly tried to peel open his eyes, but it was blinding. He couldn't think straight or really focus on anything other than the fact that he could feel someone laying across his body, her head tucked onto his chest. His head was pounding worse and worse to the point he couldn't think. The only thing he could remember was Hermione telling him something last night, 'when you wake up…just call me, ok?'


He winced as the pounding worsened and called, "HERMIONE-"


He felt the person jump and slam their chin into his own, causing pain to explode around that area. He felt the person sit up and then heard her voice.


"What?? What- Oh Malfoy- Are you alright?"


Draco was in obvious pain, and she moved, unaware of where exactly she was sitting, pulling his hands away from his face, gently trying to get him to open his eyes, "Malfoy, come on. Look at me. Malfoy-"


"Get…the fucking…hangover potion…" He grunted, as Hermione folded her arms and sat back, suddenly realizing she was sitting over his waist, but wasn't fazed by this.


"Curse again and I'll make the hangover worse." She said harshly.


"Fine- sorry- sorry- please-" He panted. The pounding was getting worse. How much had he taken last night? Maybe…five? Six?


He felt her weight disappear as he pulled his knees up, eyes hurting, head pounding, body aching. About two minutes passed, feeling like hours, as a cold glass potion top touched his lips. He opened his mouth as she fed him the burning liquid. He coughed as he swallowed, waiting for the relief.


Draco managed to lay back again, feeling her sit down beside him, scooting back on the bed so her waist was beside his head. Hermione watched him struggle for a few more minutes until he seemed to relax.


Draco felt the pounding slowly start to fade to a simple thrum in the back of his head, the throbbing in his legs fading to almost nothing. Draco slowly tried to open his eyes, the lights not nearly as blinding. He looked up to see Hermione over him.


"You drank way too much…. Ok, tell me what you can recall." Her voice stayed soft and gentle now she knew his hangover was really bad.


"Uh…" He had a croaky voice, and Hermione hadn't seen the Slytherin Prince look like such a mess. She studied him. He must have moved around during the night as his hair was sticking in random directions and had a big cowlick on his left side. His eyes were dazed and drowsy, bags under them. She also noted how shallow his face was, momentarily remembering how thin and frail he had felt when she sat down in his lap. She blinked and shook away a slight tingle up her spine at that thought, tuning back into what he was saying.


"I remember it… Just can't remember much at the same time… I know what happened but if I try to think about anything in specific I can't…. Everything is just too fuzzy and mixed up… I think seven shots was too many…" His voice… She had blushed slightly when she realised it wasn't croaky, but husky.


"You had way more than seven shots…17 is more like it…. Your kidneys hate you." 


Hermione rolled her eyes as he just shrugged, "I don't care…Hangovers aren't fun, but alcohol is pleasant. You know your monsters you so obviously have? They just go poof until the morning…"


She stared at his face for a while, "I…" She stopped trying to think of an appropriate response, before saying, "I'm sorry you feel that way…... There are other ways…. I can try and help with the demons…." She gently reached out and stroked his head. He looked up.


"I don't…I don't know how you would do that…."


She smiled, "You didn't seem to have any problems last night…. And I was sleeping beside you…."


His eyes focused on her face, "You were…weren't you…."


She smiled, "Yeah…. I was…Do you think you can get up for class…? I can get you another potion…."


Draco smiled slightly at her, "I think I'll be alright…...."

 Draco slowly sat up, and instantly said, "Wait no…. No, I'll…have some more hangover…stuff..."


Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed the potion, putting it to his lips. She made him tip his head back, her palm holding the back of his head, as he swallowed another dose. His eyes seemed to clear a bit more.


"Alright… I'm good." He said softly as Hermione put the topper back into the potion and got off the bed.


Draco blinked a bit before getting up and stretching, looking around. He seriously wished he hadn't drunk so much, as he could only just about remember her sitting in his lap, and a few words, 'so stupid to drink that much-' 'You'll be ok…' '-etting this one into bed, and I suggest-'


He watched her walk into his closet and grab school clothes, and then walked out, tossing them to him. Draco caught them with surprising accuracy, before walking to the bathroom. As he walked past her, she grabbed onto his shirt, stopping him, and she stood on her tiptoes, looking him in the eye.


"Next time, I'll leave you to pass out on the floor…." Patting his chest, and then walking out the room, going to her own. He blushed and walked into the bathroom.


Draco leant on the counter; his hands pressed into the cold marble. He pushed the door closed with his foot as he let out a deep breath. As he did so, his canines extended into fangs, and his hands morphed, slowly becoming clawed talons. His eyes started to swirl a mix of silver and black before fading to charcoal black. His skin lost what little colour it already had. He felt stabbing pains in his back but sighed in relief when nothing happened. He had finally managed to control the morphing and changing of his features and could do this easily now. Draco looked at himself. A monster. He was a monster.


"Monsters don't deserve anyone…" His voice saddened. 


His features disappeared again, turning back to normal, his eyes turning silver again. He clenched his now not dangerous fist and punched the marble sink, before quickly getting dressed. He walked out, finishing up his tie, and when he saw her smiling at him from her bed as she finished doing up her own tie, he felt guilt overwhelm him. 


Draco walked towards her, and stayed silent as he approached and he stood in the doorway, "I think…We need to talk…"


Her smile faded, "Why…?"


Draco slowly walked into her room and sat beside her on the bed. "I have a secret."


Hermione looked confused and worried, "Oh…You do…?"


He nodded slowly, "Just think that two days ago I wasn't talking…And now I'm sitting here about to tell you a secret nobody knows about me. Not even my closest friends…Only my mother." Draco rubbed his palms together, getting sweaty.


"Malfoy…? What are you trying to say?"


"My secret…Is that I'm not a pure blood…I'm a half-blood…But…I'm not half human, only a third. One part of me is a wizard…Obviously, the other part, from my father's side is human….and the other third of me…is a full blooded veela." Draco blurted the last part out, watching shock morph over her face.


Hermione blinked, "A veela…..." Her voice a whisper, "A veela…that…explains so much…." Her eyes were wide and shocked, as she spoke weakly, "I…I had suspicions of a magical creature but…But a veela…Your hair…eyes…skin…. It's so obvious…."


Draco watched her face as she then reached out and touched his face. He instantly leaned into her hand, his eyes growing heavy, and a smile appeared on his face. Her hand shot back and away, her eyes widening more if that was possible.




His eyes focused when she said that, and his cheeks exploded, "I- I was about to get to that-"


She looked horror-struck. "Me…?" She looked scared now, "Me!?"


Draco tried to calm her down, "Please wait-"


But then she took a deep breath and smiled gently, "Draco…. I'm the veela's mate…? Your mate…?" He swallowed and nodded, and watched her eyes before she spoke, "Then I guess we should spend more time together."


His jaw dropped, now it was his turn to be shocked, "You…. Are accepting me…."


She smiled gently, "You think I would sit in just anyone's lap? Or fall asleep with them when they are black out drunk? Or…Let them hold me? Are you blind?"


Draco flushed, "When it comes to women, yes…"


She smiled again, and he then noticed how her smile made him feel warm. Then his eyes suddenly widened, "You called me Draco…."


As Hermione let his cheek go and sat back, he felt her presence fade a bit, and she spoke.


"Yes, I did. That's your name, isn't it?" And she got off the bed. Draco then also noticed that her skirt seemed to be a little bit shorter than normal. He didn't look but did glance.


Draco stared at her for a long while, before swallowing and he nodded, "Well uh..Yeah…" 


She smirked slightly, and it took him by surprise. Merlin…who knew she'd look so sassy smirking like that… "And you are saying I'm your mate?" 


He nodded sheepishly again. 


Hermione then smiled, "Then the next time you call me Granger, you're gonna regret it." 


Draco blinked, confused, and slightly taken back, "How do you make this situation turn into a threat? Gran-" he then stopped, blushing hard, as she glared at him. 


"Say it. I dare ya." Hermione was turning over a new attitude, strength. 


However, Draco being his Slytherin dumbass self he folded his arms, "So what? What are you gonna do Granger?" 


She smirked slowly, "I did say you would regret it. I'm your mate….You want to please me…And also this-" as her finger reached out and brushed his hand, a spark of excitement rushed through the place she touched, "Excites you." She scooted closer, and he pressed his back into the bed post, as she just moved with confidence, right onto his lap, facing him. Her hands reached out, and caressed his cheeks. She had never seen him look so….Naive? Maybe…submissive was the word. 


His eyes were vacant and cloudy, but not in a empty of thoughts way, but of simply yes. He stared up at her, leaning heavily into her touch. "Wow…the books are right." She muttered, feeling his hands grasp her sides gently. 


"Draco…? You in there?" She asked softly. 


"Uh huh…." He answered quietly, weakly. 


"Do you…need a hug?" She asked finally, wondering if he was scared of what he was. 


"Anything for you…." He whispered, completely head over heels at her touch. She smiled slightly and just hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck, feeling him wrap himself fully around her, sighing heavily against her neck. Hermione just sat there for a while. 


"Draco…." She said after what felt like about ten minutes. 


"Mmmm?" His response was quiet as usual. 


"Is this you….? Really you….? Being so…. not you…." 


A low chuckle sounded from him, "No…. You have me all wrong…this is me…... The me you know is me… I'm many different personalities… But you just haven't spent enough time to know me truly…. Alone I am different than in public…. With friends I am different than being alone…." 


She let go, and then placed her hands around the back of his bare neck, looking him in the eye. He instantly regained that vacant look. "Tell me the truth…. Why are you acting so weird when I touch you…?" 


He was smiling up at her like she was the brightest star in the sky, "You're really pretty…." 


Hermione took a deep breath, "Tell me the truth and you get a kiss on the cheek." Deciding bribery might work in his odd state. He looked like she had just offered him a million gallons. 


"Oh- ok…. The veela and I aren't very connected…. Touch deprivation…. When you touch me, it makes me scared but also feel cared for, and the veela amplifies the excitement…. Lengthening the amount of physical contact will fix this…. Kiss?" He asked, excitedly. 


Hermione sighed and bent down, pressing her lips to his cheek, feeling the shiver of excitement go through his body, "You said lengthy contact?" and he nodded, clearly hoping he would get more kisses. 


"You will go back to normal if I let go…But will react the same way next time I touch you like this?" Hermione was quizzing his knowledge, trying to figure him out, or more the veela out. 


"Uh huh-" Nodding again quickly, as she suddenly pulled back, scooting off his lap. Draco blinked and seemed to instantly come back to himself and cowered away. 


"Oh, my Merlin, please tell me I just hallucinated all of that-" Clearly disgusted with himself, "Oh my god I sounded like- like-" trying to fish for the right word. 


"A suck up?" She finished for him, earning a glare. "Yes, you did. But don't think it as negative…I thought it was actually quite adorable how happy and naïve you seemed…...Not that you like this is bad…. I much prefer your attitude; it keeps my adrenaline running." She nudged him. Mistake. He froze for a moment, eyes fogging before he shook it off. 


"Oh, so uh… Now you know… You in general affects me way more…. Like way wayyyyy more…." 


Hermione nodded slightly, and then reached out, clasping his chn between her fingers, pulling him close, "If you knew…. Tell me why you told me kissing you is a big mistake…..." Her voice dropped low and harsh, yet he loved it. 


"Because… You have no idea what you might release if you did that." His voice matched her low tone, "You keep stalling, and we'll be late to class…." 


She stared him in the eye, "So what if I want to see what happens…?" ignoring his comment on their attendance. 


"You don't want to do that…" he warned lowly. 


Hermione then grabbed his chin tighter and pressed her lips against his. He gasped sharply at the contact, his body suddenly sparking with excitement and anticipation. His canines extended into the sharpest fangs he had ever had, his hands morphing into his talons, sharp and dangerous. As he grabbed her waist though, she didn't seem to be affected by the talons. His eyes turned charcoal black as he was slammed into the bed post, her lips still pressed to his, because he hadn't pulled back. He felt sharp pain in his shoulder blades, his body suddenly feeling very tight. He ignored it, until suddenly his shirt also felt tight. Draco pulled back just enough and in time as he seemed to explode outwards, his arms shooting out to shove her away. His shirt ripped and he cried out, a sound she hadn't heard from him. It just sounded like pain. Hermione had hidden when this happened, hidden her face, but heard a dull 'thud', and slowly looked as she realised it was quiet. 


As she slowly looked over the end of the bed, her jaw slowly slackened and dropped. Draco was on the floor, not moving, but something seemed to be…on top of him? 


She slowly and shakily got off the bed and knelt down, shoving away the thing, but as she did, it just slid down and made a weirdly hollow sound. Hermione stared down at the boy, eyes wider than she could believe as she stared at a pair of massive black feathered wings protruding from his back. She stared, her jaw still slack, as she reached out and pushed the wing again, and it just slid out. It was… It was in no way detachable… It was as if it had been melted into his shoulder blades. She slowly pulled off his destroyed shirt, hands shaking harder. He had warned her…. He had said not to… 


She turned him onto his stomach, so he wasn't laying on the things, and then tapped his face, "Draco…?" Hermione asked weakly. "Are you…Are you alright…?" 


But he didn't answer. She shook her hands a bit, feeling very scared now. What had he said? Her touch affects him? 


She bent down and managed to haul him up and into her arms, rolling up her sleeves to make sure she had as much physical contact as she could, and held him, stroking his back, "God, please work…" 


His head slowly moved, tipping closer and rolling against her chest, as he woke up. Draco managed to raise his head, drowsily blinking. 


"Hermione…? Did I…. Faint…?" He asked, weakly, and she instantly felt so much guilt for him. 


"You did…I'm sorry for doing that…. I didn't…I didn't know…." 


Draco tried to sit up, and instantly froze, "What the hell….is wrong with my back…." 


Hermione spoke shakily, "You…You have these…things…" Reaching out and her hand trembled as she grasped his wing and pulled it into view. He just stared for a while, before his skin drained colour. He looked up at her. 


"I can't hide…. I… I literally am about to have a panic attack…" And Hermione rolled her eyes. 


"You're really dramat-" 


"Hermione I'm serious- " he panted, his eyes told her he wasn't kidding, "This is all too much-" 


He sat forwards, wrapping his arms around his knees, as she quickly scooted in front of him, "Don't- wait no it's alright. You're alright." She tried, reaching out and took his trembling hands in hers. 


He looked up at her, his eyes blurry as his breathing remained a bit unsteady, shaky, but as she held onto his hands and scooted closer, he was able to focus and control himself. Draco closed his mouth and slowly leaned forwards, his head resting on her shoulder. Hermione knelt in front of him, her school tie hanging half undone, hair still a bit messy, as she[CD1] held him, his wings laying out behind him, stretched to their full size.


She slowly released him, and he looked up at her, eyes wide.


"Ok…. What we are going to do, is just use some magic to make your shirt work around your wings…Ok? Then you can pull them against your back… You're perfectly alright, ok?"


He slowly nodded, eyes still wide and naïve as she brushed his cheek with her thumb. "What's going to happen when people see them….?"


He then cut her off and asked, "What do you think of them…...?"


Hermione blinked and said, "Me…? Well…They…Honestly, they are beautiful…. Come here…" She helped him up off the floor, as the wings flew out to their full size so he could balance better. She led him towards the bathroom, and placed her hands on both wings, pushing them to his back.


"Pull them in…. There you go." As she led him inside, and stood beside him, looking into the massive mirror in his bathroom. "Ok open them up…."


Draco slowly extended them again and looked at the large mass of black that were his wings. Hermione reached up and just stroked a few feathers.


"If anything, people will be more scared of you than they already are…." She muttered, and then smiled up at him, "I heard you call yourself a monster. Show me the rest…... All of it."


Draco quickly said, "It's 8:54 we only have six minutes-"


"Draco, show me the rest…."


He went quiet and shed his ripped shirt, revealing his chest, as he sighed and looked into the mirror. His eyes swirled silver and black before turning a solid charcoal. He felt pain in his canines as the top ones burst and extended into sharp fangs. Finally, his hands shimmered and morphed into long and dangerous talons. His features changed, as he gained a whiter complexion than pale, and his features turned sharper and shallower. Hermione stared as he changed, and then he turned towards her, looking at her in the eyes.


"When I let the creature out…. I look like this." Draco said in a stronger tone. "I am a monster… What wizard has wings like these? Or talons? Or straight black eyes? Or fangs?"


Hermione looked up at him and stood on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "You do. And you're as human as I am."


He sighed and pushed her slightly forgetting about his heightened strength, shoving her over. He moved faster than she could have thought and caught her before she hit the floor, "Shit sorry-" and she realised his talons were buried into her arms and sides, yet it felt normal, like hands. His sharp talons didn't touch her.


He slowly set her back on her feet, as his features turned back to normal other than the wings.


"Let's go, please…" he said quietly, watching her face.


"Fine but first…" She picked up his discarded shirt and picked up her wand. She flicked it and the shirt morphed around his wings like a coat with wing holes. He gently flapped them once and smiled, pulling the newly fixed shirt around and buttoning it up. It fit his wings perfectly.


Hermione walked back out, casting another spell to fix her hair, and fixed his hair. She grabbed her bags, picking up his and handing it to him as he finished his tie yet again, folding his wings against his back, and they walked out.


Dread slowly started to fill him the second he stepped into the hall and grew worse and worse as they approached the first class of the day, arithmancy.





Eyes. So many eyes all day. Draco sat in his last class period of the day, lounging in the back, taking an occasional note so he wasn't told off for ignoring the professor, and he stretched out. His wings stretched out and hit the wall, making a 'thunk' sound, and he quickly pulled them back in. He felt stiff all over from keeping his wings tightly wound to his back rather than stretched out and moving. Draco was alone in this class, Hermione was in Herbology, Blaise was in a private tutoring session for charms, and Theo had this block off. Draco was left here with Slughorn teaching Potions, lamely, and missing half of the important stuff.


Draco looked around and saw people watching him yet again, and he huffed, glaring around with his 'drop dead' look, and going back to his notes. He just looked down at his watch on his wrist and as soon as the clock hit 4:15, he grabbed his books and left the class, his wings slightly open at his sides. People moved out of the blonde's way as he stalked down the hall. A bad mood. Draco was in a bad mood, and he was going to make it everybody's problem.


He stormed into his common room, ignoring Hermione, Harry, and Ginny on the sofa, ignoring the stare from Ginny who hadn't seen him today, stalked into his room, and slammed his door. Hermione grimaced at the sound and spoke.


"I knew that was going to happen…. Give him about five seconds and he's going to come back out and-"

 "HERMIONE GRANGER YOU DID NOT-" His door flew open and a now furious and red in the face Draco stormed towards her, his black wings posed dangerously. She just stood to meet him, folding her arms, knowing he couldn't hurt her even if he wanted to, and she knew he didn't want to.


"I did. Because you shouldn't be living in such a dark and dull place. It's going to make your depression worse." She spoke calmly and evenly, not fazed by his anger or the fangs protruding from his mouth.




"Keep yelling and you'll lose your voice again." She said calmly.




Hermione folded her arms, "Language Draco."


He was bristling with anger, and Hermione reached out, touching his cheek. His wings started to droop, anger disappearing, and he took a deep breath, leaning against her palm.


"You need to take a deep breath and calm down…. Look at me, ok? Breathe in..." Hermione instructed softly, as he followed her instructions, "Ok…. Are you calmer now?"


He nodded slightly, before leaning down and gathering her into his arms and wrapping his arms around her waist, his wings wrapping around her as well, and then his eyes looked up, and his jaw slackened when he saw Harry and Ginny sitting at the couch, staring at him with the same shock he had on his own face.


Draco slowly dropped her, his wings creating a circle around her of protection, as he stared at Harry and Ginny, clearly in a point of shock and knowing he had been caught.


Hermione reached the top of his wings and yanked them down, revealing herself again, "Draco, cut that out. They are my friends-" She then reached up and snapped in his face, getting his attention.


"Oi! Earth to Draco. Snap out of it." Tapping his face, and he blinked, a blush formed on his cheeks. "Yes, they saw you act like that. Yes, they know it's odd. No, they aren't angry. No, they won't hurt you. And yes, you do look stupid right now." Answering all the questions he was about to spit out. "Now, why don't you come and sit with me, and-" She saw his hesitant step back, "I'll sit on your lap." His eyes widened and he gave in, taking a hesitant step forward and letting her lead him over to the couch. He folded his wings flat on his back again, sitting down, as she slid into his lap, leaning against his surprisingly sturdy chest.


Harry and Ginny just stared, Ginny's eyes wide and amazed.


"Hermione…" Harry started slowly, now looking confused, "How did you calm him down so quickly?"


"I just seem to have a strong effect on him when he gets into a rage…" She answered calmly, feeling Draco tense, and she reached for his hand, rubbing his palm, and Draco took a deep and calming breath.


Ginny's eyes narrowed, "Wings…..."


Hermione smiled again, "A wrongly made Polyjuice potion. I know it took about a week when I accidentally took a cat hair in mine."


Draco looked at her confused, but Harry and Ginny just nodded.


"Gin…. You can see he's not who you thought… can't you?" Hermione asked gently, taking Draco's hand in hers, lacing their fingers. He looked down, feeling crazily calm, wondering if it was possible to get high off her touch faintly.


Ginny stared for a while, looking up at Harry, before saying, "I can see you care about Malfoy… I just am going to have a hard time treating him like you or Luna…... I still can't get over that his side killed Fred…"


Even her touch couldn't stop the anger he felt, "I am not responsible for that…" Draco spoke directly to her, eyes blazing with fury, "Don't you ever associate me with that side…. I was not there willingly…."


She had frozen, suddenly looking terrified. Harry's face had changed as well, looking nervous as he pulled Ginny a bit closer. Even Hermione looked a bit startled.


He closed his eyes as breathed out slowly, knowing his anger was ferocious and slightly nerve racking. He could sense Hermione's nerves and he reached around her waist, pulling her against his chest, hugging her, "Don't worry…I can keep myself under control…I promise…." And she heard his wings flutter a bit as he stretched them and folded them back in. Hermione saw Ginny and Harry both stare at the new items with amazement.


Harry then smiled slightly, "Dude, you don't even need a broom."


Draco gave him a drop-dead look, which Hermione patted his cheek to make it fade.


"Cut that out," she muttered into his ear. "Be nice."


He sighed but obliged, and he looked at his right wing, "I guess you're not wrong..."


Ginny stood and tugged Harry's hand gently, "We do have to get going. First quidditch game of the season in a few hours…. Gryffindor versus Slytherin." She said, smiling slightly. Harry sighed and rubbed his neck.


"Alright…See you two later…" And he shyly left, suddenly feeling as if he were intruding on them. Hermione watched them leave, before leaning her head back into Draco's chest and looking up at his face.


"Are you getting ready then?" Hermione asked him, seeing his confusion, "For the match?"


He made a simple 'o' with his mouth and then spoke, "I didn't sign up…I was kinda depressed two days ago."


She gave him a smirk, "I don't like that look" Draco muttered.


"I signed you up." She said with a grin.


"I knew that was coming…" He grumbled, glaring at her, "You had no right."

"I had every right."


"No, you didn't have a single right to sign your depressed veela up for quidditch of all things."


"I did." She argued back.


"You didn't."


She folded her arms, "I did, and I do. Go get ready."


He then decided to be defiant, "No."


She sat up and faced him, sitting in his lap still, pressing her hands to his thighs and leaning close to his face, "Say no again."


Blush exploded across the pale blonde's face, as he leaned his head back slightly. She leant closer as he leant back.


Draco swallowed, but didn't say anything, giving in, and she lifted one palm to rest on his cheek, his eyes turning instantly calm, "Draco you need to get back into quidditch…You've lost too much weight and you aren't eating enough to gain anything…It's going to help…." He blinked slowly.


"Anything for you…" He whispered, as she pulled her hand away and his eyes focused. He instantly dropped the stupid smile and glared at the girl in his lap, "I can't say anything because I know you're right, but it pisses me off how much power you have over me…"


Hermione sighed and sat back onto more of his knees than his thighs and she looked him in the eye, "See you think that… But you don't know the lengths I am willing to go to protect you…." She stopped for a moment, "I never believed in soulmates…" Hermione then looked him back in the eye, "So now it's your job to make me believe."


He blushed a bit at her words, before she said, "Alright…" Getting off his lap and he instantly felt a bit colder, "Go get changed into your uniform. You are the captain after all." Winking, and his jaw slackened.


"Captain!?" Shocked. He was shocked. Then excitement took place, "You signed me up for captain!!" Draco sighed and got off the couch, moving his wings a bit, "I wonder if these will help at all…."


Hermione slapped his arm, "Don't even think about cheating."


He rolled his eyes, walking towards his room as he went to try and use some magic to morph his uniform around his wings.




Hermione scooted past people in the already packed stands twenty minutes before the game. She got settled into one of the Gryffindor assigned bleachers, finding Neville and sitting with him. The field and stands had been mostly reconstructed after the events of the war, so now the large stands were much more stable, no longer swaying with the wind.


Hermione looked over at the announcing booth, which was quite close to her area, and saw the person she expected, Lee Jordan with the magical mic in hand, the score board ready.


She looked out onto the field, seeing Madam Hooch walking out with the box of game balls.


As she stood there, the booming voice of Lee exploded around the stands.


"Welcome to the first match of the year!! Hogwarts houses Gryffindor versus Slytherin!!"

 Cheers erupted around the stadium from all sides, but Hermione knew Gryffindor was the loudest. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck, her nose already feeling peckish from the cold.


"And here comes the Gryffindor team! Number 7! Harry Potter! Gryffindors Seeker and Captain! Number 5! Ginny Weasley! Head Chaser! Number 32! Jimmy Peaks! Beater! Number 23! Ritchie Coote! Beater! Number 2! Ron Weasley! Keeper! Number 4! Katie Bell! Chaser! And last but not least! Number 53! Alicia Spinnet! Chaser!" Lee announced.


When the final person was announced, the Gryffindor team came flying out of the stands and started circling the field. As soon as Lee finished Gryffindor, he started on Slytherin.


"Welcome the Slytherin quidditch team! Number 7! Draco Malfoy! Slytherin Seeker and Captain! Number 31! Terence Higgs! Beater! Number 74! Adrian Pucey! Chaser! Number 1! Miles Bletchley! Beater! Number 53! Harper Talkalot! Chaser! Number 3! Jameson Higgs! Chaser! And last but also not least! Number 13! Caroline Higgs! Keeper!"



As soon as Lee finished, then the Slytherin team flew out at full speed, a blur, but Hermione caught sight of Draco's blonde hair as he shot up into the sky, racing alongside Harry whom he had found almost instantly. His wings were tucked against his back, not being used as he had told her he wouldn't cheat.


Draco shot around the top of the arena, wing blowing in his hair, his shoulder occasionally bumping into Harry beside him. The two circled a few flag poles before shooting down and taking their places facing each other. Draco expanded his wings and stretched them out in a menacing manor, but all Harry did was laugh slightly. He folded them back with a smirk and then focused on the box of game balls on the ground that kept violently shaking.


Hermione watched him from the distance, smiling when she saw how alive he looked. Neville had moved away when he saw Luna across the stands. She bent over the railings and watched as the box was opened, and the golden snitch shot off into the sky, seeing Draco and Harry fly off at breakneck speed in pursuit.


Draco couldn't hear a thing, the wind roaring in his ears as he climbed higher and higher after the snitch. The little golden ball kept speeding and then shot off in a random direction, causing the two boys to slow down and stop, hundreds of feet in the air. Draco started to drop, getting closer so he could watch the game going on below them. He scanned around and around as Harry dropped to the floor, just above the grass, circling and watching. Draco continued to let his broom slowly descend.


Hermione turned her head and her eyes found something. Cormac McLaggen standing directlybehind her, his arms at his sides, his eyes strange looking.


She took a slow step away, feeling suddenly very alone and scared. "Uh, hi…. Cormac…"


He smiled, and stepped closer, his hand shooting out and grabbing her wrist, "Mmm…Granger, nice to see you again."


She tried to pull it out his grasp, leaning against the railing now.


Draco drew closer, scanning again, but then his eyes narrowed onto something that caught his attention. His mate, being pushed against the rails, by a stupid Gryffindor. He watched for a while, but then suddenly saw harry shoot across the field. He reeled his broom around and shot after him, catching up. The two shot up, and then down, and Draco found the snitch. He kept racing after it, as they started to climb.


"Cormac get off…" She muttered, but then he drew closer, pressing against her. Hermione panicked, and tried to get away, and promptly as soon as she got to what she thought was safety, suddenly she was falling towards the ground about fifty feet below.


As Draco was reaching for the snitch, a scream erupted in his ears, and suddenly he broke off the chase, and let go of his broom. He fell towards the ground, as his wings extended and morphed into a hawk dive. He dove towards the ground, towards her, her screams erupting in his ears. He extended his wings fully as Hermione reached feet above the ground. He heard Lee on the announcement station but ignored it, his attention on his mate in danger. Feet above the ground and he got to her, his arms slamming into her as he caught her, shooting across the pitch at breakneck speed, as he tilted his wings and flew up and high, to the top of one of the stadium pillars, and landing gracefully, hugging Hermione tightly to his chest.


"How the hell did you manage that!?!?" He accused her, stroking her head gently with his newly formed talons. She was shaking, panting, terrified. He slowly took a deep breath, kneeling and holding her close still, but moving her so she could see his face.


"I've got you…. I promise I won't let you fall…. Deep breaths…" His voice was gentle as his wings stayed extended in a ferocious stance, daring anyone to try and come close to them. The game had stopped, and a few players were hovering nearby, but only one was brave enough to approach: Harry. He dismounted the broom, walking over, no longer scared of Draco, but he didn't disrupt the veela comforting its mate. Because it was working.


Draco slowly let his talons fade and reached out, stroking from her hairline down her forehead and to the tip of her nose, "Follow my finger…. Breath in…..." Tracing up, and then tracing down, "And breathe out…. In…. Out…" Slowly tracing. Her eyes grew heavy, and her panic subsided to exhaustion from the now lack of adrenaline.


Then Harry spoke, "Malfoy….? What the heck….?"


The boy looked up, his eyes charcoal black, but it disappeared when he saw who was speaking, "Not here. Not right now. I'm taking her to the hospital wing for a dose of calming draught, then I'll bring her back to our dorms. Try and get the stands calmed down. Oh, try and find my broom, would you?"


Before anyone could say anything, he walked to the edge, and just jumped off, easily gliding down, landing easily on his feet again. Draco ignored the people around him as he folded his wings down, only worried about Hermione as she sat there, still trembling a bit, her arms around his neck, face against his chest and pressed against his quidditch uniform. She hadn't ever touched him this much, much less snuggled against him. He knew something was wrong, clearly terribly wrong.


Hermione felt a sudden jolt and then a light breeze, wondering what had happened, slowly opening her eyes. As she looked over his shoulder, she saw his wings extended and slowly flapping every so often, and then when she looked fully out, she saw they were off the ground, gliding on an air current around the castle walls to get the quickest to the Hospital Wing. She wrapped her arms as tightly as she could around his neck, squeaking slightly when she saw the height. He smiled slightly as he touched down after gliding in through a window, walking directly through the massive doors into the hospital.


"Madam Pomfrey?" He asked gently, slowly letting Hermione stand on her own feet, but he held her tightly against his chest still, "Mada-"


"Yes, my dear boy, I'm coming!" The elderly mistress snapped from her office, "What do you- Oh…" Stopping as she saw the beautiful black wings that were extended out, filling the space.


"Yes…Mr. Malfoy...? What do you need…?"


He walked forwards with Hermione, "A calming draught, and one for later. And another week's worth of sleeping draught."


Pomfrey nodded and looked at Hermione as she stood there, just still and silent. Hermione closed her eyes and turned, leaning into his arms, thinking. Cormac McLaggen hadn't even bothered her since sixth year…. Why had he not stopped?


She sighed deeply, surprised that she felt safe right now, even with her heart still trying to stop racing, even after she had a near death experience. Hermione felt his hand rest on her back.


"Here, Hermione," he said gently, and he handed her a bottle of calming draught, "Take some of this."


She grasped the bottle and downed it, as Draco picked her up. She smiled slightly into his shoulder, loving how easily he just hauled her into his arms. She heard the clink of glasses as he tossed a bag over his shoulder, and then he started walking out. His wings folded against his back again, and she nuzzled against his shoulder pads slightly. Hermione felt very cuddly suddenly… And loved it. The calming draught had done its job and she had calmed very quickly, just leaning against him.


"Where are we going...?" She asked drowsily.


"Back to our common room Hermione…" He spoke gingerly, as Draco opened the door and walked inside.




He didn't answer for a moment, then, "Because you need to take a moment and have a break…. Somehow even when I am the one hundreds of feet in the air…You manage to plummet towards your death."


Draco walked to the couch, nodding to Harry who was sitting in the armchair. He sat Hermione down and tried to stand up, but she didn't let go.


"Hermione-" he muttered, trying to pry her hands off his neck, "Good god woman-" He stood up, pulling her up with him, before sitting down on the couch himself. Her head pressed onto his neck, touching his bare skin. His eyes went cloudy, and he suddenly wrapped his arms around her, sighing deeply.


"Woah you smell good…...Soooo good…."


Harry watched this, and quickly walked over, now having to pry Draco off Hermione, pulling her away. He pouted for a moment, before his vision cleared, and he blinked. He saw Harry holding Hermione's wrists, and the brunette looking up at her friend.


She just blabbed, "I forgot I couldn't touch his skin. It makes him go crazy, Harry. Like coocoo for me! Veela's are crazy right?" Looking at Draco, who had sunk deeply into the couch as she spoke, the fear overwhelming him.


Harry took in what she said, "Did you just say….Veela….?"


 [CD1]This is a moment I would want someone to draw fanart of, where they are sitting like this in Draco's room